
You just said Ok hospitals , so I assumed all hospitals.

You stated Ok hospitals started advertising numbers when 3 R governors trying to kill their constituents. 2 of the governors don’t have any to with Ok, so I guess you made it political.
Well of course I made it political. Bubba gonna bubba. :)
Bull shît. It happened to me. It happened to two others I know at the office who tested positive while in Europe.
I assume they mean for every 5,000 positives, 1 is a breakthrough. it's behind the paywall.

We had 2/75 for our place. The thing is, even breakthrough infections result in reduced symptoms and a far better outcome, statistically. Why is this seen as some weakness of the vaccine?
We had 2/75 for our place. The thing is, even breakthrough infections result in reduced symptoms and a far better outcome, statistically. Why is this seen as some weakness of the vaccine?

Because the claim was that the vaccine would prevent transmission and allow far fewer infections?
Because the claim was that the vaccine would prevent transmission and allow far fewer infections?
People have fallen for it and continue to do so. It's just a flu shot type of shot. "Lessen the symptoms" to save hospitals from their own mismanagement.

Everyone live your life now being concerned with whether you will have an ICU bed for the inevitable car accident you will be in.
Of the 8,787 people who have died of COVID-19 in Texas since February, the state estimates only 43 were fully vaccinated — representing only 0.5 percent of deaths … Of those 43 who were vaccinated, nearly all were over age 60, and the vast majority — nearly 75 percent — were fighting a serious condition such as diabetes, high blood pressure or cancer.
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Perspective in Texas:

in 18 months -58,000 people died from Covid
from a population of 30

This is roughly out of 300 people only .5 person died ( only half a person) Chances are he was fat or old.
Was this worth all the shutdowns and vaccine gestapo??
This is over 18 months…
Perspective in Texas:

in 18 months -58,000 people died from Covid
from a population of 30

This is roughly out of 300 people only .5 person died ( only half a person) Chances are he was fat or old.
Was this worth all the shutdowns and vaccine gestapo??
This is over 18 months…
Of the 8,787 people who have died of COVID-19 in Texas since February, the state estimates only 43 were fully vaccinated — representing only 0.5 percent of deaths … Of those 43who were vaccinated, nearly all were over age 60, and the vast majority — nearly 75 percent — were fighting a serious condition such as diabetes, high blood pressure or cancer.

So you're telling us the vaccines don't work then.
D*** it. Grandson who plays soccer at Trevecca, tested positive, then next day tested negative but had to sit out from game because of the earlier positive. Sucks.
So you're telling us the vaccines don't work then.

Of the 8,787 people who have died of COVID-19 in Texas since February, the state estimates only 43 were fully vaccinated — representing only 0.5 percent of deaths … Of those 43 who were vaccinated, nearly all were over age 60, and the vast majority — nearly 75 percent — were fighting a serious condition such as diabetes, high blood pressure or cancer.

Do we know how many people got Cancer, had heart attacks, had blood clots, strokes, quickly from the vaccine? I don't think anyone is tracking those numbers.
Not counting the long term issues.
I have heard a lot of personal stories, people getting the vaccine and getting an issue or dying within the next week or 2. I can't seem to find anything from the medical or government community on this unfortunately.
Do we know how many people got Cancer, had heart attacks, had blood clots, strokes, quickly from the vaccine? I don't think anyone is tracking those numbers.
Not counting the long term issues.
I have heard a lot of personal stories, people getting the vaccine and getting an issue or dying within the next week or 2. I can't seem to find anything from the medical or government community on this unfortunately.
Anyone who is tracking would just be dismissed as loony.
Do we know how many people got Cancer, had heart attacks, had blood clots, strokes, quickly from the vaccine? I don't think anyone is tracking those numbers.
Not counting the long term issues.
I have heard a lot of personal stories, people getting the vaccine and getting an issue or dying within the next week or 2. I can't seem to find anything from the medical or government community on this unfortunately.
Issues are tracked. Our system has done more than 20,000 vaccines with Mitch no reportables you won’t believe that though.
Anyone who doubts the impact of Covid on Covid and non Covid patients should read up on “excess deaths”. They’ve not seen a dip like this since WWIi and 1918.
Say what? The impact of covid on covid?
Now they want to count all the extra suicides, murders, and heart attacks from the shutdown as Covid deaths lol.
I am waiting for the massive surge from 60 football games played Saturday with over 20,000 people together in the stadiums/bathrooms/ concessions/ after game bars.
Biden should be hiden in his basement bunker.

The numbers should hit the roof beyond anything we can imagine because of the New and improved Variant.
Do we know how many people got Cancer, had heart attacks, had blood clots, strokes, quickly from the vaccine? I don't think anyone is tracking those numbers.
Not counting the long term issues.
I have heard a lot of personal stories, people getting the vaccine and getting an issue or dying within the next week or 2. I can't seem to find anything from the medical or government community on this unfortunately.

Vaers Report:

Expect 1% reporting rate on vaccine adverse event report. So 4.5% death rate (<65 Male), with around a 1% reporting rate. Also in Isreal, the most vaccinated country in the world. They have higher death rates among the vaccinated than countries that were vaccinated sooner.

Now they want to count all the extra suicides, murders, and heart attacks from the shutdown as Covid deaths lol.
I am waiting for the massive surge from 60 football games played Saturday with over 20,000 people together in the stadiums/bathrooms/ concessions/ after game bars.
Biden should be hiden in his basement bunker.

The numbers should hit the roof beyond anything we can imagine because of the New and improved Variant.
No Mr. Worst Case Scenario. What I'm saying is this: I see many diminish the impact of covid. They say that people are re-categorizing every motorcycle accident, stroke, etc. as a covid death. That this is nothing more than another flu. And the flu went away. yada, yada, yada. What I'm saying is that looking at the "excess death" statistic highlights the actual impact of covid. That's all.
Vaers Report:

Expect 1% reporting rate on vaccine adverse event report. So 4.5% death rate (<65 Male), with around a 1% reporting rate. Also in Isreal, the most vaccinated country in the world. They have higher death rates among the vaccinated than countries that were vaccinated sooner.

So 207,000,000 people have been vaccinated with at least one dose. 54,000,000 are identified as 65+ and they're vaccinated at a rate of 87% with one dose. A projected death rate with no regard to covid for that age group is 3,916 per 100,000. So if you take 1/4 of that figure to account for when someone might enter a death into VAERS the number could be as high as 460,000. I know nursing home residents were a priority. You know how often you see an ambulance at a nursing home pre-Covid? Often. Sadly, that's where we pigeon hole our elderly for their last days. To ascribe these statistics above to some vaccine murder tool or even a failure is ludicrous.
Oklahoma Doctor At Center Of Viral Ivermectin Story Says Report Is Wrong This guy has apparently been working at Grove ER and hasn't been at NHS for months.

A nurse that works for me had 6 patients on either bipap or vents last weekend that couldn't be transferred to ICU's. She also had one on the floor who was in liver failure and blind after a year of ivermectin and not a candidate for transplant. Vaccine might have been a better choice than horse dewormer.
For more recent numbers on the local level, WakeMed released vaccination numbers last week for its COVID-19 patients.
Of its 171 COVID patients, 150, or 87%, were unvaccinated. Of the 44 people in WakeMed ICUs, 40 hadn’t received their shot.
And of the 33 patients needing a ventilator, all but four were not vaccinated.

Roughly 90% unvaxxed with serious covid complications. This will be drop to 50% as more people are vaxxed or immune. Notice they never give age distribution. But those 5 year olds need vaxxing!!!
More data from Kentucky on age distribution of those hospitalized or who died of covid. Apparently people under 40 don’t need to be vaccinated from a public health perspective. So why are the health organizations and the media pushing vaccinations on young people? The data doesn’t support it.
Oklahoma Doctor At Center Of Viral Ivermectin Story Says Report Is Wrong This guy has apparently been working at Grove ER and hasn't been at NHS for months.

A nurse that works for me had 6 patients on either bipap or vents last weekend that couldn't be transferred to ICU's. She also had one on the floor who was in liver failure and blind after a year of ivermectin and not a candidate for transplant. Vaccine might have been a better choice than horse dewormer.

Good to know the doctor wasn't lying. The media "exaggerated" his story.
Vaccine might have been a better choice than horse dewormer.

Bubba. Describing Ivermectin as horse dewormer makes me doubt your ability to do your job as a doctor. Ivermectin has been used in humans for, I think, 15 years. It received a Nobel Prize in 2015, I think. It's a gross mischaracterization of the drug, whether or not it is a great therapy for COVID. However, there are 3 new studies that say it is efficacious.

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