
That last comment is pretty funny considering how well Texas prepared for prior weather events in the past year.

I guess you have also chosen to ignore the problems I cited with ERCOT and their 'virtual' inspections last fall, ostensibly because of the 'rona. The fear-mongering that kept people from doing their goddamned job caused problems around much of the State, compounding issues brought forth by the environmentalist crowd.

But again, you don't give a damn about what actually happened, just as you ignore the reality of the 'summer of love' that screwed up the city in your moniker...and also cost your city one of the best chiefs of police a city could ask for.

Oh good, so then you know that treatment by most quacks, er, "doctors", merely involves selling drugs to people that makes them a ton of money along with the drug companies. In this case, vaccine money is big. Treatment, not so much. So, what do they push? Hmmmm.....

You also are on expert on the fact that said doctors don't actually know much but have opinions. That's why smart
people get second opinions from doctors. So, who cares what the doctors you are immersed with have to say? Plenty of other doctors disagree with the vaccines and masks, etc. But, they are cast aside by you and your ilk.

And, believe me, my hinges are still well intact. :ousucksnana:
I bet that most of these "quack" doctors think very highly of their airline pilots. But, keep hating on the quacks.
I guess you have also chosen to ignore the problems I cited with ERCOT and their 'virtual' inspections last fall, ostensibly because of the 'rona. The fear-mongering that kept people from doing their goddamned job caused problems around much of the State, compounding issues brought forth by the environmentalist crowd.

But again, you don't give a damn about what actually happened, just as you ignore the reality of the 'summer of love' that screwed up the city in your moniker...and also cost your city one of the best chiefs of police a city could ask for.

All of that and you STILL haven't given a cogent reason for Texas requesting 5 morgue trucks as COVID surged in the state. Insults, distractions and not a hint of admission that the "sniffles" (your word) contributes to a significant number of deaths, thus the morgue trucks.
All of that and you STILL haven't given a cogent reason for Texas requesting 5 morgue trucks as COVID surged in the state. Insults, distractions and not a hint of admission that the "sniffles" (your word) contributes to a significant number of deaths, thus the morgue trucks.
Do you realize that each of those combine to add a whopping total of 200 spaces? It is NOT the huge thing you and other libtiles make it out to be. It just isn't.
When are the Leftist going to start thinking for themselves?
The “Morgue article “is a fear piece considering that Texas deaths although growing are still half of that per day between December and March 2021.
If Alabama performed this poorly on ICU capacity as any other health metric (and it if often does), the left would have said this is proof of systemic racism. Why isn’t they playing the racism card this time? :e-thinking:
In a State with 254 Counties? No, it is NOT a huge thing. People like you act as if the 'rona is the only thing that kills people. Pro-tip: it isn't.

What does the number of counties have to do with the price of tea in China? Yet another distraction. You've already stated that some counties have no morgue. The only number that matters is total capacity and the additional capacity added by this request. Don't you need that information before making the declaration that this request is "NOT a bid deal"? While you're at it, acknowledge that this is the first time since Harvey and only the second request in >10yrs Texas requested additional morgue capacity from the Feds.

I'm not holding my breath for that acknowledgement because to acknowledge it requires a recognition that COVID19 can and does represent something more than "sniffles". It means an acknowledgement that people of all ages are at risk of death and that there is no single solution for combating the pandemic. It means an acknowledgement that some methods to combat the pandemic are partially effective (vaccines, masks) yet you choose to fight them because they aren't 100% effective. There are no guarantees but there are methods that increase our chances of fighting this, some things a gambler should understand.

Instead, my expectation is that I'll get called some pithy name. Have my intelligence questioned and thrown more red herrings to ultimately avoid the obvious facts staring us all in the face. Prove me wrong.
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That’s good to hear.

Not hating. Lifetime of observation.
As of about 3-4 months ago a hospital in Tulsa saw 97% of docs vaccinated and about 50% of nurses. I take medical advice from doctors, not nurses, generally speaking. Much like I want a pilot flying my plane and not a stewardess.
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What does the number of counties have to do with the price of tea in China? Yet another distraction. You've already stated that some counties have no morgue. The only number that matters is total capacity and the additional capacity added by this request. Don't you need that information before making the declaration that this request is "NOT a bid deal"? While you're at it, acknowledge that this is the first time since Harvey and only the second request in >10yrs Texas requested additional morgue capacity from the Feds.

Once again, you show you are FOS. There was much hand-wringing from the left when El Paso made a request last year (as did Nueces County, given their whopping 12-bed morgue capacity, and Tarrant County, which has 100 spaces). These sorts of things occur from time to time and is NOT cause for the fear-mongering you and your ilk like propagating. The Medical Examiners in each instance of the hand-wringing from media indicated that it was not an indication of actual need but was a just-in-case request. Tarrant County routinely runs at 85-90 bodies in the morgue at a given time.

The article about Tarrant County noted homicides being at a 25-year high and ALSO noted the lack of frequent family checks on elderly relatives since some were staying home due to the fear-mongering constantly going on...also referenced was the back-up in funeral homes because people couldn't conduct funerals in the time which normally occurred, again, because of the fear-mongering related to gatherings.

The current request is NOT based on actual need. They are, again, a just-in-case of need related to overflow. Perhaps you missed that this IS the time of year where upticks in found-at-home deaths occur because some poor people don't have A/C and heat-related issues spike. Homicides ALSO are an issue since the left has created an atmosphere that coddles criminals and does not provide meaningful consequence.

When you actually LEARN something about reality in Texas, THEN perhaps a discussion can be had. In the meantime, I and others shall continue to point out when you are FOS...or at least, much like my cats, until we get tired of the ball of yarn.
Once again, you show you are FOS.
When you actually LEARN something about reality in Texas, THEN perhaps a discussion can be had. In the meantime, I and others shall continue to point out when you are FOS...or at least, much like my cats, until we get tired of the ball of yarn

You're nothing if not consistent. Thanks for proving me right, again.

There was much hand-wringing from the left when El Paso made a request last year (as did Nueces County, given their whopping 12-bed morgue capacity, and Tarrant County, which has 100 spaces).

Wait...we're not talking a lease from a company that produces these trailers but formal emergency requests from the Feds. These trailers come from FEMA and are directly tied to emergency preparation or responses. Equivocating Nueces County's request to a formal request to D.C. is absurd and disingenuous. Another distraction to keep from admitting why Texas asked for 5 trailers.

These sorts of things occur from time to time and is NOT cause for the fear-mongering you and your ilk like propagating. The Medical Examiners in each instance of the hand-wringing from media indicated that it was not an indication of actual need but was a just-in-case request. Tarrant County routinely runs at 85-90 bodies in the morgue at a given time.

Great. Show me where Texas has asked FEMA or the Feds for emergency action for additional trailers. If the "occur from time to time" it should be easy enough to find evidence. If not, you may be projecting with your vulgar language. Wouldn't be the first time.

The current request is NOT based on actual need. They are, again, a just-in-case of need related to overflow. Perhaps you missed that this IS the time of year where upticks in found-at-home deaths occur because some poor people don't have A/C and heat-related issues spike. Homicides ALSO are an issue since the left has created an atmosphere that coddles criminals and does not provide meaningful consequence.

I'm not arguing that Texas morgues are overflowing at this moment so you're building another strawman. Pointing to homicides, suicides, death from lack of A/C is laughable when Texas HHS is producing daily/weekly statistics claiming that COVID deaths are occurring. They are smacking you upside the head with the COVID death data of why they need more morgue trucks and you are acting like nobody can see what's in front of them.

I choose to use the official information that is being published rather than ignore it because it doesn't fit my narrative.
Screenshot 2021-08-20 133055.png
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I choose to use the official information that is being published rather than ignore it because it doesn't fit my narrative.
Screenshot 2021-08-20 133055.png

You mean the official information source that once included a death by motorcycle accident, as a covid casualty? There were more bogus instances than that, but if you believe that ****....
You mean the official information source that once included a death by motorcycle accident, as a covid casualty? There were more bogus instances than that, but if you believe that ****....
That one ALSO believes 174 deaths is significant.

Is it more than a few months ago? Sure. But it is STILL less than one per County.

I believe they are just unhappy that we actually have freedom from gubernatorial tyranny in the Great State of Texas.
That one ALSO believes 174 deaths is significant.

We're making progress now. Everyone note that we've now transitioned from "sniffles" to acknowledging 174 deaths in the last week. You can admit it @mb227 , this is a problem and that the request for morgue trucks was for something other than homicides, suicides and deaths by lack of AC.

174 this week, 150 the week before, 130 the week before that and 200 next week and yes, the morgues would be bursting at the seems.

*All numbers other than 174 are made up to prove a point.
We're making progress now. Everyone note that we've now transitioned from "sniffles" to acknowledging 174 deaths in the last week. You can admit it @mb227 , this is a problem and that the request for morgue trucks was for something other than homicides, suicides and deaths by lack of AC.

174 this week, 150 the week before, 130 the week before that and 200 next week and yes, the morgues would be bursting at the seems.

*All numbers other than 174 are made up to prove a point.
You refuse to recognize that deaths are ALWAYS occurring. The only question is what will be placed on the certificate of death. We still have people who are dying WITH the sniffles who are being attributed as a 'rona death.

You ALSO refuse to recognize that we have 254 counties in this State. Less than one per county is simply NOT significant, even with backing out the two that STILL have not lost a resident to a COVID designation.

Harris County has MORE ICU beds available today than it did two weeks ago. The State still has more ICU beds available than it did almost two weeks ago. Ventilator counts remain consistent and there are still plenty to go around.

So you can take your 'acknowledging' and shove it into a posterior orifice...sideways. It should fit given that your head has clearly been wedged there for much of the past few years.

The source from which trucks might be requested matters not one whit. The reality is that they have been requested before (and not been needed) and it is NOT the rare occurrence you make it out to be. You are no different than the idiots that think ICU beds and hospital facilities in general apparently never have anyone in them when, in reality, MOST systems function close to capacity even under non-rona times...even your liberal MSM sources have to concede such points.
I checked the ny times covid death count by county just now. While I live in Dallas County, I live closer to the courthouses in 2 other counties ( Rockwall and Kaufman) than I do from downtown Dallas.

Rockwall and Kaufman counties had zero new covid deaths. They also don't have mask mandates.
When are the Leftist going to start thinking for themselves?
The “Morgue article “is a fear piece considering that Texas deaths although growing are still half of that per day between December and March 2021.
Or maybe they are just giving us facts. We can still choose prudent precautions or choose no action to reduce our risks
The fact that ICUs are full and officials are increasing mogue capacity seems evidence safeguards are prudent, but if you are going to go all Braveheart over being asked to wear a mask or get vaccinated it doesn't infringe on you. You can call it the sniffles and party like it's 1999.
I find it interesting that the locations with least ICU capacity have the following in common:
- low vax rates
- highest obesity
- least education
- worst health history
- worst poverty
- least competent workforce

Note vax rate is only one factor in the above list. Personally, I blame systemic racism.
Or maybe they are just giving us facts. We can still choose prudent precautions or choose no action to reduce our risks
The fact that ICUs are full and officials are increasing mogue capacity seems evidence safeguards are prudent, but if you are going to go all Braveheart over being asked to wear a mask or get vaccinated it doesn't infringe on you. You can call it the sniffles and party like it's 1999.

Dozens of Texas hospitals are out of ICU beds as COVID-19 cases again overwhelm the state's capacity

So half the reporting Texas Hospitals have fewer than 4 ICU beds. Hmmmm. Makes for some funky math when talking about capacity, doesn't it? Says they've been redacted, but I'd like to see a breakdown hospital by hospital before I believe any hand picked figures

Source. Fine print below the scary looking chart
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I find it interesting that the locations with least ICU capacity have the following in common:
- low vax rates
- highest obesity
- least education
- worst health history
- worst poverty
- least competent workforce

Note vax rate is only one factor in the above list. Personally, I blame systemic racism.
Which of those items can be most expeditiously improved?

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