Who is this character, some sort of ER Doc hobo who wanders the earth with his stethoscope and tongue depressor in a handkerchief on a stick, and we have to wait till he surfaces again to hear about the swath of death in rural OK hospitals?
One character calls into a local TV news station with lurid reports of bodies in the street, and since it fits into the narrative of "those stupid hicks" every media outlet runs with it, with zero fact checking, such as actually calling the hospitals in question?
Now the hospital he does work for put out this statement, which basically says he's a lying:
However, since the beginning of May, Oklahoma Center for Poison and Drug Information has been flooded, just flooded, with calls about issues from ivermectin.
A whole whopping 11.
Oklahoma Center for Poison and Drug Information receiving more calls …
This is as embarrassing as Dan Rather's "Fake but accurate!!!" forged memo's about GW Bush's National Guard service - you remember, those ones supposedly from 1973 that mysteriously used the exact same font, size, and letter spacing as MS Word's default setting.
As for Florida, they have a long, long way to go to get to NJ and NY's death rates, which are 303 and 279 per 100k, compared to FL's 205. And I wonder if this even counts the extra 10,000 Wuhan deaths that St. Gov. Cuomo covered up, with zero media interests, even after it was admitted.
5 of the top 6 states with the worst death rates have Democrat governors. But as above, all deaths in states with D governors are an unavoidable tragedy, while all deaths in R states are directly the governors fault.