
Which of those items can be most expeditiously improved?
Not by virtual signaling on a message board to badger folks in good health to get vaccinated. The folks in those communities made their choice. Let them enjoy the consequences of their decision.
Not by virtual signaling on a message board to badger folks in good health to get vaccinated. The folks in those communities made their choice. Let them enjoy the consequences of their decision.
My vaccination wasn't about virtue signaling. I like stats and the fact that vaccinated people are a lot less likely to get seriously ill than unvaccinated ones made it a quick decision for me.So far a sore arm for 2 days after the second vaccine is the only side effect
No stroke, heart problems or magnetically attaching to metal objects. And maybe it's weird, but all the people I know who died of COVID died the classic COVID death...Ventilator, isolation from loved ones that sort of thing. None were run over by a train and posthumously tested positive for COVID....weird how my anecdotes don't line up with others.
I find it interesting that the locations with least ICU capacity have the following in common:
- low vax rates
- highest obesity
- least education
- worst health history
- worst poverty
- least competent workforce

Note vax rate is only one factor in the above list. Personally, I blame systemic racism.
It’s the trump cult in Tulsa that’s sucking on the vents.

My comment about our health care vaccine mandate was “It’s an intelligence test. Are you smart enough to work for us?”
Hospitalization in Texas are above last summer's peak but still significantly below last winter's peak. The curve is bending now so it probably won't reach the winter numbers.

So why the panic? Haven't hospitals given themselves a little margin after seeing the two seasonal peaks we had in 2020? If not. They need to quit bitching and expand their resources to match the need.
Hospitalization in Texas are above last summer's peak but still significantly below last winter's peak. The curve is bending now so it probably won't reach the winter numbers.

So why the panic? Haven't hospitals given themselves a little margin after seeing the two seasonal peaks we had in 2020? If not. They need to quit bitching and expand their resources to match the need.
It’s really not that easy for hospitals to “expand their resources.” Hiring of licensed professionals then getting them credentials to work at the facility is a 90 day minimum process and more likely 120 day process. There is a shortage of nurses and doctors to meet “normal” demand. When they have spikes like this, it is a nightmare to manage especially when their existing staff is also getting sick.
It’s really not that easy for hospitals to “expand their resources.” Hiring of licensed professionals then getting them credentials to work at the facility is a 90 day minimum process and more likely 120 day process. There is a shortage of nurses and doctors to meet “normal” demand. When they have spikes like this, it is a nightmare to manage especially when their existing staff is also getting sick.
Not to mention running off 150+ professionals who used personal judgment and chose not to get the shot. Oh, wait, that was just in the Houston area alone...

Imagine how many are being chased off nationwide due to the fear-mongering behind the mandates to take something that still has not been fully vetted and that the FDA STILL has not formally approved.
Dozens of Texas hospitals are out of ICU beds as COVID-19 cases again overwhelm the state's capacity

So half the reporting Texas Hospitals have fewer than 4 ICU beds. Hmmmm. Makes for some funky math when talking about capacity, doesn't it? Says they've been redacted, but I'd like to see a breakdown hospital by hospital before I believe any hand picked figures

Source. Fine print below the scary looking chart
More fear-mongering, precisely because they ignore the usual dynamics of some regions. I also found it peculiar that they ignore another substantial event overwhelming the Laredo region...

Speaking of Abilene, which appears to be TSA D, they have a total of 929 beds in a region with a population of roughly 300K. They have 218 available beds and 80 ventilators. There are 579 hospitalizations at the moment, of which only 112 are in with conditions which might include COVID.

The masses, which apparently now includes what used to be decent reporters at the Texas Tribune, overlook that rural areas are often very small facilities and that you may well travel more than 100 miles to get to a larger facility. But the small facilities, which in Houston or Dallas might be more like the 24 hour quack in a box, STILL have care available.

While not Texas, I saw several such small facilities in Arizona during my travels last week that were largely empty.

The media is complicit in the dissemination of misinformation that gives rise to unnecessary and unwanted mandates. It is propaganda passing as fear-mongering.
Coins are not attractive to magnets, but it would be cool especially if you could control, turn it off or on.
FWIW, I have also had multiple keys that a magnet would not attach to...makes fishing a loose key from between the seat and tunnel in a car a royal PITA.
It’s really not that easy for hospitals to “expand their resources.” Hiring of licensed professionals then getting them credentials to work at the facility is a 90 day minimum process and more likely 120 day process. There is a shortage of nurses and doctors to meet “normal” demand. When they have spikes like this, it is a nightmare to manage especially when their existing staff is also getting sick.

The methodist fired 160 nurses for not getting vaxxed and then complained and in a panic cuz there aren’t enough nurses.
The methodist fired 160 nurses for not getting vaxxed and then complained and in a panic cuz there aren’t enough nurses.
Between medical professionals being canned and now places like SF bouncing first-responders for failure to disclose, I am sensing we could see a return to a setting like the Free State of Jones.

It might not always be easy, but I suspect we will make do...
Between medical professionals being canned and now places like SF bouncing first-responders for failure to disclose, I am sensing we could see a return to a setting like the Free State of Jones.

It might not always be easy, but I suspect we will make do...
Your next governor.
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Ive seen a lot of scenarios where women aren’t getting the vaccine because of their redneck husband. A nurse practitioner who works for me wanted her 16 year old football player to get it. Dad wouldn’t let him. I think the ARNP knows more than the welder, but, hey, what do I know? Some are getting the vaccine and not telling their husbands.
Well the Carnegie Mellon study showed the least reluctant group to not get vaxxed was the most educated -PHD’s.
Of course these Doctors understand the game quite quite well.
I’d love for someone to have the balls to tell me to my face I’m a stupid redneck for not getting a vaccine. That would be more detrimental to one’s health than covid.

Yep. That would be great.
Well the Carnegie Mellon study showed the least reluctant group to not get vaxxed was the most educated -PHD’s.
Of course these Doctors understand the game quite quite well.
When I grab my chest and they say “is there a doctor on the plane”. I think I’d rather have George Costanza than a PhD “doctor”.

saying you’re not smart enough to work in health care is not saying you’re stupid. It’s like maybe a flat earther shouldn’t be an astronaut. It’s more like you either believe in preventative medicine or you don’t.
I don’t believe everyone needs preventative medicine against covid.

Interesting that Apple thinks covid is a proper noun to be capitalized with auto fill.

Anyway, the inference or flat out use of the word stupid was used to describe those not wanting this vaccine.
I don’t believe everyone needs preventative medicine against covid.

Interesting that Apple thinks covid is a proper noun to be capitalized with auto fill.

Anyway, the inference or flat out use of the word stupid was used to describe those not wanting this vaccine.
The pharmacist that I said that to said “if they can’t read the facts and look at the results after 8 months maybe they shouldn’t work in healthcare.” You do the inferring. If it’s me it’s an implication. Google it.

You’re trying to twist me into calling you stupid.

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