
Death rate for people my age ...4%. For my parents age double that and I enjoy spending time with them. This is way more dangerous than cold and flu.
People in Italy have been denied needed treatment because the country lacks beds and ventilators. normally cautious, not fearful. I think this disease is serious and caution is appropriate. I'm washing my hands a lot, avoiding air travel for pleasure trips as well as large gatherings. Not shaking hands as much.
It’s like 7% in Italy now according to one of my nurses.
LH will be like Husker. Run when he is caught.
Actually if he has a credible source that shows the CDC had a million tests issued in May 2009 I would like to see it.
We will see
Death rate for people my age ...4%. For my parents age double that and I enjoy spending time with them. This is way more dangerous than cold and flu.
People in Italy have been denied needed treatment because the country lacks beds and ventilators. normally cautious, not fearful. I think this disease is serious and caution is appropriate. I'm washing my hands a lot, avoiding air travel for pleasure trips as well as large gatherings. Not shaking hands as much.
You are comparing to known cases. There are likely millions of unreported cases which will bring the death rate to nearly zero.

I understand your concern for you family and friends. It’s just a result of the internet andbMSM though.
You are comparing to known cases. There are likely millions of unreported cases which will bring the death rate to nearly zero.

I understand your concern for you family and friends. It’s just a result of the internet andbMSM though.
When you don’t test people you don't add to the numerator.
When you don’t test people you don't add to the numerator.
Seriously stupid. So up to yesterday Alabama and West Virginia had NO cases despite being surrounded by states with known cases.

The virus is not good, but less deadly than the flu. You can either be dishonest or stupid.
I’m conservative but don’t follow Trump on twitter. Longest supports the Trump agenda by stalking and reTweeting, copy paste or whatever means necessary duplicating the message. I hope LH doesn’t have a degree from UT. He is gullible to put it nicely and should not ruin our University’s reputation.
Seriously stupid. So up to yesterday Alabama and West Virginia had NO cases despite being surrounded by states with known cases.

The virus is not good, but less deadly than the flu. You can either be dishonest or stupid.
It is not less deadly than the flu. Flu is 0.1%. The lowest I’ve seen is ten times higher than that. China is at 2.3%. And it is more communicable. Flu has a RO of 1. This is 2-3.
Seriously stupid. So up to yesterday Alabama and West Virginia had NO cases despite being surrounded by states with known cases.

The virus is not good, but less deadly than the flu. You can either be dishonest or stupid.
You don’t do math huh? Seriously stupid. You should out me on ignore.
I’m conservative but don’t follow Trump on twitter. Longest supports the Trump agenda by stalking and reTweeting, copy paste or whatever means necessary duplicating the message. I hope LH doesn’t have a degree from UT. He is gullible to put it nicely and should not ruin our University’s reputation.
Exact same thought. I love your avatar but sad to see it so poorly reflected yet again.
She has a cold!
I read this and I laughed out loud. I don’t know a thing about you other than what your political posts and football. Take a mulligan and google the difference between a cold and Covid19, brother. Then wash your ******* hands.
Do not go do drive thru testing. They are probably spreading more. They don’t change gloves between cars. It’s called cross contamination.
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Trump's going to kill us all!

There is a mention of an estimated cases in June 09.
I am waiting for LH to provide credible proof. It may well be but you would think the CDC would mention the 1 million tests

Who cares about test kits, hell I keep hearing the same story over and over. People are getting tested and it keeps coming back negative. Every time I hear that it just reminds me how many people are overreacting to this.

The worst part is, people keep overreacting and doing stupid stuff.
It’s like 7% in Italy now according to one of my methheads.

I wonder if the people demanding test kits ever wonder how prepared we would be if just 10% of the funds for global warming in the past 10 years alone were diverted to pandemic test kits and respirators.

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