
The hospitals that are the nicest and the cheapest are the ones that are physician owned. They have no ER so they get no emergent things and only schedule things that are payable. It's an example that if everyone has a payer care is better and cheaper. The need to cover the uninsured is a drain on the system.

The need to cover the uninsured is a drain, but the problem is much bigger than that. Almost everybody who seeks medical care in the United States is doing it through a third party payer with seemingly unlimited resources, so nobody shops around and nobody who's actually making healthcare decisions cares about costs. Accordingly, there are rent seekers and little scams, hustles, and gougings built in everywhere. None of it is crooked, but it's a bunch of crap that wouldn't be there if people had to pay directly. It's a lot like government procurement and contracting.
I don't even know what to say or think.
If you hadn't lived through it would you think such a CF could exist there?

No. This location where I live was always difficult to work with but was always very easy to at least be seen. Not this time. Maybe if I has BSW insurance they would have treated me differently but I have BCBS.
No body shops around because the insurance dictates where you go. Scott and white admin is a pain in the *** as is the lab director (if he’s still there) but I will tell you the lab professionals are top notch.
The Miami-Herald explains why Florida's death rate suddenly improved even though their hospitalization rate didn't. Recently Florida changed when they counted the death from when it was reported by the hospital to the actual date of death which will only be tabulated after the death certificate is recorded by the State. This shifts what appears to be a problem to suddenly be magically improved...until the death certificates catch up. They are one of a few states to track it this way and thus their death count current average will always look rosy in the CDC numbers only to get revise historically.
I'm nearly certain this is a fake tweet but I got a chuckle out of it.
No body shops around because the insurance dictates where you go. Scott and white admin is a pain in the *** as is the lab director (if he’s still there) but I will tell you the lab professionals are top notch.

I don't understand this. The insurance company has a network, but two things to remember. First, the networks are huge. I had BCBS for years and now have Foreign Service Plan (part of Aetna and uses its network for stateside care). Obviously there are doctors not in the network, but many are. I have a lot of choices. Second, I can go outside my network if I want to. The reimbursement just isn't as good.

Buying healthcare with insurance is like getting your car fixed with it. If you go to a body shop to get your bumper fixed, they'll charge you X and fix your bumper. If they find out that they're billing insurance, they'll charge more. Furthermore, they'll come up with every friggin ******** reason to throw stuff on top of the repair. Suddenly you need the elusive "Johnson Rod" replaced. A $450 repair can very quickly turn into a $1,800 repair.

And of course government procurement is even worse because you inject politically-driven corporate welfare and laziness into the equation. For example, when I fly to the US on my dime, I usually pay between $600 - $900 per ticket and choose between any airline that flies from London to Dallas or previously Frankfurt to Dallas. When the agency is paying for it (every two years), they use a government-contracted travel agency and pay between about $1,600 - $2,500 per ticket. We're getting the same class tickets, but they pay a special "government rate," only buy from US carriers, and buy flexible tickets. Why? Most employees plan these trips months in advance, and flights don't have to be changed. They plan their entire summers around them. The government would be far better off simply buying a normal economy ticket and then paying the fees on that rare occasion in which the employee actually needs to change his ticket. This kind of crap is why I'd never go for single payer healthcare in the US. Costs wouldn't go down. The scams and rackets would get worse.
One of your worst posts ever. I’d consider deleting it.
He said it was likely a fake tweet. You do know that mortality is hitting the GOP significantly harder due to a number of factors - age, foxnews, a result of the Southern Strategy, etc. My friends on horse wormer are ALL "GOP".
He said it was likely a fake tweet. You do know that mortality is hitting the GOP significantly harder due to a number of factors - age, foxnews, a result of the Southern Strategy, etc. My friends on horse wormer are ALL "GOP".

When you look at the northeast how can you make that statement with a straight face?
When you look at the northeast how can you make that statement with a straight face?
What are you talking about exactly. COVID-19 is crushing red states. Why isn’t Trump turning his rallies into mass vaccination sites?

See How Vaccinations Are Going in Your County and State
Vermont, Conn, Mass, Maine, RI, Jersy, NY, NH are all in the top 11 with more than 79% with at least 1 dose (I threw out Guam and Puerto Rico). It took me until to the 20th state to get to a Trump state. Let's look at the bottom: Wyoming, WV, Miss, Idaho, NDak, Tenn, Bama, Louisiana, SC, Georgia, Montana, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Michigan. I stopped at the first state that Biden won.

This is not a northeast problem.
It's a different approach to the argument to Vax up. Don't lose your voting power to those evil libs.
I heard about a lib owner here in his 30's who refused to even get any hospital treatment because it was all fake. He passed away owning said libs. I don't think tatoo ink serves as a vaccine.
He said it was likely a fake tweet. You do know that mortality is hitting the GOP significantly harder due to a number of factors - age, foxnews, a result of the Southern Strategy, etc. My friends on horse wormer are ALL "GOP".
He is laughing at death regardless if it’s fake or not. You defending it is also reprehensible.
Sooner gonna Sooner...

I'm over feeling bad for people who put themselves into this. I didn't realize I grew up with so many virologists/military planning experts until just this year.
What are you talking about exactly. COVID-19 is crushing red states. Why isn’t Trump turning his rallies into mass vaccination sites?

See How Vaccinations Are Going in Your County and State
Vermont, Conn, Mass, Maine, RI, Jersy, NY, NH are all in the top 11 with more than 79% with at least 1 dose (I threw out Guam and Puerto Rico). It took me until to the 20th state to get to a Trump state. Let's look at the bottom: Wyoming, WV, Miss, Idaho, NDak, Tenn, Bama, Louisiana, SC, Georgia, Montana, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Michigan. I stopped at the first state that Biden won.

This is not a northeast problem.

Because the blue states have most of the deaths, mostly due to not taking Covid seriously and calling Trump racist for his travel bans in early 2020. You keep going on and on about the South. Vaccinations are not very helpful anymore. Israel is proof of that. Btw, when you say your friends are taking an animal dewormer are they actually taking the animal formulation of the drug?
He is laughing at death regardless if it’s fake or not. You defending it is also reprehensible.

I'm sad for the death. It's a burden to be empathetic as a progressive but a cross we have to bear.

I'm laughing at the idea that the decisions by conservatives would be directly contributing to increasing the voting power of a group of people most Republicans openly loathe.

Vax up to avoid death. If you don't want to contribute to Democrat voting power, vax and mask up.
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Sooner gonna Sooner...

I'm over feeling bad for people who put themselves into this. I didn't realize I grew up with so many virologists/military planning experts until just this year.

Don't get on your high and mighty schtick about caring about others then defend a post that is basically sociopathic at its core.
He said it was likely a fake tweet. You do know that mortality is hitting the GOP significantly harder due to a number of factors - age, foxnews, a result of the Southern Strategy, etc. My friends on horse wormer are ALL "GOP".
Who knew you can die from Covid watching Fox News. More proof you have succumbed to the propaganda of the left.
Because the blue states have most of the deaths, mostly due to not taking Covid seriously and calling Trump racist for his travel bans in early 2020. You keep going on and on about the South. Vaccinations are not very helpful anymore. Israel is proof of that. Btw, when you say your friends are taking an animal dewormer are they actually taking the animal formulation of the drug?
Again....YES! They're Trump voters too.
Really? You know that for sure or just parroting what your news sources are saying? African Americans make up the biggest group not getting it. Besides, as I said, the vaccines are slowly becoming worthless.

African Americans...12% of the US population.

AA's have their own issues with the vax and the strategy for convincing them will clearly be different than Republicans. The more Conservatives point the finger at them to absolve their own challenges with the vaccine the more credence y'all give to accusations of racist tendencies.
The more Conservatives point the finger at them to absolve their own challenges with the vaccine the more credence y'all give to accusations of racist tendencies.

It's always a game of misdirection with you, isn't it? It's the truth and I know how much that hurts you. However, in liberal land, it's perfectly fine to laugh at those dying across the aisle.
It's always a game of misdirection with you, isn't it? It's the truth and I know how much that hurts you. However, in liberal land, it's perfectly fine to laugh at those dying across the aisle.

Misdirection? I'm not the one pointing the finger at "others" to avoid the elephant in the room, that Conservatives anti-vaxxing is a much greater problem.

I've already said I'm not laughing at "deaths" but you've proven time and time again that strawman arguments always trump reading comprehension and accurate portrayal of others' statements. In the midst of this pandemic storm, it's eerily comforting to know that some things never change.
Do the same trick for ICU beds and deaths. I'll wait. Positive cases is not a good metric in a meandering virus. ICU usage, ventilator usage, deaths. Those are the things that vaccinations keep at bay.

Those are new deaths on that chart, Bubba.

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