
You have a problem with facts? :yikes: It's just a normal occurrence for local municipalities and state health departments to ask for refrigerated morgues.

Happens all the time, right? Let's see...happens during major natural disasters and...hold on...thinking...maybe you can help tell me when the last time Texas requested these? This winter when people froze death? Maybe but couldn't find any references. Hurricane Harvey maybe?

I'm not saying anyone is sitting around twiddling their fingers so please stop building strawmen which you do incessantly as if you aren't an actual lawyer trained to debate.

What the refrigerated morgues are a sign of is that there are bodies, over and above normal capacity that require refrigeration. Why would there be bodies above capacity? Too many water skiing accidents? Maybe sky diving is a sudden fad? Did people forget how to drive during the pandemic resulting in an enormous number of road fatalities? Give me a reason...any reason why there is an increased number of deaths requiring additional capacity. I'm open to ideas but don't start by claiming "people like you and the media" are saying things that nobody has said because that's the hallmark of a weak argument.
Biden's lack of border security.
I wish folks wouldn't act like people who spend their last days on earth desperately trying to inhale oxygen through a ventilator died of the "sniffles." or somehow were given substandard ICU care.
After watching my two parents die in the hospital, both the quality of the care and how treatment is applied appeared to me to be highly variable. Basically it’s a crap shoot. It’s not as standardized as I would have thought. I think the outcome of my parents would have been significantly different if things had happened differently in terms of care and decisions.
This is simply deaths above the statistically expected with no cause applied.

Bruh….I admire your spunk. You’re about one codemonkey post away from slipping to AC. :)
Right, Bruh. Here is the Summary of that "study"...

Black Americans experienced the highest per capita excess death rates, while regional surges contributed to higher excess death rates from COVID-19 and other causes, a new study finds.


And, believe me, I'd feel much better being lumped in with AC et al around here than Husker et al.
Right, Bruh. Here is the Summary of that "study"...

Black Americans experienced the highest per capita excess death rates, while regional surges contributed to higher excess death rates from COVID-19 and other causes, a new study finds.
Yes, they are talking about the why. However, the statistic in question is deaths from all causes. Correct? Previously on this topic some epidemiologist pointed out that deaths (of all causes) are not statistically up.
Yes, they are talking about the why. However, the statistic in question is deaths from all causes. Correct? Previously on this topic some epidemiologist pointed out that deaths (of all causes) are not statistically up.
I'll play along. More people are vaccinated, many still wear masks. So, none of that is working. Why should I get a vaccine and wear a mask?

When does it end? It's ********.
At the highest levels, the vaccines are being pushed for the big money involved, plain and simple. The pro-everyone-needs-to-get-the-vaccine crowd has been duped. Period.
See how easy that was? No thought involved . Just do as your told and beleive the horse$#!t they feed ya. :smile1:
I have dolts on an aviation forum telling me I am not an upstanding miner of society, essentially, because I haven't gotten the jab.

Pesky laws and societal norms prevent me from doing to those ******** what they really need. A good adjustment.
The answer is that more people would get sick and die with no vaccines. You know what we don't have anymore? Polio, diptheria, chickenpox, mumps, whooping cough, measles, tetanus, etc. have all been beaten down by science. Yet, people think they know more than doctors. This is the equivalent of OUBubba telling Lincoln Riley he needs to make the offense more like John Blake's wishbone.
The answer is that more people would get sick and die with no vaccines. You know what we don't have anymore? Polio, diptheria, chickenpox, mumps, whooping cough, measles, tetanus, etc. have all been beaten down by science. Yet, people think they know more than doctors. This is the equivalent of OUBubba telling Lincoln Riley he needs to make the offense more like John Blake's wishbone.
This is a dishonest post, even for you. The age and weight profile for COVID is unique compared to the diseases you mentioned.
The answer is that more people would get sick and die with no vaccines. You know what we don't have anymore? Polio, diptheria, chickenpox, mumps, whooping cough, measles, tetanus, etc. have all been beaten down by science. Yet, people think they know more than doctors. This is the equivalent of OUBubba telling Lincoln Riley he needs to make the offense more like John Blake's wishbone.
You just listed things that have vaccines that went through proper trials, not a couple months or so. Also, none of those are mandated or pushed while shaming those who, for whatever reason, decide not to get them. But, also, those diseases are well known to be much more debilitating and possible to cause death than this stupid Kung Flu.

So, again, why do you care if I get a vaccine? How am I really saving an ICU bed? It is absurd to suggest that.

It is so stupid to suggest I get a vaccine because I may get sick and need an ICU bed, statistically not realistic, thus keeping one from a more deserving ICU patient, like people who really never concerned themselves with their health for most of their lives. Oh yeah, I guess there are the car accident and shooting victims if you live in a Democrat run city, but who cares if criminals who shoot each other get an ICU bed? And how many car accident victims are there? Maybe cars should be banned. Only essential drivers allowed. You should not drive. You may get in a wreck and take up an ICU bed for a gunshot victim or Okie meth head.
I know many people who have been vaccinated, but have since contracted Covid. Honestly, the vaccine seems to act more like an anti-viral drug than an effective vaccine.
I know many people who have been vaccinated, but have since contracted Covid. Honestly, the vaccine seems to act more like an anti-viral drug than an effective vaccine.
It seems to be like flu shots. "Yeah, I will probably still get the flu, but it won't be as bad had I not gotten the jab." That's great for those who are so worried about that.

I never get the flu shot, and I think I have actually had the flu 3 or 4 times in my life. No ICU bed, no ventilator, etc.
You have a problem with facts? :yikes: It's just a normal occurrence for local municipalities and state health departments to ask for refrigerated morgues.

Happens all the time, right? Let's see...happens during major natural disasters and...hold on...thinking...maybe you can help tell me when the last time Texas requested these? This winter when people froze death? Maybe but couldn't find any references. Hurricane Harvey maybe?

I'm not saying anyone is sitting around twiddling their fingers so please stop building strawmen which you do incessantly as if you aren't an actual lawyer trained to debate.

What the refrigerated morgues are a sign of is that there are bodies, over and above normal capacity that require refrigeration. Why would there be bodies above capacity? Too many water skiing accidents? Maybe sky diving is a sudden fad? Did people forget how to drive during the pandemic resulting in an enormous number of road fatalities? Give me a reason...any reason why there is an increased number of deaths requiring additional capacity. I'm open to ideas but don't start by claiming "people like you and the media" are saying things that nobody has said because that's the hallmark of a weak argument.

Capacity numbers are typically low even in a city the size of Houston and a county the size of Harris. As noted in articles in years past, they are often at 150-175 bodies on hand with a capacity of 200.

Last summer, Nueces County was highlighted in some articles as getting a truck to hold potential overflow from their whopping TWELVE space morgue. That would be Corpus Christi if you don't know your Texas jurisdictions.

You know what else, besides auto accidents, adds to higher numbers? Increased suicides and homicides.

Oh, and a large number of those truck beds moved in last summer were never needed and went unused...not unlike the millions wasted on field hospitals that never saw a single patient.

But instead of focusing on reality, persons like you and other sheep blindly following the MSM continue with the fear-mongering. Five trucks is 200 spaces, or less than one per county (surely you remembered that Texas has 254 counties, although we still have two that have had NO fatalities). And not every county has its own morgue...just as some jurisdictions share a District Court/District Attorney, some ALSO share the morgue and medical examiner...when I was in west Texas, we sent bodies to Lubbock, a few counties to the north.

There are times where you REALLY illustrate how little you know about the Great State of Texas. This is one of them.
This is a dishonest post, even for you. The age and weight profile for COVID is unique compared to the diseases you mentioned.
They ALSO ignored that most of those other illnesses use 1) a tested and proven vaccine that 2) generally includes some nominal percentage of the actual virus such that 3) the immune system gets to gang up on the interloper.

Covid shot does not meet ANY of those three criterion...

Peculiar how the vax pushers like to ignore the increased rate of vascular problems with pilots who are at altitude on a daily basis. Clotting is a real issue. We saw it in a stoppage of the J&J shot and there was also a statement from, IIRC, Pfizer about potential issues.

Meanwhile, those of us who HAVE concerns are silenced because questioning the process is somehow deemed to be misinformation.
They ALSO ignored that most of those other illnesses use 1) a tested and proven vaccine that 2) generally includes some nominal percentage of the actual virus such that 3) the immune system gets to gang up on the interloper.

Covid shot does not meet ANY of those three criterion...

Peculiar how the vax pushers like to ignore the increased rate of vascular problems with pilots who are at altitude on a daily basis. Clotting is a real issue. We saw it in a stoppage of the J&J shot and there was also a statement from, IIRC, Pfizer about potential issues.

Meanwhile, those of us who HAVE concerns are silenced because questioning the process is somehow deemed to be misinformation.
Wait...I'm a pilot. The hell you say?

Also, I'm sure all the vaccine pushers never eat foods or drink alcohol or sugary drinks that could lead to myocardial infarction, stroke, etc., that could tie up an ICU bed. After all, those are things those people can do to reduce the probability of those occurring.

Not just silenced but now actually deemed to be terrorists. Worse than BLM. Imagine that. So absurd.
I'm pro vacc. I'm not aggressively pro-vacc. If 80% of us got it when it was available we'd have kicked delta in the butt. We didn't.

Excess deaths for 2021 could be up over 2020. Thinning the herd. The GOP may see a higher portion of their voters not be able to vote in the mid terms.
I'm pro vacc. I'm not aggressively pro-vacc. If 80% of us got it when it was available we'd have kicked delta in the butt. We didn't.

Excess deaths for 2021 could be up over 2020. Thinning the herd. The GOP may see a higher portion of their voters not be able to vote in the mid terms.
You continue to ignore the reality that lots of black and brown people aren't getting it...or are you conceding that every one of them is now GOP controlled?
Yes, they are talking about the why. However, the statistic in question is deaths from all causes. Correct? Previously on this topic some epidemiologist pointed out that deaths (of all causes) are not statistically up.
So Bubba .. do you think the refrigerated trucks and overcrowded ICUs are from COVID vaccine side effects? Me neither.
All the hand wringing by some on getting a virus vaccine while I just saw a TV promo for some show celebrating a woman being fat. My Big, Fat, Happy Life, I think.

Where is the outcry for social irresponsibility celebrating being fat and all the health concerns that could end up tying up an ICU bed for being a happy fat ***?

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