
One more here and then I’ll stop beating this thoroughly de-wormed horse…

Doctors report drug ivermectin proving effective as treatment against COVID despite media backlash
I have no doubt that the people in the hospital with this are NOT taking it under the direction of a physician.

The only person with a prescription pad I know recommending ivermectin is the mom of a RN who works for me. Her daughter disagrees.

Additionally, taking it for 7-14 days to treat symptoms when you have the virus is a whole other thing than taking it regularly as a prohylactic to prevent you from catching it.
You miss the point. This guy is working somewhere for the last two months. ER docs are travelers. It will come out where he’s been. I bet it’s a small town more than an hour away from Tulsa/ft smith/okc.

Who is this character, some sort of ER Doc hobo who wanders the earth with his stethoscope and tongue depressor in a handkerchief on a stick, and we have to wait till he surfaces again to hear about the swath of death in rural OK hospitals?

One character calls into a local TV news station with lurid reports of bodies in the street, and since it fits into the narrative of "those stupid hicks" every media outlet runs with it, with zero fact checking, such as actually calling the hospitals in question?

Now the hospital he does work for put out this statement, which basically says he's a lying:

However, since the beginning of May, Oklahoma Center for Poison and Drug Information has been flooded, just flooded, with calls about issues from ivermectin.

A whole whopping 11.

Oklahoma Center for Poison and Drug Information receiving more calls …

This is as embarrassing as Dan Rather's "Fake but accurate!!!" forged memo's about GW Bush's National Guard service - you remember, those ones supposedly from 1973 that mysteriously used the exact same font, size, and letter spacing as MS Word's default setting.

As for Florida, they have a long, long way to go to get to NJ and NY's death rates, which are 303 and 279 per 100k, compared to FL's 205. And I wonder if this even counts the extra 10,000 Wuhan deaths that St. Gov. Cuomo covered up, with zero media interests, even after it was admitted.

5 of the top 6 states with the worst death rates have Democrat governors. But as above, all deaths in states with D governors are an unavoidable tragedy, while all deaths in R states are directly the governors fault.
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I'll give you the answer since you are having such trouble. It was Democrat Party aligned bureaucrats, politicians, and media personalities. They made it ugly and political.

The medical community has disgraced itself during the virus, so it's no surprise that a good percentage of the country thinks they are nothing but political hacks, who pump out whatever statements the ruling class wants. And hard to disagree when they've said these whoppers:
  • The Wuhan virus is no big issue.
  • It may be an issue, but we'll deal with it the way we always have, and masks don't work.
  • OK we lied about masks, but only so you rubes don't go and buy them all. Now you must wear them at all times.
  • It's racialist to call the Wuhan the Wuhan, and you only must call it by its scientific name. The fact that China is pushing the same line is pure co-incidence.
  • The coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, couldn't possibly have come from the Coronavirus research lab in Wuhan, China, and to say otherwise is a wild conspiracy theory, which no less that Polifact called a Pants on Fire lie.
  • Shutdowns are the best and only way to combat the spread, and if you lose your business and life savings, the government will put you on welfare so you'll be OK. Meanwhile we don't lose our jobs, pensions, or a single retirement point.
  • Just Two Weeks to Slow the Spread!!!
  • 30 Days to Flatten the Curve!!!
  • There is a 10% outdoor transmission rate - wear your mask outside!
  • It's wrong and dangerous to protest against the shutdowns, you'll spread the virus and kill people.
  • It's OK to protest though for approved causes like the Burn Loot Movement - you won't spread the virus and it's very important to pack the streets and scream slogans at the top of your lungs.
  • But it's dangerous for churches to hold in-person ceremonies - you'll spread the virus.
  • OK maybe a bit more than 30 days to flatten the curve - like 16 months.
  • Actually, we were off a bit - there's only a 1% outdoor transmission rate, but on a log scale (which you rubes don't know anything about) it's not that big of a mistake.
  • It's not possible to create a vaccine by the end of the year, it'll take years, and President Trump's Operation Warp Speed is a joke.
  • The vaccine is is wonderful and all must take it, even those under 30 in good shape, and with a minuscule risk or virus effects.
  • You should still wear masks for ???? reasons.
  • This vaccine, developed in a year though we said that was impossible, and produced under emergency rules and with liability waivers to the manufactures, is perfectly safe.
  • OK maybe, maybe the coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, might have come from the Coronavirus research lab in Wuhan, China, we'll see which way the wind blows politically before we say anything else.
  • You must wear masks on all airplanes, even if you're vaccinated, unless you're an elected Democrat running away from your duties, in which case we won't talk about it.
  • You should get the vaccine, so you don't have to wear a mask and can go back to normal.
  • You should get the vaccine, but wear a mask anyway, even though there's no real world data to show they do anything.
  • You should wear two masks.
  • Parents should wear masks at home with their kids (!), so that they don't spread the Wuhan to them, and also so they they can become emotionally disturbed from never seeing their parents faces.
  • People should not go to the Sturgis motorcycle rally - you'll spread the virus. Just let your business go bankrupt and the government will put you on welfare - meanwhile I, St. Dr. Fauci, hasn't lost a paycheck or a single retirement point.
  • We Experts!!! though will be quiet as a church mouse about hundreds of people flying in on private gets to celebrate King Barry's birthday. He's a prime Party Member in Good Standing, and the CDC says nothing about those people.
  • We are also silent about the possible impact of 250,000 people a month running across the border, all from countries with miniscule vaccination rates, with up to 40% of them actually having the Wuhan. We realize that these are replacement voters for Americans who are not always reliable in their voting choices, and so should be welcomed into the country with open arms and no virus testing.
  • Things like liberty are overrated, and should be discarded, as our St. said: "Put aside all of these issues of concern about liberties and personal liberties and realize we have a common enemy and that common enemy is the virus."
  • We should go back to masks and lockdowns - since they didn't work last time, they're bound to this time, via the law of averages!
  • We shall again be quiet as church mice about flying in 50-100 thousand Afghans, from a country with about zero vaccinations, and being packed together 800 in a plane. We will also not insist on any testing or quarantining of these people, as the ruling class has decided they are all wonderful angles.
  • However, if you, an US citizen, have not been vaccinated, you should not travel, not even to visit someone across town.
  • No matter how many times we're wrong, or have lied to you, you're a stupid Science Denier! if you don't listen to us now.
  • SCIENCE!!!
And look at the increase of cases, in orange, in this state. It's out of control and shows a total disregard to the people's health and safety. Must be one of them their red states.

Oh wait, that's completely Democrat run Virginia.

Well, it was, as Joe Biden so proudly said of his state, a slave state. Surely those well run Yankee states like Vermont will show a nice flat, safe Wuhan case rate, indicating sane Democrat rule (I know the gov is a R but he's as worthless of a RINO as you can get):

Well, VT shows you even a RINO Gov will still lead to death and ruin. Now a fully Democrat run state like New Jersey will show sanity and safety from the Wuhan:

Apparently okies don't understand facts.
Buuba has yet afaik to admit the whacko Doc he couldn't wait to post in here is a liar. Or explained where all the gunshot okies went for treatment
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And here's Florida for completeness. Shows the same up exponential up and down pattern as the other states It's almost like there's very little that can be done to cut down on transmission - it's just a matter of how much you ruin your economy, and the livelihood of those who don't have government jobs, or who can't work behind a computer all day (so, no one in the ruling class).
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Who is this character, some sort of ER Doc hobo who wanders the earth with his stethoscope and tongue depressor in a handkerchief on a stick, and we have to wait till he surfaces again to hear about the swath of death in rural OK hospitals?

One character calls into a local TV news station with lurid reports of bodies in the street, and since it fits into the narrative of "those stupid hicks" every media outlet runs with it, with zero fact checking, such as actually calling the hospitals in question?

Now the hospital he does work for put out this statement, which basically says he's a lying:


I hate to dogpile on poor Bubba (LIE!) BUT, here's the statement from BlueAnon's hero doc's hospital>>

Message from the administration of Northeastern Health System - Sequoyah:
Although Dr. Jason McElyea is not an employee of NHS Sequoyah, he is affiliated with a medical staffing group that provides coverage for our emergency room.

With that said, Dr. McElyea has not worked at our Sallisaw location in over 2 months.

NHS Sequoyah has not treated any patients due to complications related to taking ivermectin. This includes not treating any patients for ivermectin overdose.

All patients who have visited our emergency room have received medical attention as appropriate. Our hospital has not had to turn away any patients seeking emergency care.

We want to reassure our community that our staff is working hard to provide quality healthcare to all patients. We appreciate the opportunity to clarify this issue and as always, we value our community’s support.
Texas more or less peaked 8/22 but more and more people are getting tested. We are at 1M a week now. Still at a peak but it's flattened peak. Should still come down in a few weeks after people get more comfortable with schools being open. Hospitalizations and deaths have peaked too this weekend.
Who is this character, some sort of ER Doc hobo who wanders the earth with his stethoscope and tongue depressor in a handkerchief on a stick, and we have to wait till he surfaces again to hear about the swath of death in rural OK hospitals?

One character calls into a local TV news station with lurid reports of bodies in the street, and since it fits into the narrative of "those stupid hicks" every media outlet runs with it, with zero fact checking, such as actually calling the hospitals in question?

Now the hospital he does work for put out this statement, which basically says he's a lying:

However, since the beginning of May, Oklahoma Center for Poison and Drug Information has been flooded, just flooded, with calls about issues from ivermectin.

A whole whopping 11.

Oklahoma Center for Poison and Drug Information receiving more calls …

This is as embarrassing as Dan Rather's "Fake but accurate!!!" forged memo's about GW Bush's National Guard service - you remember, those ones supposedly from 1973 that mysteriously used the exact same font, size, and letter spacing as MS Word's default setting.

As for Florida, they have a long, long way to go to get to NJ and NY's death rates, which are 303 and 279 per 100k, compared to FL's 205. And I wonder if this even counts the extra 10,000 Wuhan deaths that St. Gov. Cuomo covered up, with zero media interests, even after it was admitted.

5 of the top 6 states with the worst death rates have Democrat governors. But as above, all deaths in states with D governors are an unavoidable tragedy, while all deaths in R states are directly the governors fault.
I guess you’re not familiar with ER docs.
Lots of super spreaders this weekend. After all the football games we should be doomed. Right Fauci? Hookem.

Why isn't this receiving more attention? I watched a lot of football this weekend and barely saw any masks. Based on demographics approximately 50% of those fans are democrats.
Why isn't this receiving more attention? I watched a lot of football this weekend and barely saw any masks. Based on demographics approximately 50% of those fans are democrats.
Outside. Also, the rate of democrats who care as much about sports is not as high as you think it is. Look at this place for an example.
Haha, please explain why being outside but in close proximity magically prevents contagious viruses from being spread to other people. You can't.

This is why any mask rules are stupid.
I can attest with certainty the number of masked were wayyyyy less than 50%. And while outside the close contact was in stadium and in concession lines. The Terrace club in NEZ was packed just like the old days.
I can attest with certainty the number of masked were wayyyyy less than 50%. And while outside the close contact was in stadium and in concession lines. The Terrace club in NEZ was packed just like the old days.
And whomever contracted the dreaded wuhan flu will most likely only know if they decide to get tested even though no symptoms are present. Or mild symptoms at best for the majority.
Here is my personal experience with COVID.

My Case Of COVID
Your stomach was unsettled because the body pumps out histamine during colds and that increases stomach acid. My wife got covid without the benefit of vaccination as well about 2 weeks ago. Her fever returned about 12 days after symptoms - up to that point she was getting better too, just like you, but she didn’t get the antibody treatment. As I posted to you last week, you need that fever in day 10-14 to kill the remaining virus. Up to then, the body is learning how to fight the virus.
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Mona thanks for sharing your circumstance. I wish I’d kept a journal of my contracting it and subsequent recovery. My initial exposure matched yours with the back and hip pain, then the fatigue. I was fortunate my fever never went above 99.5 and only for two days. As I’ve mentioned on here before I did take hydroxychloroquine for a 7 day, two off, then 5 day regime. After 12-14 days primary physician (first visit) loaded me with a Zithromax and steroids and pain Med for hip. Wish I hadn’t done the steroid though cause couldn’t sleep and anxiety. Took a good 6 weeks before I truest felt ‘over’ it. Dr wouldn’t say it but family is convinced the sciatica and resulting perineal nerve issues I experienced later were from the Covid.
Oklahoma hospitals have started advertising their numbers since our governor is in a race with Noem, Desantis, etc to see who can kill the most of their constituents

You just said Ok hospitals , so I assumed all hospitals.

You stated Ok hospitals started advertising numbers when 3 R governors trying to kill their constituents. 2 of the governors don’t have anything to do with Ok, so I guess you made it political.
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