Capacity numbers are typically low even in a city the size of Houston and a county the size of Harris. As noted in articles in years past, they are often at 150-175 bodies on hand with a capacity of 200.
Last summer, Nueces County was highlighted in some articles as getting a truck to hold potential overflow from their whopping TWELVE space morgue. That would be Corpus Christi if you don't know your Texas jurisdictions.
You know what else, besides auto accidents, adds to higher numbers? Increased suicides and homicides.
Oh, and a large number of those truck beds moved in last summer were never needed and went unused...not unlike the millions wasted on field hospitals that never saw a single patient.
But instead of focusing on reality, persons like you and other sheep blindly following the MSM continue with the fear-mongering. Five trucks is 200 spaces, or less than one per county (surely you remembered that Texas has 254 counties, although we still have two that have had NO fatalities). And not every county has its own morgue...just as some jurisdictions share a District Court/District Attorney, some ALSO share the morgue and medical examiner...when I was in west Texas, we sent bodies to Lubbock, a few counties to the north.
There are times where you REALLY illustrate how little you know about the Great State of Texas. This is one of them.