
Where is the data on age distribution? Where is the comparable data for those who were infected?

There were more breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths than during the spring, but not to a dramatic extent given the broadening of vaccination. Between June 20 and July 17, vaccinated people accounted for 14 percent of hospitalizations for covid-19, the disease caused by the virus, and 16 percent of deaths, roughly double the percentage seen in the spring, the CDC reported.

In 6 months, it’s likely vaccinated folks will make up 50% of those hospitalized with covid.

An increased percentage of vaccinated people among those who are hospitalized or die would be expected when they account for a greater proportion of the population. The CDC said its data showed only a very small decline in protection against severe disease and death when the higher vaccination rates were taken into account.

Bull ****. 76% adults already have 1 dose. Going to 85% won’t change the percentages much. It’s the decline in protection that will cause this.

The numbers reported Friday were a reminder of how top government health officials, as well as Biden, have repeatedly used outdated CDC information, saying breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths are extremely rare. Their message — that vaccinations are hugely beneficial — is largely supported by the new studies, but they were relying on data that did not capture the effects of delta, relaxed public behavior and naturally declining immunity.

Holy cow! WP calls Biden a ducking liar
So Biden et all issues the ridiculous EO
Which does not apply to Congress or the Juducial.
Pelosi has already said the House could not order its members to get vaxxed
Hospitalization and death depend mainly on 4 factors: vaccination, age, underlying health, and prior infection. The WP article only talks about 1 of 4 factors and ignores the other 3. Thus, the article is 75% false at least.
A positive case is just that. Deaths are the key metric. What’s that look like? I’m out today doing homecoming queen stuff.

That I don't know. However, 50% of the ICU in Israel is fully vaccinated. According to Mchammer's graph the Covid rate in Israel is 2X ours here in the States.
Biden's Afghan debacle and the EO have pretty much sealed the 2022 midterms for Republicans in my opinion.

I hope so, but my guess is the texas abortion law is going to be the match that strikes the fire amongst liberals nationwide. Expect cover from the msm.

Right now the dems are in a really bad spot, but then again I thought the same thing after benghazi and the kavanaugh hearings
Can’t be true Mc, because well just can’t be.

Anyone know of study showing the chances of reinfection of a recovered person vs a breakthrough infected person? Bubba?
Wondering for obvious reason of why there are no attempts to distinguish among nonvaxxed that have already recovered from the virus. Biden’s deliberate effort to turn all vaxxed Americans against nonvaxxed is extremely irksome imo.
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So if I understand the science behind infection data, today should be the start of some serious case loads due to the super spreaders last Saturday, correct? I sure hope not cause I don’t want Biden’s new decrees to put and end to attendance this season.
Can’t be true Mc, because well just can’t be.

Anyone know of study showing the chances of reinfection of a recovered person vs a breakthrough infected person? Bubba?
Wondering for obvious reason of why there are no attempts to distinguish among nonvaxxed that have already recovered from the virus. Biden’s deliberate effort to turn all vaxxed Americans against nonvaxxed is extremely irksome imo.
Even CNN is calling out the lies:

Fauci: No "Firm Answer" On Why Americans Who Recovered From COVID-19 Should Get Vaccinated | ZeroHedge

The real-world study, conducted by Israeli researchers, found that previous COVID-19 infection confers better protection against infection and hospitalization than COVID-19 vaccines.

Fauci, the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was asked Friday about the research in the context of convincing people who have natural immunity, or recovered from COVID-19, to get vaccinated.

“I get calls all the time people say, ‘I’ve already had COVID, I’m protected.’ And now the study says maybe even more protected than the vaccine alone. Should they also get the vaccine? How do you make the case to them?” Dr. Sanjay Gupta asked Fauci during an appearance on CNN.

“I don’t have a really firm answer for you on that,” Fauci responded.

“That’s something that we’re going to have to discuss regarding the durability of the response. The one thing that paper from Israel didn’t tell you is whether or not—as high as the protection is with natural infection—what’s the durability compared to the durability of a vaccine? So it is conceivable that you got infected, you’re protected, but you may not be protected for an indefinite period of time,” he continued.

“So I think that is something that we need to sit down and discuss seriously because you very appropriately pointed out, it is an issue, and there could be an argument for saying what you said.”
Can’t be true Mc, because well just can’t be.

Anyone know of study showing the chances of reinfection of a recovered person vs a breakthrough infected person? Bubba?
Wondering for obvious reason of why there are no attempts to distinguish among nonvaxxed that have already recovered from the virus. Biden’s deliberate effort to turn all vaxxed Americans against nonvaxxed is extremely irksome imo.
It’s obvious the attempt to vaccinate folks is not data driven.
Even CNN is calling out the lies:

Fauci: No "Firm Answer" On Why Americans Who Recovered From COVID-19 Should Get Vaccinated | ZeroHedge

The real-world study, conducted by Israeli researchers, found that previous COVID-19 infection confers better protection against infection and hospitalization than COVID-19 vaccines.

Fauci, the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was asked Friday about the research in the context of convincing people who have natural immunity, or recovered from COVID-19, to get vaccinated.

“I get calls all the time people say, ‘I’ve already had COVID, I’m protected.’ And now the study says maybe even more protected than the vaccine alone. Should they also get the vaccine? How do you make the case to them?” Dr. Sanjay Gupta asked Fauci during an appearance on CNN.

“I don’t have a really firm answer for you on that,” Fauci responded.

“That’s something that we’re going to have to discuss regarding the durability of the response. The one thing that paper from Israel didn’t tell you is whether or not—as high as the protection is with natural infection—what’s the durability compared to the durability of a vaccine? So it is conceivable that you got infected, you’re protected, but you may not be protected for an indefinite period of time,” he continued.

“So I think that is something that we need to sit down and discuss seriously because you very appropriately pointed out, it is an issue, and there could be an argument for saying what you said.”

Sounds like an "I don't know" answer from fauci. That's a new tact for him. Maybe him being caught in a lie in a senate hearing has him a bit more cautious in front of a microphone now
Entirely anecdotal but worth mentioning. I found out yesterday that my sister-in-law (Mrs. Deez's sister) has Covid. She is not vaccinated. She got it from her husband (who is fully vaccinated), and he got at a business meeting from a fully vaccinated woman. She gave it to two other fully vaccinated people.

My sister-in-law got sick but wasn't hospitalized. Her husband had no symptoms. The woman who gave it to him had allergy-like symptoms. Of the other two vaccinated people she gave it to, one had moderate symptoms. The other had no symptoms.
Similar story to Deez's. One of my tenants got Covid. She wasn't vaccinated but she gave it to her husband who was. She said she wouldn't want to go through that again.
Hope she is okay. It is different for everyone who gets it.

She owns a German restaurant (she rents the building from me). There's no telling who she got it from since she interacts with so many people. She said she's never experienced anything like it before.

She did the right thing and shut the business down until she completely recovered.
She owns a German restaurant (she rents the building from me). There's no telling who she got it from since she interacts with so many people. She said she's never experienced anything like it before.

She did the right thing and shut the business down until she completely recovered.

Is there a German restaurant in the Temple/Belton area?
Entirely anecdotal but worth mentioning. I found out yesterday that my sister-in-law (Mrs. Deez's sister) has Covid. She is not vaccinated. She got it from her husband (who is fully vaccinated), and he got at a business meeting from a fully vaccinated woman. She gave it to two other fully vaccinated people.

My sister-in-law got sick but wasn't hospitalized. Her husband had no symptoms. The woman who gave it to him had allergy-like symptoms. Of the other two vaccinated people she gave it to, one had moderate symptoms. The other had no symptoms.

Glad none of them were badly affected! And to be honest that's the usual outcome.

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