ok Rain, Maybe I missed something.Can you explain your statement?
Yea, I'm first in line for the vaccine.
Thing about Covid is it's so random.
Someone older like Tom Hanks has a milder case while a young and healthy Broadway performer dies a horrible death, laying in a induced coma for months and even having his leg amputated before finally dying.
Another young healthy woman has a double lung transplant to survive.
It almost seems there is no middle ground.
Either you get sick for a couple of weeks or you have a horrible months long stay in the hospital and possibly die.
It's hitting and killing young and old alike.
Healthy and with underlying conditions.
There are stats that some should survive more than others, but it's a roll of the dice.
Ask any doctor on the front lines and they will tell you they still don't really know what this virus does or how to stop it.
I'm 65.
I run and work out regularly.
I never get a flu shot, yet I can't remember the last time I had the flu. Decades ago.
I never had the mumps or chicken pox growing up even though my parents exposed me to them.
I feel my immune system is very healthy.
But I am not rolling the dice with this ****.