
Sooner gonna Sooner...

I'm over feeling bad for people who put themselves into this. I didn't realize I grew up with so many virologists/military planning experts until just this year.
So, I'm not "vaccinated". If I get sick from covid, you don't care, but I am supposed to care about not getting covid to save ICU beds for drug addicts, fat asses, etc.

Got it.

Nephew and new wife are stuck in Cancun. "Vaccinated" but still had to test even though not sick. Tested positive. Can't come back now. Could have flown to Florida and not had to test. Is Mexican covid worse?

How do you covid shot pushers not see how retarded this all is?
Do the same trick for ICU beds and deaths. I'll wait. Positive cases is not a good metric in a meandering virus. ICU usage, ventilator usage, deaths. Those are the things that vaccinations keep at bay.

My own personal gripe: I'd just be happy if the charts had a source or even a legend on the Y axis. Those charts are a nightmare for data visualization standards. Note that @Garmel is posting a lawyer that is reposting an author (wrote a book about Silicon Valley fortunes gained/lost). The data may or may not be accurate but why is it so hard to go the source for charts like this? There are plenty of formal agencies that are gathering and producing the data with insightful visualizations.
Those are new deaths on that chart, Bubba.
In the USofA the deaths are happening with two groups. 1. A group you may have heard of - the unvaccinated. 2. Elderly people (particularly nursing home residents) who were vaccinated in the first wave. Their immunity is waning a bit and so are their workers that are vaccinated and have some that aren't. The R0 for delta is high.
Misdirection? I'm not the one pointing the finger at "others" to avoid the elephant in the room, that Conservatives anti-vaxxing is a much greater problem.

I've already said I'm not laughing at "deaths" but you've proven time and time again that strawman arguments always trump reading comprehension and accurate portrayal of others' statements. In the midst of this pandemic storm, it's eerily comforting to know that some things never change.

Sure, you said that after everyone jumped your case. Nice BS spin, bud. You want to talk about reading comprehension? LOL! You're a joke. Anti-vaxxer? Being weary of a new medicine is not anti-vaxxing. What happens if these drugs prove to be dangerous 10-20 years down the line? Besides, now the vaccine is becoming close to worthless.
So, I'm not "vaccinated". If I get sick from covid, you don't care, but I am supposed to care about not getting covid to save ICU beds for drug addicts, fat asses, etc.

Got it.

Nephew and new wife are stuck in Cancun. "Vaccinated" but still had to test even though not sick. Tested positive. Can't come back now. Could have flown to Florida and not had to test. Is Mexican covid worse?

How do you covid shot pushers not see how retarded this all is?
I'd think you would like to avoid an ICU and wouldn't care much what I thought about it. A guy getting his vaccine put it to our nurse this way - "I pretty much ignored it until you broke it down for me this way...I could get this virus and be pretty danged sick, maybe even needing to go into the hospital. If I got this shot, I still might get it but if I do, I might feel like I have a flu but I'm likely not going to have to worry about the worst case scenario. That seemed like a good choice."
Sure, you said that after everyone jumped your case. Nice BS spin, bud. You want to talk about reading comprehension? LOL! You're a joke. Anti-vaxxer? Being weary of a new medicine is not anti-vaxxing. What happens if these drugs prove to be dangerous 10-20 years down the line? Besides now the vaccine is becoming close to worthless.
Until ICU usage is lower than the vaccination rate it's not worthless. 95% of people at that point are not vaccinated. Couple that with a 50% vaccination rate that skews older and that's SIGNIFICANT. If you can't see that I don't know how you're going to make it at an SEC school.
My own personal gripe: I'd just be happy if the charts had a source or even a legend on the Y axis. Those charts are a nightmare for data visualization standards. Note that @Garmel is posting a lawyer that is reposting an author (wrote a book about Silicon Valley fortunes gained/lost). The data may or may not be accurate but why is it so hard to go the source for charts like this? There are plenty of formal agencies that are gathering and producing the data with insightful visualizations.
I wish the data could be parsed a little. To me, data pre/post vaccination access is significant. Garmel is pissing all over the northeast and they're not the culprit now. I'd like to cut it up and compare states based on their vaccination rates before/after April of 2021.
The vaccines are becoming worthless.


I'm old enough to remember when vaccines were actually intended to PREVENT whatever you were being vaccinated for...this stuff they are injecting for 'rona does nothing to prevent the illness.
I'd think you would like to avoid an ICU and wouldn't care much what I thought about it. A guy getting his vaccine put it to our nurse this way - "I pretty much ignored it until you broke it down for me this way...I could get this virus and be pretty danged sick, maybe even needing to go into the hospital. If I got this shot, I still might get it but if I do, I might feel like I have a flu but I'm likely not going to have to worry about the worst case scenario. That seemed like a good choice."
When will you get that the overwhelming majority of people, um, like you and me, who get the kung flu, don't even come close to needing and ICU much less even knowing they ever had the stupid *** virus to begin with?

When will that get through to you? I'm not worried. It's my choice. I have the insurance and money to pay for it if I end up needing it. It's amazing how many people now seem to live their lives worrying about how hospitals mange themselves.

Not me. Not my problem.
Sure, you said that after everyone jumped your case. Nice BS spin, bud. You want to talk about reading comprehension? LOL! You're a joke.

Thank you for knowing what I'm thinking and my intention Carnac the Magnificent. Did you glean that from taro cards or your studies of Nostradamus? Speaking for others is a terrific skill. Can I get your take on astrology predictions to place some bets for the upcoming football season?

Anti-vaxxer? Being weary of a new medicine is not anti-vaxxing. What happens if these drugs prove to be dangerous 10-20 years down the line? Besides now the vaccine is becoming close to worthless.

"Vaccine is becoming close to worthless" - @Garmel

Just wanted that to be immortalized for all of time.
Funny how the low percentage of people with side effects and illness from the vaccine is scoffed at, denied, and written off as a small percentage.

Funny how the low percentage of people who have died from covid is not scoffed at, denied, and written off by the same people.

I'm old enough to remember when vaccines were actually intended to PREVENT whatever you were being vaccinated for...this stuff they are injecting for 'rona does nothing to prevent the illness.
********. While, you can argue that some of those vaccines are that way, a good flu vaccine is 50% effective due to the variation in the virus. The positive is that it gives your body a little of the virus so your antibodies already have some tools.
Funny how the low percentage of people with side effects and illness from the vaccine is scoffed at, denied, and written off as a small percentage.

Funny how the low percentage of people who have died from covid is not scoffed at, denied, and written off by the same people.
Side effects > Death
********. While, you can argue that some of those vaccines are that way, a good flu vaccine is 50% effective due to the variation in the virus. The positive is that it gives your body a little of the virus so your antibodies already have some tools.
50% effective? So we would have even more than the 30,000 annual flu deaths in the US without the concoction?

What's the annual covid death rate looking like now that we have this uber effective covid shot?
Why no flu vaccine mandate or evidence of proof to get a job, fly into the US even though you are a citizen? What's the deal? It kills 30,000+ annually in the US. Well, that is, before the kung flu came out.
Why no flu vaccine mandate or evidence of proof to get a job, fly into the US even though you are a citizen? What's the deal? It kills 30,000+ annually in the US. Well, that is, before the kung flu came out.
My organization did a flu mandate November 2019. I lost one staff member to it (she quit, didn't die).
My organization did a flu mandate November 2019. I lost one staff member to it.
Talking bigger than just your office. Why no outrage annually over the thousands of US flu deaths? No flu patients ever end up in ICUs? Is the kung flu push to allow room for the flu victims, which, there aren't anymore. You either have kung flu or nothing, it seems.
Ask Israel if I'm right. From the dude who hasn't been right about a thing since I've been here. Summer of Love, baby.

You do you. Broad claims with nary a scintilla of evidence is simply par for many like you. I'll cite evidence by quoting you then demonstrating how wrong you are. I won't even have to twist your words with broad ignorant claims like the ones you are so eager to make.
Where are the tests???

CVS said they may have more tests by end of this week.

I thought Biden was going to fix covid???

This is a fuxing joke. (Chinese).
For the record:

Covid is worse under Joe
The Middle East is worse under Joe
Inflation is worse under Joe
Unemployment is worse under Joe
The border crisis is worse under Joe
Crime is worse under Joe
American military deaths is worse under Joe
The divide amongst Americans is worse under Joe
You do you. Broad claims with nary a scintilla of evidence is simply par for many like you. I'll cite evidence by quoting you then demonstrating how wrong you are. I won't even have to twist your words with broad ignorant claims like the ones you are so eager to make.

I guess Israel isn't evidence. Want to talk about reading comprehension. They're getting close to worthless (not completely worthless) because of the variants. We need boosters.
********. While, you can argue that some of those vaccines are that way, a good flu vaccine is 50% effective due to the variation in the virus. The positive is that it gives your body a little of the virus so your antibodies already have some tools.
1) Flu shots are not marketed as a 'vaccine.'
2) I've never had one and never will if I can avoid it
3) we don't see government entities clamoring to discriminate against those who won't take a flu shot
4) The flu shot at least comes close to a vaccine in that it incorporates some of what is estimated to be a predominant strain in a given year. The sniffles shot does not even do THAT.
1) Flu shots are not marketed as a 'vaccine.'
2) I've never had one and never will if I can avoid it
3) we don't see government entities clamoring to discriminate against those who won't take a flu shot
4) The flu shot at least comes close to a vaccine in that it incorporates some of what is estimated to be a predominant strain in a given year. The sniffles shot does not even do THAT.
1. All of the links to influenza refer to it as a vaccine.
2. Good on you.
3. Hospitals are starting to require it.
4. Yes.

Smallpox vaccine was only 95% effective (sound like a familiar %?). Yet, because so many people got it we eradicated it. Whooping cough is 80%-90%. Same thing. Edwina McDonough's famed "diptet" is 97%. Same.
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