Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

Kammie etc pulling out all stops now.
Interesting that Biden/ Harris open border policies are so destructive all the other states now understand we have to close the borders. Mass is in real trouble as is NY Ill Col. among many.
Kammie etc pulling out all stops now.
Interesting that Biden/ Harris open border policies are so destructive all the other states now understand we have to close the borders. Mass is in real trouble as is NY Ill Col. among many.

Just got back from Chicago last week (just as the DNC started) and I have to say, there were illegals camped out on many street corners downtown. The running joke was, "You're welcome Chicago, Love Greg Abbott".

I've never seen illegals camped in downtown Chicago before and I assumed since the convention was starting what I saw was some what cleaned up from the norm.
I should be sorry to hear the problems and destruction cities like Chicago are seeing
But after all the years of being called racist xenophobic and heartless for not wanting illegals streaming across the border I enjoy reading places like Chicago Denver NYC etc are finally understanding reality. Hope it is not too late.
How can so many people let this happen?
Great question, 6721. There are laws on the books - those laws should be enforced. If enough people don't like the laws, the government can change those laws through the proper process. In the meantime, enforce the existing laws!
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I just heard Gov. Abbot explain that he first Only bussed illegals to DC
Then Mayor Adam lied/ complained about the illegals Texas was bussing to NYC
So Abbot started bussing Illegals to NYC
Now Adam's is shown to be a liar And an enemy of Bidone/Commiela.
Karma is a *****

I heard it on radio
Will find a link later

one link
I firmly believe that his indictment is a direct consequence of not towing the democratic party line about immigration over the last 18 months. He was too honest about how illegal immigration was impacting NY and it hurt the national dems. They are getting their payback.
I agree. This is payback for Adams daring to criticize the fed for the out of control illegals.
But it is very sweet that Abbot exposed Adams for being a liar too

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