Band and Cheer Stuff

Here's the Longhorn Band halftime show from the Tech game:

The Mariachis start around 3:00.

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We must bring back the Mariachis this week, since we're playing TCU. They can play La Cucaracha in honor of our worthy opponents.

Oh, wait a minute, per LHABSOB's post above, it sounds like the LHB will be missing in action due to Coronavirus...?

Mariachis, Corona, ...
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Here's an impressive Pom Squad routine from earlier in the year:

Did I ever tell you I taught those ladies how to dance...?
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we start our genuflection to hispanic heritage month with an afro-cuban tune?

how about we start playing Jalisco at every game? It is a great song, at least as rousing as wabash cannonball, et al, and it is from Mexico, which is where all the hispanics in the state are from----except Rafael Cruz, of course.
It's OU week folks.

Leave it to the Sooners to ruin a perfectly good Ivy League song:


Boola, Boola, Boola, Boola
Boola, Boola, Boola, Boola

When we rough house poor old Hahvahd*
They will holler "Boola Boo"

Oh Yale, Eli Yale, Oh Yale, Eli Yale
Oh Yale, Eli Yale, Oh Yale, Eli Yale

When we run through those poor fellows
They will holler "Boola Boo"

Boola, Boola, Boola, Boola
Boola, Boola, Boola, Boola

a much better version than OU's
Yale Fight Songs

(OU just couldn't leave well enough alone)

*note the early-age-of-football one line dig at their rival in the fight song...:smile1:
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Once a few inbred Oklahomans heard the chorus, this piece of turn-of-the-century Americana devolved into "Boomer Sooner"

Youth of America: this is what happens when you cast your pearls before swine.
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Anyone know if LHB will be at the RRS?

God help us if OU's band is the only one there. I couldn't take hearing "Boomer Sooner" 9,000 times instead of their usual 7,000 times.
Anyone know if LHB will be at the RRS?

God help us if OU's band is the only one there. I couldn't take hearing "Boomer Sooner" 9,000 times instead of their usual 7,000 times.
They'd better be there. If there's a virus problem, then play with the 1/2, 1/3, or even 1/4 that were not exposed. Or let the Longhorn Alumni Band fill in. Or bring in some large Texas high school band that has our same fight song, and we'll hear Texas Fight over and over. No band = no good.

Belton, Hutto, Austin Bowie, and I think Houston Scarborough all have "Texas Fight" (with their own lyrics) as their fight song.
Belton, Hutto, Austin Bowie, and I think Houston Scarborough all have "Texas Fight" (with their own lyrics) as their fight song.
As did some middle school in my hometown (can't remember which). It's common practice to simply pick a good college fight song and change the words.

My middle school's fight song was Notre Dame's (with no words, as far as I know), and our high school used Michigan's (with our own words). Perhaps it's due to bias, but to this day, I consider Michigan's fight song to be among the very best.

Boomer Sooner is terrible.
Baylor's fight song is almost as bad as OU's. It sounds like someone wrote it as a joke.
A&M's fight song is a decent tune, but they play it too slowly. Also, 40% of the words are about UT, and 20% of it is gibberish. The remaining 40% is alright, standard fight song material.

The rest of the Big 12 has decent-to-good fight songs. If I had to pick one other than Texas Fight, it'd probably be either KSU's or WVU's.

The LhB, London Philharmonic, and First Baptist Choir could all be there and you would still hear Boomer Sooner 9000 times.
Longhorn Band's march down Bevo Blvd before the Okla State game:
(Some Drum Cadence, March Grandioso, Bevo gets out of his trailer, ...)
Performance by our new feature twirler (she's really good) to "Deep in the Heart of Texas" starting at 4:11.

No class piss ants at Baylor put our Band in the corner of the high nosebleed section.

I'll relay your thoughts to CDC that putting the opponents band in the far corner of the upper deck makes us "no class piss ants"

Where does the opposing band sit at DKR?

In the far corner of the upper deck (northeast corner)

Have to go now to order my "no class piss ants" t-shirt from the COOP.
I'll relay your thoughts to CDC that putting the opponents band in the far corner of the upper deck makes us "no class piss ants"

In the far corner of the upper deck (northeast corner)

Have to go now to order my "no class piss ants" t-shirt from the COOP.
We should do better. I don’t like it at all. Lack of class.