
The big hospitals and health systems in backwater Oklahoma use a test kit that tests for Covid, strep and flu.
Wasn't Slow Joe supposed to protect us from the Wuhan, using Science! and Facts!

Wasn't that the entirety of his media-enabled, basement Hidin Biden campaign?

It seems the entirety of his "plan" was to use the vaccines already created via President Trump's Operation Warp Speed, and gravy train off that.

So aren't all the deaths since that glorious day on 20 Jan his fault? Where's CNN running death ticker to count Wuhan fatalities?

It's the same pattern as for various governors - all deaths in states run by Republicans are the Republicans fault, while all deaths in Democrat run states are an unavoidable tragedy, but comfort is found in the calm words of their governors, who win awards for press conferences:

Cuomo to receive Emmy Award for leadership amid pandemic

Or maybe not!!:

Andrew Cuomo stripped of special Emmy after resignation

Who else got a laugh from the use of the word "stripped" with regards to Gov Gropy Hands?
Wasn't Slow Joe supposed to protect us from the Wuhan, using Science! and Facts!

Wasn't that the entirety of his media-enabled, basement Hidin Biden campaign?

It seems the entirety of his "plan" was to use the vaccines already created via President Trump's Operation Warp Speed, and gravy train off that.

So aren't all the deaths since that glorious day on 20 Jan his fault? Where's CNN running death ticker to count Wuhan fatalities?

It's the same pattern as for various governors - all deaths in states run by Republicans are the Republicans fault, while all deaths in Democrat run states are an unavoidable tragedy, but comfort is found in the calm words of their governors, who win awards for press conferences:

Cuomo to receive Emmy Award for leadership amid pandemic

Or maybe not!!:

Andrew Cuomo stripped of special Emmy after resignation

Who else got a laugh from the use of the word "stripped" with regards to Gov Gropy Hands?

Now all deaths are due to White Supremacist MAGA supporters who are anti-vaxxers and Ivermectin users.
Ha ha. The story was total horse shît. Man, we got some ****-eating posters on here.

Rolling Stone 'Horse Dewormer' Hit-Piece Debunked After Hospital Says No Ivermectin Overdoses | ZeroHedge

According to Scott Schaeffer,managing director of the Oklahoma Center for Poison and Drug Information, "Since the beginning of May, we’ve received reports of 11 people being exposed to ivermectin

11 people. I love how Rolling Stone was showing people waiting outside an Oklahoma hospital with coats and jackets on. LOL!
Yet I know multiple people taking the livestock ****. One of my pharmacists father in law took it for over a year and his liver enzymes are wacky.

Funny though. I’m close friends with the CEO of NHS. We went to graduate school together and a group of 4-6 of us did lunch every Friday for 6-8 years. This guy is staffed as an ER doc as an employee of a staffing company. Sallisaw is 25 minutes from Ft. smith. Gunshots, MI, etc would be going to the tertiary hospitals initially. I would think that he’s referring to work at a much more rural location that it sounds like he’s working at. The state rep from Sallisaw is head of the OK gop and I bet he had a hand in this.

I spoke with our hospital administrator this morning. We have yet to have a vaccinated patient need a vent.
Oklahoma hospitals have started advertising their numbers since our governor is in a race with Noem, Desantis, etc to see who can kill the most of their constituents and would rather talk about Afghanistan and Indian legal matters.
Oklahoma hospitals have started advertising their numbers since our governor is in a race with Noem, Desantis, etc to see who can kill the most of their constituents and would rather talk about Afghanistan and Indian legal matters.

So your Hospital is political, you guys should be curing patients.
CDC is 100% corrupt! I’m sure it will come out soon, how corrupt Fauci is. With details. He’s going down!
Was texting earlier with a guy from work. He's sick and did a PCR test and no rona. Just the flu. Shocking.
I’m surprised the PCR didn’t pick up the Corona virus which flu is, and give a false positive. They have been changing the PCR from 42 amplifications down to around half that. Remember a goat, pig, and a piece of fruit tested positive with the PCR test last year. That was in Africa. Tanzania, where the President had that done by his health department, and was disappeared and found dead later on.
So your Hospital is political, you guys should be curing patients.
St. Francis, Hiilcrest, Baptist, etc. A. Not my hospitals. B. Not sure how that’s political. There are news stories on ICU access. The Governor hasn’t had a Covid press conference since March. They are trying to encourage patients to take care of their health. How we have allowed this to become political is beyond me.
The funny thing is y’all destroyed the notion of My Body My Choice, as seen with the new abortion laws. Maybe the Dems should think more than 1 move ahead.
Another one

As said by many of us, anyone taking the dewormer paste is just stupid. But fear can make one do stupid things and who brought on this fear?
Yet I know multiple people taking the livestock ****. One of my pharmacists father in law took it for over a year and his liver enzymes are wacky.
Oh I have no doubt that there are a lot of people heading into TSC and taking that horse paste. Don’t you think if major media outlets would cover the truth about some of these treatments that people would be a lot less likely to do stupid things like this?
Another one

As said by many of us, anyone taking the dewormer paste is just stupid. But fear can make one do stupid things and who brought on this fear?

You miss the point. This guy is working somewhere for the last two months. ER docs are travelers. It will come out where he’s been. I bet it’s a small town more than an hour away from Tulsa/ft smith/okc.

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