
Universal vaccination could very likely create a super-virus that can't be stopped.

Better to allow natural immunity to be developed in the population. You do that by doing nothing.
So, we're going to apply the "my body, my choice" in Texas too?

What's lost in that distorted logic is that a pregnant woman having a choice is only impacting themselves and their life. A COVID carrier is impacting everyone around them, potentially with lethal consequences.
What's lost in that distorted logic is that a pregnant woman having a choice is only impacting themselves and their life. A COVID carrier is impacting everyone around them, potentially with lethal consequences.

Haha- you forgot about actually killing a live being in the abortion part...for yeah they roto rooter it out....not potential ********.
My body my choice:

1) Abortion - kill a viable baby?
2) Covid - pass on the disease to someone who dies from it?

Delta made (2) moot. Vaccinated people get sick (I did) and can pass it on. Only reason to get vaxxed is to avoid hospitalization and death.
Well there you go, “protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated”, nothing divisive there. I did not know the virus could only be passed from an unvaccinated to a vaccinated person, hmm breakthroughs are pretty selective infections I reckon.
Biden really wants everyone vaccinated so much that everything negative is due to non vaccinated heretics. They are unpatriotic and soon, if he has his way, nonvaxxed will be criminals. So much for natural immunity my fellow Americans.
What's lost in that distorted logic is that a pregnant woman having a choice is only impacting themselves and their life. A COVID carrier is impacting everyone around them, potentially with lethal consequences.

An unvaxxed person MIGHT pass the sniffles on to someone who MIGHT have some manner of consequence. MOST of those persons with a consequence WILL survive.

As a general rule, if the abortion provider is proficient at the procedure, 100% of the kids will die. There is ALSO risk to the mother. And, let us not forget the potential mental impact upon the father-to-be who did not always get a choice in the final decision despite being a part of the equation...
Biden using EO to make very small companies require employees to vaccinate. As if employers are not already struggling, the economy is going to tank. He and anyone who supports him are f’ing idiots.
On another forum, someone just said the unvaccinated are the new lepers. I said, yes, to mental midgets, that is true. Otherwise, to sane people, they are just adults exercising their freedom of choice to decide what drugs to take.

But, that guy is notoriously a stupid, idiotic troll, as if there is any other kind of troll.
Why only vaccinate some Americans? Let’s line everyone up or put them in prison. You know best Joe. Just like your Afghanistan plan and border crisis plan. GD liberals will kill America.
We have a shortage of healthcare workers. Across the board, 20% of healthcare workers have chosen not to get vaccinated. This problem is getting exacerbated.

Oh, and our federal government funded the creation of this virus. Let that sink in.
On another forum, someone just said the unvaccinated are the new lepers. I said, yes, to mental midgets, that is true. Otherwise, to sane people, they are just adults exercising their freedom of choice to decide what drugs to take.

But, that guy is notoriously a stupid, idiotic troll, as if there is any other kind of troll.
Some trolls get pissy and just disappear.
After months of using promotions to drive the vaccination rate, Biden is taking a much firmer hand, as he blames people who have not yet received shots for the sharp rise in cases killing more than 1,000 people per day and imperiling a fragile economic rebound.

Only people over age of 50 to blame yet he pushes vaccines on children. And delta surge wouldn’t imperial the economic recovery if he stopped the fear porn by scaring moms of 5 year olds.

Biden’s measures should help, but what’s really needed is a change in mindset for many people, said Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, vice dean at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore.
“There is an aspect to this now that has to do with our country being so divided,” said Sharfstein. “This has become so politicized that people can’t see the value of a vaccination that can save their lives. Our own divisions are preventing us from ending a pandemic.”

There is likely no value of the vaccine for children. Nothing but lies. Also, those who had covid don’t need vaccines.
Biden is making the announcement for mandatory federal testing today because they know it’s peaking and he wants to take credit when it falls.
Biden wants the media to avoid the greatest military failure in American history to get out of the news. He should resign. Most despicable POTUS ever.
I think the government should mandate birth control for unmarried females. That would stem poverty, crime and abortion. Prove me wrong.

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