Chance of Football in 2020

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NYT article today posted in the Chronicle says NYC was at 23% infected as of May 6. It also says true infection could be 13x higher than known cases from the positives reported by COVID testing. In New York it was 10x. Finally check out the last paragraph of the article.

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If NYC was at 23% infected on May 6, why did the infections slow down? How come it didn’t stop at 50% infected, or 70% infected? For a highly contagious virus, if the first 25% was easy to infect, why not the next 25%? It’s almost as if something is stopping it. I wonder what that is? Hmmmm.
50% doesn't make sense to me. You'll still be close enough to everyone else that you aren't much more separated than you would be at 100%. My guess is you'd have to get down to 30% or so to see much difference.
It's like the rules in dining establishments...
Can anyone explain to me the ultimate significance/difference having a mask on while standing and walking but not while sitting? No... because it makes no difference whatsoever. I could go on and on...the list of rules and parameters that make no logical (or medical/scientific) sense is endless.
It's like the rules in dining establishments...
Can anyone explain to me the ultimate significance/difference having a mask on while standing and walking but not while sitting? No... because it makes no difference whatsoever. I could go on and on...the list of rules and parameters that make no logical (or medical/scientific) sense is endless.
It’s like buying a security for your home. It just means someone else’s house gets broken into.

Unfortunately people in nursing homes can’t isolate or move away from the danger as well due to the nursing care required.
One more thing. Blood work doesn’t define herd immunity. Results in the field define herd immunity. Blood work only provides additional insight. People in media too f*cking stupid to know the difference.
When they said it was necessary to wear masks when in social gatherings and anytime ‘anti’social gathering was impossible but then said protests were ok, that did it for me.
Good. I wouldn't go to an NFL game, anyway, so it doesn't matter to me. If I did want to go, this would change that.
HIC, regardless of your personal views regarding the masks, I think you and others are missing the big
picture. The big picture is this: masks allow government to open society for schools, churches, sports to continue, etc. It allows them to say masks work when in reality cases ultimately go down due to herd immunity. It’s basically a face-saving way (unintentional pun) for them to open society without admitting that herd immunity is real.
HIC, regardless of your personal views regarding the masks, I think you and others are missing the big
picture. The big picture is this: masks allow government to open society for schools, churches, sports to continue, etc. It allows them to say masks work when in reality cases ultimately go down due to herd immunity. It’s basically a face-saving way (unintentional pun) for them to open society without admitting that herd immunity is real.
I get it, actually. I play the game at work. It's unfortunate most people are stupid enough to think these useless masks will make it all better.
Well in Aug and Sept I usually have a wet towel over my hand and sides of face anyway and wife already says I look stupid, so no big deal with a wet gaiter on. Hookem
I am glad to hear they have contingency for worse case scenario. I think they know the peak has past and it will only get better from here. Wait 4 more weeks and you will see southern US (NC SC TN GA FL AL MS LA TX) on a declining slope of cases. Limited releases of vaccine will be available in October. I can’t wait for update on antibody therapy (anyone sick enough to be admitted to hospital gets a shot of antibodies to neutralize virus). Occupancy and deaths go way down.

Unfortunately CA is a 2-3 weeks behind Texas because they had a stricter lockdown than Texas in April and May, which has delayed their timeline to herd immunity.

I have to brag because I said it was good that US northeast got hit first in terms of the market because they will be the first to recover. By the way, doesn’t the stock market agree with my analysis?
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I always get a flu shot but I have heard doctors say"dont get the vaccine" when it comes out. Anyone have any thoughts on that?
I always get a flu shot but I have heard doctors say"dont get the vaccine" when it comes out. Anyone have any thoughts on that?
Here’s the deal. The flu shot for any particular individual may not help you. In fact, you might get a slight cold and aches. However, taken all together, the flu shot if given to enough people lessens transmission of the flu, meaning it helps you indirectly more than it may help you directly. It’s a hard concept to buy into, which is why not everyone takes it like other vaccines.
Here’s the deal. The flu shot for any particular individual may not help you. In fact, you might get a slight cold and aches. However, taken all together, the flu shot if given to enough people lessens transmission of the flu, meaning it helps you indirectly more than it may help you directly. It’s a hard concept to buy into, which is why not everyone takes it like other vaccines.
A good guide on when to get the vacine is when they ok it for Type 1 diabetes kids. The currently unknown is which vaccine to get since there are 8 different companies currently working on a vaccine.
Herd immunity is generally thought to require at least 60% of population. If we have about 75 days till Oct 1 we will need about 240,000 Texans to get the virus daily to get there.
If we cut deaths by 90% who are the lucky 10%? For a football game?
No doubt you can make up your mind about your own activities. But, I'm over 60, don't see any reason to risk death for a football game.
Herd Immunity Threshold Against COVID-19 May Be Lower Than Believed: Researchers
I work in a grocery store. We have 530 employees with about 29,000 customers a week for almost five months and only 8 positive test results with only one showing symptoms but fully recovered. All of them are confirmed to have contracted it at family and friend gatherings.

I'm calling this thing over blown hooey with lots of cases and deaths being reported as covid when it's not. It's a real thing, but I absolutely don't believe it's worth changing our lives forever. You all know that every two years some new virus comes up and from now on this will be the request of your wonderful gubment...shut down and don't interact with anyone.

true, but only if a R is occupying the Whitehouse!
So yesterday DelConte said they are working on the assumption of a 12 game season. We’re not out of the woods yet but some kind of 2020 season sounds likely and an official announcement will come when??

Pretty soon I’m sure.
So what? People get sick all the time. How many have died? Shirley you must know the stats on that.

Grownups know how to weigh risk and decide if they want to go do grownup things. It's pretty simple.

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