
Saw a Dr on TV saying he used ivermectin on cattle but it was absurd to use on humans.

Having been a 3-time cancer patient, I've had several conversations over the years with Oncologists, surgeons, Endocrinologists, nurses etc.... to a person they all manage the stupidity of the American public. They have to say things knowing that the idiots will not do the right thing.
Saw a Dr on TV saying he used ivermectin on cattle but it was absurd to use on humans. This is what is causing credibility issues, why did he not simply say he was not in favor of it for Covid treatment instead of implying it was never used for humans. He is either ignorant of its uses or just wanting to pile on the implied ignorance of those with whom he disagrees. This is the kind of Dr/scientist that gripes me.
Because the PUBLIC is self medicating as a freaking prophylactic measure.

Also, in the latest ivermectin news from eastern oklahomastan. One of my Pharmacist's father in law is a right wing nutjob. Been taking the ivermectin for the last year. Turns out his liver enzymes are ******. Whoda thunk it? He's also going to make his own hydro...whatever the hell that med is - Walter White style.
Ok I'll play. I caught it, got over it, moved on with my life. Some lingering issues exist, but I don't ***** and whine about.

How about you?

I realize you're all man. You don't have to prove it to me. You were lucky. You had no idea how you'd react and if you stayed home and got well without any need of assistance then you can now brag. If you went to the doctor and exposed them, then you lost in this game.

The problem is if you display your bravado to others, who have no idea how they'll react, then you are influencing them. Is that right?
I realize you're all man. You don't have to prove it to me. You were lucky. You had no idea how you'd react and if you stayed home and got well without any need of assistance then you can now brag. If you went to the doctor and exposed them, then you lost in this game.

The problem is if you display your bravado to others, who have no idea how they'll react, then you are influencing them. Is that right?
Some people get laid up in bed from breathing mountain cedar. Some never knew they inhaled it. Has nothing to do with bravado.
I realize you're all man. You don't have to prove it to me. You were lucky. You had no idea how you'd react and if you stayed home and got well without any need of assistance then you can now brag. If you went to the doctor and exposed them, then you lost in this game.

The problem is if you display your bravado to others, who have no idea how they'll react, then you are influencing them. Is that right?

Bravado? Dude I'm just telling you the truth. So did HIC. No drama here, just telling you how I, as well as 99 percent of folks that caught it, handled it. The drama is coming from you, not me.
Some people get laid up in bed from breathing mountain cedar. Some never knew they inhaled it. Has nothing to do with bravado.

Mtn cedar is one of the reasons I'm cool with retiring in east texas soon. It's not my first choice, but it's the only area I go to from Xmas to mid March where I'm not dead on my *** 1/4 the time
Saw a Dr on TV saying he used ivermectin on cattle but it was absurd to use on humans. This is what is causing credibility issues, why did he not simply say he was not in favor of it for Covid treatment instead of implying it was never used for humans. He is either ignorant of its uses or just wanting to pile on the implied ignorance of those with whom he disagrees. This is the kind of Dr/scientist that gripes me.

Most all the Doctors in the US got in the practice for the money…think about that before you listen to their asses.
Bravado? Dude I'm just telling you the truth. So did HIC. No drama here, just telling you how I, as well as 99 percent of folks that caught it, handled it. The drama is coming from you, not me.

You're calling people who don't want to die from it whiners. That's why I said what I said. You have no idea why you survived or if you put others at risk. It just doesn't matter to you.
I am immuno-compromised due to my Leukemia. Everyone at Texas Oncology and MD Anderson is preaching vaccines, not just for me but for everyone. Every Oncologist that I've consulted and on down the ranks.

Is it a conspiracy?

Occam's Razor.

I think not.
You're calling people who don't want to die from it whiners. That's why I said what I said. You have no idea why you survived or if you put others at risk. It just doesn't matter to you.

Don't recall calling anybody a whiner, but I'm getting really close now. I'll just quit here

The rest of the above post is too much drama. Have a good'n
Most all the Doctors in the US got in the practice for the money…think about that before you listen to their asses.

My wife went in today for a really bad ear infection. She hurt so bad she cried in pain, literally the past 2 nights . 3:15 appointment. Wasn't seen until 4pm. These people need to run their business better than this. Her experiences matches mine of late. Takes forever to get seen

Over booking may pad their pockets, but it's a lousy practice
Most all the Doctors in the US got in the practice for the money…think about that before you listen to their asses.
If profit margin was their motivation they would be dissuading vaccines. Prevention is cost effective and not in their financial interest except for keeping their patients alive.
Ok I'll play. I caught it, got over it, moved on with my life. Some lingering issues exist, but I don't ***** and whine about.

How about you?


You said it and you said it to ridicule people in an attempt to marginalize the reality of the situation...

I'm done too.

But the threat is real and if someone who is so bent on proving this is nothing passes it on to me then it could be the end. But I'm only in the 1% or less so it doesn't matter I guess. My life.... too bad for me.
If this Covid testing facility is receiving state/federal funding (tax payer money) I wouldn't say it's the same thing as a cake baker.
My understanding is a privately owned company. They reserve the right to serve. They’re not an emergency room so EMTALA won’t apply. Pour one out for the freedom and F your feelings crowd.
Imagine someone in healthcare promoting the denying of healthcare as something good or funny. Then backing it up with support or humor for aborting babies. Today’s democrat party.
This continued narrative that is equating Ivermectin that is prescribed for people with the entirely different version used on livestock is laughable and intellectually dishonest.

“there is a Nobel-prize-winning, FDA-approved version of ivermectin for human consumption. In fact, ivermectin, touted as a "wonder drug" in the Journal of Antibiotics, was shown in both in-vitro and in-vivo studies long before the COVID-19 pandemic to have strong antiviral as well as antiparasitic properties. And since the spring of 2020, ivermectin – which is on the World Health Organization's list of essential medicines and is being administered to refugees entering the U.S. – has been the subject of 113 published studies presenting statistically significant evidence indicating it is safe and effective for both treating and preventing COVID-19.

Full article here
Media mock users of 'populist' COVID drug with bogus 'horse paste' claim
This continued narrative that is equating Ivermectin that is prescribed for people with the entirely different version used on livestock is laughable and intellectually dishonest.

“there is a Nobel-prize-winning, FDA-approved version of ivermectin for human consumption. In fact, ivermectin, touted as a "wonder drug" in the Journal of Antibiotics, was shown in both in-vitro and in-vivo studies long before the COVID-19 pandemic to have strong antiviral as well as antiparasitic properties. And since the spring of 2020, ivermectin – which is on the World Health Organization's list of essential medicines and is being administered to refugees entering the U.S. – has been the subject of 113 published studies presenting statistically significant evidence indicating it is safe and effective for both treating and preventing COVID-19.

Full article here
Media mock users of 'populist' COVID drug with bogus 'horse paste' claim

Oklahoma's ERs are so backed up with people overdosing on ivermectin, gunshot victims are having to wait to be treated

Of course, this is Oklahoma so what does that tell you?

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