Chance of Football in 2020

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So yesterday DelConte said they are working on the assumption of a 12 game season. We’re not out of the woods yet but some kind of 2020 season sounds likely and an official announcement will come when??

Pretty soon I’m sure.
Football will be on. Sept 1 is 6 weeks away. They know cases will be falling every week between now and then.
My friends who have “got sick” describe it as a lot more than just a flu. My friends who work in hospitals describe it as a death most unpleasant. Horrible is the word they use.
But I understand the blind devotion to pleasant social activities
Sorry for the repeat somewhere on this site but a friends daughter and sister got it. For both was flu like but lasted longer. No long term effects for either.
This virus affects folks differently. Some have very few if any, and others have minor symptoms like headaches, cough, some fever, achy body, etc...There are those with immune problems and other health issues who get extremely sick, have severe complications, and some die.
Apparently it’s beyond people to think logically about the virus. Children and young adults are basically immune to the virus due to exposure to coronavirus colds. Both antibodies and T cells fight the infection. More evidence comes out every day about this. Yes some kids die, but at a lower rate than the regular flu. At some point in age, this reverses and older people are more vulnerable. 200k deaths in 12 months is 3x more than a bad flu season. In theory, more lives would be saved if every one under 40 was given the live virus and isolated for 12 days away from older folks. Then the virus would not be circulating among the most active. Older folks need to be 3x as vigilant when it comes to infectious diseases.

I know a family who got it. Parents were sick for about a week, similar to flu. Age is upper forties. Kids only had sore throats. I know of a former coworker in his 60’s who got it and died of a heart attack that was related to Covid (likely due to an unknown underlying heart disease). Sorry, but 60% of those who die of COVID would be dead within 6 months anyway (source Italian epidimeologist), and probably 90% within 1-2 years. You are free to self isolate.
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My friends who have “got sick” describe it as a lot more than just a flu. My friends who work in hospitals describe it as a death most unpleasant. Horrible is the word they use.
But I understand the blind devotion to pleasant social activities
Hard truth: People die everyday and nobody gives a f*ck. The only collective moral obligation was to slow the spread to avoid hospitals from being overloaded. After that, you are balancing your (or someone’s) needs against others. What if I work from home and otherwise self isolate but want to go to the game? Others may not go to the game but go grocery shopping or visit the Home Depot. Which is worse. Some people actually have to leave their home to work at an essential business. The former coworker who died of a heart attack got covid from someone who attended his meeting but didn’t show symptoms until later.
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My friends who have “got sick” describe it as a lot more than just a flu. My friends who work in hospitals describe it as a death most unpleasant. Horrible is the word they use.
But I understand the blind devotion to pleasant social activities
Before COVID, how many citizens would forego a social event to show up at the hospital to express their concern for the sick and dying? Unless you are arguing for complete lockdown, your comment is highly selective against social events (versus other activities which you chose to ignore). Besides if we all wear magical masks to the game, what is the worry?
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My friends who have “got sick” describe it as a lot more than just a flu. My friends who work in hospitals describe it as a death most unpleasant. Horrible is the word they use.
But I understand the blind devotion to pleasant social activities
I saw how both of my parents died, and a brother. Hard to see how it would be more unpleasant. Sorry, not buying the fear porn. Everyone live their lives accordingly.
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I saw how both of my parents died, and a brother. Hard to see how it would be more unpleasant. Sorry, not buying the fear porn. Everyone live their lives accordingly.
Everyone I know or know of who has had it would tend to validate huisache’s assertion that it is “a lot more than the flu.” Let’s hope that none of us commenting will be able to add a first hand assessment.
Everyone I know or know of who has had it would tend to validate huisache’s assertion that it is “a lot more than the flu.” Let’s hope that none of us commenting will be able to add a first hand assessment.
Confirmation bias. They are only seeing the sickest patients. They don’t see the >99% who didn’t die or was hospitalized. Do they say the same about cancer? Last I checked, cancer didn’t stop but somehow it is forgotten during the pandemic.
Had a guy come in today with a paper bag on his head with two eye holes cut out (very much like the Aint's of the 80's). Written on the front and back was "You're all brainwashed!!" He just walked in, took a lap around the store and left. I almost gave him a high five.
My friends who have “got sick” describe it as a lot more than just a flu. My friends who work in hospitals describe it as a death most unpleasant. Horrible is the word they use.
But I understand the blind devotion to pleasant social activities
Sounds like your friends are old and in bad shape. I had it, was no big deal. Probably had it in January as well. Not even a bad flu.

For chrissakes, some people get really sick from it and other viruses, etc., and some don't. What's hard to understand here?
Sounds like your friends are old and in bad shape. I had it, was no big deal. Probably had it in January as well. Not even a bad flu.

For chrissakes, some people get really sick from it and other viruses, etc., and some don't. What's hard to understand here?
No doubt many are either unaffected or only minimally affected. But, I personally know two individuals in their early 30s who had a very difficult time.

One, a woman in good shape and from a wealthy family (near Northbrook, BTW) fought C-19 for two months. I know this to be true because the owner of a 1 + billion dollar company told me. It is his daughter.

The other, a young man in perfect shape in Reynosa Mexico was apparently on oxygen in the hospital for a few days.

That scares the crap out of me....

BTW, in Mexico there seems to be no mask controversy. I’m there now, near Cancun. Most stores tightly enforce shopper limits. Many stores go further. Starbucks has a barista — with a mask and a shield — taking the temperature of every customer and squirting hand sanitizer into every customer’s hand. Outside the shopping area there is a guard shooting a temperature gun at everyone’s arm and there is a shoe disinfecting bath at the entry point.
I always get a flu shot but I have heard doctors say"dont get the vaccine" when it comes out. Anyone have any thoughts on that?
Yes....If someone gave me a choice between being exposed to covid or taking the vaccine when it is released I would 100% choose exposure to covid.

I never believed that you would become a facist, commie, pinko, Trump kissing right wing weirdo.

You must pass these worthless reports by your democrat, socialist, mayor and/or county judge for review and rebuke before putting them out there. NO good news allowed.
ok Rain, Maybe I missed something.Can you explain your statement?

Yea, I'm first in line for the vaccine.
Thing about Covid is it's so random.
Someone older like Tom Hanks has a milder case while a young and healthy Broadway performer dies a horrible death, laying in a induced coma for months and even having his leg amputated before finally dying.
Another young healthy woman has a double lung transplant to survive.
It almost seems there is no middle ground.
Either you get sick for a couple of weeks or you have a horrible months long stay in the hospital and possibly die.
It's hitting and killing young and old alike.
Healthy and with underlying conditions.
There are stats that some should survive more than others, but it's a roll of the dice.
Ask any doctor on the front lines and they will tell you they still don't really know what this virus does or how to stop it.
I'm 65.
I run and work out regularly.
I never get a flu shot, yet I can't remember the last time I had the flu. Decades ago.
I never had the mumps or chicken pox growing up even though my parents exposed me to them.
I feel my immune system is very healthy.
But I am not rolling the dice with this ****.
ok Rain, Maybe I missed something.Can you explain your statement?

I honestly cannot say what reasoning doctors saying that would give, but mine and my family's is as follows:

1. Generally, our government buearacracies cannot be trusted. Big pharma cannot be trusted. Now you have them colluding/working together in a hurry to rush a vaccine in the current set of circumstances. Do you think this sounds like a good setup?

2. I know some will take issue with this but these same groups above and including the CDC and FDA simply cannot be trusted. They have an agenda and have a propaganda arm to promote that agenda and there is way too much evidence to suggest they have lied in the past. Anyone who takes the time to research the MMR/Autism situation will see but one example of this.

3. Our medical training, education, treatment system is broken. If you need major surgery....really need it...Our system can be great. When it comes to true discovery and treatment of causes not symptoms and understanding what is really going on and how not to rely too heavily on synthetic drugs our system fails miserably.

4. I'll add this...It is obvious our culture is broken at every level. Our government, our arts, our communities, our media, our schools, financial name it. Why would anyone think the medical system (now in bed with an untrustworthy government) would be any different? It isn't. The current collusion between government and medicine is not just a recipe for already is one.

I know many doctors who are catching on and trying to be different and stem the tide....but it is a real tough road. This could explain some of it - or, practically speaking, they are just advising a period of waiting to see if tweaks need to be made or a better option arises. All I know is there is ALOT of pressure and ALOT of money involving ALOT of very motivated people with agendas so........again, not a good combination.
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I honestly cannot say what reasoning doctors saying that would give, but mine and my family's is as follows:

1. Generally, our government buearacracies cannot be trusted. Big pharma cannot be trusted. Now you have them colluding/working together in a hurry to rush a vaccine in the current set of circumstances. Do you think this sounds like a good setup?

2. I know some will take issue with this but these same groups above and including the CDC and FDA simply cannot be trusted. They have an agenda and have a propaganda arm to promote that agenda and there is way too much evidence to suggest they have lied in the past. Anyone who takes the time to research the MMR/Autism situation will see but one example of this.

3. Our medical training, education, treatment system is broken. If you need major surgery....really need it...Our system can be great. When it comes to true discovery and treatment of causes not symptoms and understanding what is really going on and how not to rely too heavily on synthetic drugs our system fails miserably.

4. I'll add this...It is obvious our culture is broken at every level. Our government, our arts, our communities, our media, our schools, financial name it. Why would anyone think the medical system (now in bed with an untrustworthy government) would be any different? It isn't. The current collusion between government and medicine is not just a recipe for already is one.

I know many doctors who are catching on and trying to be different and stem the tide....but it is a real tough road. This could explain some of it - or, practically speaking, they are just advising a period of waiting to see if tweaks need to be made or a better option arises. All I know is there is ALOT of pressure and ALOT of money involving ALOT of very motivated people with agendas so........again, not a good combination.
I respect your decision. My doctor says he will not get it because it is being rushed through. I still think I would rather take my chances with the vaccine than covid at 73 years old.
I respect your decision. My doctor says he will not get it because it is being rushed through. I still think I would rather take my chances with the vaccine than covid at 73 years old.
Well, sir....I respect that decision. It is very important that we each be respectful and mindful of one another's unique circumstances when discussing these matters. I can certainly appreciate your position.

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