Band and Cheer Stuff

Correct. They played it during the pregame show and again after the end of the game.
I’m glad all this silly divisive nonsense is over and things are back to normal at UT. The folks who became a bit ‘anti-band’ during this unfortunate non-controversy should jump back on the bandwagon* and support our most excellent Longhorn Band.


*yes, that pun was intended…
As with all fake, media induced stories, it goes from:

Nothing - you couldn't find 2 people on campus from 1903 to 2020 who knew, or gave the slightest care, about the history of the Eyes of Texas

Most Important Thing Happening Right Now!!!

Back to nothing
I could say that probably 80% of the paid attendees did not participate in singing The Eyes at game’s end, but that was only because they had already departed DKR by that time.
To give you an idea how empty it was at game's end, I always stay until the end of the game and sing "The Eyes".

I got in my truck in the San Jacinto garage at straight up & down 11, pulled into Bucee's in Bastrop at 11:32
Yeah, just like last year with Covid attendance walking the route to parking is nice when you have a complete blow out. Well actually there were a few more in the walking home crowd last night, but negligible compared to kick off.

On the sidelines this year:

2021 2022 Orange Squad Announcement (PDF) - University of Texas Athletics

2021 2022 White Squad Announcement (PDF) - University of Texas Athletics

2021 2022 Pom Squad Announcement (PDF) - University of Texas Athletics

The other half of The Band (and Cheer) stuff...

They're like acrobats, athletes/gymnasts, motivational speakers, and models wrapped up in one package

Here's one of our new cheerleader's audition video below--she made it, congrats!


Laura is my niece! She’s been doing this since she was 4 or 5. So happy for her!
Well Mc let’s be transparent here, there are numerous players who do stand respectfully with arms around one another but they certainly do not have hands up with ‘Hookem’. Obviously I cannot tell if they are singing or not but they’re is definitely no horns up by numerous Longhorns. Personally I’m quite ok with it, as long as they show up and show respect it’s a positive development.
Well Mc let’s be transparent here, there are numerous players who do stand respectfully with arms around one another but they certainly do not have hands up with ‘Hookem’. Obviously I cannot tell if they are singing or not but they’re is definitely no horns up by numerous Longhorns. Personally I’m quite ok with it, as long as they show up and show respect it’s a positive development.
My recollection is that was the case for years for the football team.
I recall previously LHN showing the players during the band playing of the post-game EoT. On Saturday, I did not. LHN either was showing commercials or the commentators.
Not only did they not show the post-game Eyes, but on more than one occasion they came back from a commercial break after play had already resumed. :brickwall:
I miss the days when a regular guy like me (i.e., not a BMD) could park at the LBJ library on game day. (last time I did that was for the 1995 UT-Baylor game)