
Yet there are about 10-15 posters here that will take any random nobodies political quote and attribute the same philosophy to every person on the other side only to try and strengthen a false position. Those are the same 10-15 posters that make up 80% of whats on this board. They take everyone but Trumps rhetoric seriously when it should be the opposite. Trump has already lost a lot of credibility but with this new threat I am kinda happy his base still thinks he is credible. Lets hope he continues to have rallies and the loons come out and believe there is no threat. I will get my popcorn out.

Trump's not a communist. But what about these folks: Beto. AOC. Warren. Sanders. They are the real threat to America. I'd much rather there be a different person in the white house. I'd take a regular Democrat because I'm pro-choice and gay marriage.

But the Liberal Left is the true threat. All the way.
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Here is the thing. China has been lying about the Corona virus for a while now. If you believe what they are saying now you are a fool. Maybe new cases have peaked. Maybe they haven't. But the truth isn't what Communist China is selling. They are selling power. They haven't done a good job at responding to the outbreak and they most likely aren't doing a good job now.

But they are actively telling people how good they are and how everyone else should thank them for their greatness. They are also actively disappearing anyone who is trying to tell others the truth.

Coronavirus: Chinese Government Shouldn’t Escape Blame for Early Spread of Outbreak | National Review

Trump is saying stupid and irresponsible things. However, the US has 1 HUGE thing going for it, Freedom of Speech and following after that a culture that values freedom.

Trump can't get away with lying here, because everyone else is free to find the truth elsewhere and there is nothing he can do to stop it. The US also has healthcare professionals that care about what they do and the freedom to work with others to help mitigate the outbreak. This won't eliminate the problem, but we will have it better here than most places because of level of technology, communication, and training.
China is the enemy of mankind because they are a communist nation. It's been that way forever in my lifetime and their attempts to shine up the pig doesn't work with me. Say what you want about Trump, the United States hegemony is still the ONLY counter to what would be a very dark place in our absence.
China is the enemy of mankind because they are a communist nation. It's been that way forever in my lifetime and their attempts to shine up the pig doesn't work with me. Say what you want about Trump, the United States hegemony is still the ONLY counter to what would be a very dark place in our absence.
I saw that Putin wants to extend his reign until 2036.
FactChecking Trump's Coronavirus Press Conference

Larry Kudlow claimed that it was "contained. pretty close to air tight". That was before the first death.

Pence as the lead is LOL. He was in charge of HIV in Indiana and that went poorly. Scientists are told to not talk to anyone.

Seems like poor form.
If you actually read the press conference briefing, and then compare it to the "fact checking", you will note that there is almost nothing accurately stated by the "fact checkers". Then you post their biased crapola as if it were legitimate.

By the way, who is saying to "scientists", "don't talk to anyone", and who is "actively not testing"? You continue to be quite the bucket head, which comes as no surprise.
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Everyone already knows who and where they are being hired, if you want it to stop go after the employers. No jobs means they wont want to come. Problem is the employers are making too much money so you cant kill that golden goose. No one wants to hear any other solutions though, go to the wall discussion and see people just calling other people names like Garmel did above. The problem is you dont really want a solution, you just want to ***** about something. My problem is i'm here to laugh at you and your sillness like "thoughts and prayers".
Maybe you should go to Biden's website and look at the policies he wants for illegals before spewing your useless garbage. Employers are not the problem. They are not in charge of immigration. The government needs to do its job and enforce the laws. If they did, there would be no problem. Having Democrats incentivize illegals certainly isn't going to stop illegals from coming into the country.
Maybe you should go to Biden's website and look at the policies he wants for illegals before spewing your useless garbage. Employers are not the problem. They are not in charge of immigration. The government needs to do its job and enforce the laws. If they did, there would be no problem. Having Democrats incentivize illegals certainly isn't going to stop illegals from coming into the country.

Maybe we should throw everyone in prison who takes drugs imported illegally from another country... oh wait...
From a friend: a notorious Trump hater just complained Colorado only has 900 test kits. He declined to mention that each kit tests 700 people.
So we're saying the TA is actively preventing more test kits from being sent out. Is that what we're saying?
Interpreting Bubba's nonsense is a slippery slope that could banish you into the abyss. The phrase "actively not testing" is itself odd. It is like saying, "Bubba's brain is saturated with the absence of thought", except there is truth in the latter phrase.
If you actually read the press conference briefing, and then compare it to the "fact checking", you will note that there is almost nothing accurately stated by the "fact checkers". Then you post their biased crapola as if it were legitimate.

By the way, who is saying to "scientists", "don't talk to anyone", and who is "actively not testing"? You continue to be quite the bucket head, which comes as no surprise.
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, one of the country’s leading experts on viruses, told associates that the White House instructed him not to say anything else without clearance...Yeah, open and honest.
So we're saying the TA is actively preventing more test kits from being sent out. Is that what we're saying?
The criteria to qualify to be tested are strict. Coronavirus Diagnosis in California Highlights Testing Flaws

I think it's two reasons. 1. Limited numbers of tests. 2. If you test you get positive cases. They don't want positive cases. Mexico has only had 5 deaths. I bet they're not testing many people simply for lack of access. The US has the lowest ratio of population tested.

South Korea: 3,692
Italy: 826
Israel: 401
Netherlands: 350
UK: 347
Japan: 66
US: 5

Two thoughts. Japan is not doing this well. I'd expect them up there with South Korea. At this point in their virus journey South Korea had tested 100,000 and we've tested 1,707. That seems significant.
The criteria to qualify to be tested are strict. Coronavirus Diagnosis in California Highlights Testing Flaws

I think it's two reasons. 1. Limited numbers of tests. 2. If you test you get positive cases. They don't want positive cases. Mexico has only had 5 deaths. I bet they're not testing many people simply for lack of access. The US has the lowest ratio of population tested.

South Korea: 3,692
Italy: 826
Israel: 401
Netherlands: 350
UK: 347
Japan: 66
US: 5

Two thoughts. Japan is not doing this well. I'd expect them up there with South Korea. At this point in their virus journey South Korea had tested 100,000 and we've tested 1,707. That seems significant.
We’ve tested 5000. It has increased substantially in last few days. Your data is out of date.
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, one of the country’s leading experts on viruses, told associates that the White House instructed him not to say anything else without clearance...Yeah, open and honest.

So a violation of the 1st Ammendment? Or did you not communicate this very well.
We’ve tested 5000. It has increased substantially in last few days. Your data is out of date.
Maybe. The data is apparently difficult to find.

The Dangerous Delays in U.S. Coronavirus Testing Haven’t Stopped

Austin, Tx....
The testing situation is so bad that Marc Lipsitch, an epidemiology professor at Harvard, says that health officials and journalists should stop reporting the number of positive cases in the United States as “new cases.” Instead, he wrote by email, “they should refer to them as ‘newly discovered cases,’ in order to remove the impression that the number of cases reported has any bearing on the actual number.”

The ponderous rollout of tests—and the stringent criteria that the CDC has imposed on them—has hamstrung doctors and injected anxiety into the lives of ordinary Americans. Are their symptoms pneumonia, the flu, or something worse?

“I have no clue if we could have already or could be now spreading this to others,” a 38-year-old woman who lives near Austin, Texas, who asked not to be identified for privacy reasons, told us.

After returning from Western Europe in late January, the woman and her husband came down with a mysterious illness, which sent them in and out of week-long fevers. She and her husband would wake up coughing in the middle of the night, their ribs aching so badly that they needed to vomit. She has tested negative for the flu, twice, and also tested negative for strep. She has been diagnosed with pneumonia.

Read: The official coronavirus numbers are wrong and everyone knows it

On her trip, she had frequently been in large, international crowds, where she could easily have been exposed to the coronavirus. But despite having all the symptoms, she has not been tested for it. When she called Austin’s public-health department to ask for guidance, she was told that unless she was hospitalized or had traveled to China, she could not be tested for COVID-19.

“The woman who I talked to said, ‘There aren’t any cases here [in Travis County],’” she told us. “And I said, ‘There hasn’t been any testing, so how do you know?’”
The criteria to qualify to be tested are strict. Coronavirus Diagnosis in California Highlights Testing Flaws

I think it's two reasons. 1. Limited numbers of tests. 2. If you test you get positive cases. They don't want positive cases. Mexico has only had 5 deaths. I bet they're not testing many people simply for lack of access. The US has the lowest ratio of population tested.

South Korea: 3,692
Italy: 826
Israel: 401
Netherlands: 350
UK: 347
Japan: 66
US: 5

Two thoughts. Japan is not doing this well. I'd expect them up there with South Korea. At this point in their virus journey South Korea had tested 100,000 and we've tested 1,707. That seems significant.

I don't get this. My girlfriend had a chronic cough going on and made an appointment for Monday. They tested her and said she didn't have the virus. There was no strict anything. She just had a sporadic cough. She was fine otherwise. No fever. No nothing.

I'm giving you first hand knowledge. Ok ok... who am I? AN HONEST MAN! The media reports are interesting because it's not my experience at all.
Maybe. The data is apparently difficult to find.

The Dangerous Delays in U.S. Coronavirus Testing Haven’t Stopped

Austin, Tx....
The testing situation is so bad that Marc Lipsitch, an epidemiology professor at Harvard, says that health officials and journalists should stop reporting the number of positive cases in the United States as “new cases.” Instead, he wrote by email, “they should refer to them as ‘newly discovered cases,’ in order to remove the impression that the number of cases reported has any bearing on the actual number.”

The ponderous rollout of tests—and the stringent criteria that the CDC has imposed on them—has hamstrung doctors and injected anxiety into the lives of ordinary Americans. Are their symptoms pneumonia, the flu, or something worse?

“I have no clue if we could have already or could be now spreading this to others,” a 38-year-old woman who lives near Austin, Texas, who asked not to be identified for privacy reasons, told us.

After returning from Western Europe in late January, the woman and her husband came down with a mysterious illness, which sent them in and out of week-long fevers. She and her husband would wake up coughing in the middle of the night, their ribs aching so badly that they needed to vomit. She has tested negative for the flu, twice, and also tested negative for strep. She has been diagnosed with pneumonia.

Read: The official coronavirus numbers are wrong and everyone knows it

On her trip, she had frequently been in large, international crowds, where she could easily have been exposed to the coronavirus. But despite having all the symptoms, she has not been tested for it. When she called Austin’s public-health department to ask for guidance, she was told that unless she was hospitalized or had traveled to China, she could not be tested for COVID-19.

“The woman who I talked to said, ‘There aren’t any cases here [in Travis County],’” she told us. “And I said, ‘There hasn’t been any testing, so how do you know?’”

CDC Director Robert Redfield told lawmakers this morning during House tesimony that "the US is beyond virus containment in some areas

Later during the presser, Redfield added that roughly 4,850 tests had been carried out through Monday by the CDC, more than double the number reported by the Atlantic on Monday.
Don't confuse testing numbers with tests performed by public agencies only.

"We don’t know exactly how many because hundreds of thousands of our tests have gone out to private labs and hospitals that currently do not report in to CDC,” he said in a CNN appearance."
Yes. From same article:

“Despite vows to drastically expand the coronavirus testing regime, federal and state public health authorities have tested only 6,563 people for the coronavirus as of Tuesday morning, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and numbers provided by all 50 states.

South Korea, by contrast, has performed well over 100,000 tests. An analysis by Business Insider found that the U.S. lags badly behind other nations in the share of its population that has been tested (the analysis, however, appears to exclude people who were tested by state labs).

At the same time, public laboratories cannot be relied upon to carry the brunt of the testing burden. On the whole, Michelle Forman, a spokesperson for the Association of Public Health Laboratories, estimates that public laboratories will be able to test only 10,000 patients per day, and that is when all 100 facilities are running at full capacity.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment.“
Again: "Earlier on Tuesday, Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said he couldn’t provide the figure. “We don’t know exactly how many because hundreds of thousands of our tests have gone out to private labs and hospitals that currently do not report in to CDC,” he said in a CNN appearance.
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, one of the country’s leading experts on viruses, told associates that the White House instructed him not to say anything else without clearance...Yeah, open and honest.
From that unassailable source of liberal news, The New York Times:

At a recent Congressional subcommittee hearing, one representative asked Dr. Fauci if he had a twin, because he seemed to be everywhere lately. Another offered medical advice: lemon, honey and bourbon for his voice, which has been hoarse for weeks from endless rounds of talking to lawmakers, scientists, health officials and reporters.

Dr. Fauci, 79, does not seem to be in the cross hairs. Although he was recently told he must clear his many TV, radio and print interviews through the White House, he has said that he has not been muzzled.

Obviously, you're not honest.
All I can say is the hysteria in the Dallas area is over the top. We tried to admit my father in law to a hospital in Sunnyvale. Took him to the ER at 1:45, he still hasn't been admitted, just checked on. The place is full. My wife is with him, people with normal coughs are putting on an acting job as if they're going to die.

Congratulations cnn et al. He's 88yo, in dire need of a hospital bed and attention and cannot get it. He can't eat, has lost a lot of weight recently, is truly in need of care but there's no room for him.

I asked my wife if she could transfer him, medical city is full she was told.

We've admitted her dad to that hospital i Sunnyvale before, no problems or issues. Now he's in as bad a shape as can be and is stuck. Too many younger people that think they have the new virus and they're clogging the ER. Pathetic
I don't get this. My girlfriend had a chronic cough going on and made an appointment for Monday. They tested her and said she didn't have the virus. There was no strict anything. She just had a sporadic cough. She was fine otherwise. No fever. No nothing.

I'm giving you first hand knowledge. Ok ok... who am I? AN HONEST MAN! The media reports are interesting because it's not my experience at all.
We had a person at another one of our clinics who worked for ICE and he was symptomatic. He did not qualify for getting the test according to the state epidemiology department. Likely just flu but you never know with all of those dirty immigrants. :)

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