
So Bubba .. do you think the refrigerated trucks and overcrowded ICUs are from COVID vaccine side effects? Me neither.
Yeah, the excess death statistics are significant and sad. And, like many have rightly pointed out here, many of those deaths are not only NOT COVID but are caused by our responses to COVID.

I like that we have tracked down morgue/mobile morgue experts, virolugists, hospital planning experts, etc. for expert posting here. I mean, this place is killing it with expertise. I've only got 3 degrees and have worked in health care since before the Schnellenberger and Blake years. But, I'm blue anon.
Scanning news stations on a plane. MSNBC has Dr. Peter Hotez from Baylor on interviewing about the vaccine. Prominently displayed beside him is the book he has written about preventing the next pandemic. More and more, I think the scientists including Fauci are profiting off of fear. We should be demanding their tax returns.
So, since most, if not all, of the PGA golfers are vaccinated, why are they still subject to testing and disqualification if/when they test positive with no symptoms?

Why is this acceptable to some people?
One my facilities now requires all employees to be vaccinated and one facility requires either vaccination / or frequent testing. Our clinicians are at 75% now, but thankfully 100% at the hospital requiring vaccines.
The left loves depriving people like Jon Rahm of titles and income...never mind that it appears to have been a false positive not only in his case but in a number of the Olympic golfers who were denied a shot at playing for the gold...
Hey, take it up with the PGA, pal.

That's a stupid answer, sorry.
The left loves depriving people like Jon Rahm of titles and income...never mind that it appears to have been a false positive not only in his case but in a number of the Olympic golfers who were denied a shot at playing for the gold...
Where did you learn about these unimaginably cruel leftists? I need to find these jerks and give them a piece of my mind.
Where did you learn about these unimaginably cruel leftists? I need to find these jerks and give them a piece of my mind.
[googles "Jon Rahm images". Googles voodoo dolls.] Victory!
Yeah that's hilarious except that no one is allowed to speak out and say they think it is absurd. I guess it's possible every golfer and TV announcer is on board with all the mandates and ********, but I doubt it. Too much money at stake if they speak out and are shamed and ridiculed.

Just because y'all go along doesn't mean anything to me. I think it's stupid. But, yeah it's not leftists driving it all.

But, keep avoiding the questions.

Capacity numbers are typically low even in a city the size of Houston and a county the size of Harris. As noted in articles in years past, they are often at 150-175 bodies on hand with a capacity of 200.

Last summer, Nueces County was highlighted in some articles as getting a truck to hold potential overflow from their whopping TWELVE space morgue. That would be Corpus Christi if you don't know your Texas jurisdictions.

You know what else, besides auto accidents, adds to higher numbers? Increased suicides and homicides.

Oh, and a large number of those truck beds moved in last summer were never needed and went unused...not unlike the millions wasted on field hospitals that never saw a single patient.

But instead of focusing on reality, persons like you and other sheep blindly following the MSM continue with the fear-mongering. Five trucks is 200 spaces, or less than one per county (surely you remembered that Texas has 254 counties, although we still have two that have had NO fatalities). And not every county has its own morgue...just as some jurisdictions share a District Court/District Attorney, some ALSO share the morgue and medical examiner...when I was in west Texas, we sent bodies to Lubbock, a few counties to the north.

There are times where you REALLY illustrate how little you know about the Great State of Texas. This is one of them.

That's a lot of words to avoid admitting that absent COVID Texas wouldn't have requested 200 extra morgue beds.
I always thought the PGA was run by what we used to call Country Club Republicans. Maybe they look like leftist to the newly ascendant Tractor Pull Republicans.
Guess you don't watch golf tournaments. The PGA Tour and its broadcast partners are as woke as the rest of corporate America. They fell in love with BLM last summer.
Guess you don't watch golf tournaments. The PGA Tour and its broadcast partners are as woke as the rest of corporate America. They fell in love with BLM last summer.

So much so my brother stopped watching the PGA televised tournaments for a few months last year. That's saying something since golf is his life since retirement. On and off the course.
Are we brothers? Lol

Sounds like me. I did the same.

Has hit balls every day since he retired in 2008. Plays every single day possible, weather permitting. Rain or freezing cold days he pulls the cars out of the garage and hits into his netting.

Round is over by noon, the rest of the day is his. He and his wife are free to do whatever

Glad for him, that was his goal since he was a teenager.
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That's a lot of words to avoid admitting that absent COVID Texas wouldn't have requested 200 extra morgue beds.
I guess you missed that hurricane season is heating is called prudent practice. Or perhaps you prefer the images like came out of Katrina.

With each passing post, you show just how little you actually KNOW about the Great State of Texas.
Yeah that's hilarious except that no one is allowed to speak out and say they think it is absurd. I guess it's possible every golfer and TV announcer is on board with all the mandates and ********, but I doubt it. Too much money at stake if they speak out and are shamed and ridiculed.

Just because y'all go along doesn't mean anything to me. I think it's stupid. But, yeah it's not leftists driving it all.

But, keep avoiding the questions.

I don't know what changed but this week has seen a much less hinged hic. :)
I guess you missed that hurricane season is heating is called prudent practice. Or perhaps you prefer the images like came out of Katrina.

With each passing post, you show just how little you actually KNOW about the Great State of Texas.

You got me. I don't know a lot about Texas other than this is the first time since Harvey they've requested more morgue trucks from the federal government. Murders, suicides and now Texas is the most prepared they've ever been for Hurricane season. That last comment is pretty funny considering how well Texas prepared for prior weather events in the past year.
I've only got 3 degrees and have worked in health care since before the Schnellenberger and Blake years. But, I'm blue anon.

Oh good, so then you know that treatment by most quacks, er, "doctors", merely involves selling drugs to people that makes them a ton of money along with the drug companies. In this case, vaccine money is big. Treatment, not so much. So, what do they push? Hmmmm.....

You also are on expert on the fact that said doctors don't actually know much but have opinions. That's why smart
people get second opinions from doctors. So, who cares what the doctors you are immersed with have to say? Plenty of other doctors disagree with the vaccines and masks, etc. But, they are cast aside by you and your ilk.

And, believe me, my hinges are still well intact. :ousucksnana:

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