Band and Cheer Stuff

Take a look here at beginning at the 15:51 mark. I don't see anyone protesting The Eyes here (but that was 3 years ago, so obviously things have changed).
I don't think she would mind me quoting her - MB227 stated elsewhere that the issue is over and my words: the suit is a last minute effort to get a shakedown for a $ settlement and go away.

That would be totally f*cked up. The suit is dumb as sh*t. As if these students have no understanding of the history of this country, of Texas, or of the University at all, and they are suddenly horrified and taking it out on a song that has nothing to do with racism.
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The complainants filed a complaint with the DOE's Office of Civil Rights (OCR). They did not file a lawsuit. The DOE's OCR will investigate. The complainants could still file a lawsuit, but that would lead down a much more difficult road for them.

Remember, the DOE isn't exactly full of the sharper knives in the drawer.
The complaint, filed Friday morning, alleges that Black students have been denied full benefits of Longhorn student life because the song is an official part of the university, “despite its racially offensive origin, context and meaning.”

All of the above is 100% false. It’s origin wasn’t racist, neither is its context nor its meaning. It was debuted at a minstrel show. Unless you ban every song, dance, joke, or act performed at every minstrel show between 1800-1950, then you have no merit to selectively pick out one song out of thousands. Yes there may be $$$ reasons to do so, but no intellectual merit.
"Leaders of the NAACP chapters said they felt the decision to create two bands was the most egregious example of discrimination, harkening back to the 1950 Sweatt vs. Painter case in which the state created a separate law school for Black students instead of granting a Black applicant, Heman Sweatt, admission into UT Law. The U.S. Supreme Court eventually ruled against UT-Austin because of the differences between the law school for white students, which had more professors, a larger law library and better facilities than the law school created for Black students.

Bledsoe said he believes the new band will not be awarded the same benefits as the long-standing Longhorn Band, which has a rich history and active alumni support base."

So get rid of the second band.
Why don't they file a lawsuit against Baylor for having statues on campus that honor individuals who were slaveholders? Seems like a more direct connection there.
Baylor University report recommends changing buildings and statues honoring slave owners but gives a pass to school’s founder

Because these same idiots voted for a President who didn't want white kids going to black jungles in the 1970/80's. Not sure how you justify that in your tiny, little non free thinking brain.
"Leaders of the NAACP chapters said they felt the decision to create two bands was the most egregious example of discrimination, harkening back to the 1950 Sweatt vs. Painter case in which the state created a separate law school for Black students instead of granting a Black applicant, Heman Sweatt, admission into UT Law. The U.S. Supreme Court eventually ruled against UT-Austin because of the differences between the law school for white students, which had more professors, a larger law library and better facilities than the law school created for Black students.

Bledsoe said he believes the new band will not be awarded the same benefits as the long-standing Longhorn Band, which has a rich history and active alumni support base."

So get rid of the second band.

Went to the game on Saturday, the band no longer plays a role in game day experience except for pre game March Grandioso and post game Eyes of Texas. While I miss the band playing during timeouts, they've lost me as a fan and I could care less if they are there anymore.
What about the usual and customary pre-game Eyes of Texas with the huge Texas flag?

I was watching the south endzone Webcam and they played The Eyes pre-game. I know because they showed the lyrics on the jumbotron. The Webcam was on the entire game too which was surprising.
I wish the first half would be all band and no Jumbotron like it was 25 years ago. The second half can be the reverse.
What about the usual and customary pre-game Eyes of Texas with the huge Texas flag?
But they didn’t play the opposing teams Alma Mater, which suspects me to question did the band really play the “Eyes” or was that a staged replay. Not meaning to sound like a conspiracists and they weren’t very loud with the fight song either. I could barely hear them in the North End Zone
Was the ULala band supposed to be there?
I thought I saw an empty section on the east side where the opposing band usually sits
Was the ULala band supposed to be there?
I thought I saw an empty section on the east side where the opposing band usually sits

They were supposed to come, but the Hurricane disrupted that. There were very few USL fans there because of the hurricane. You are correct, the northeast upper deck was where they were supposed was empty. I'm not sure the LHB knew the USL wasn't coming.
But they didn’t play the opposing teams Alma Mater, which suspects me to question did the band really play the “Eyes” or was that a staged replay. Not meaning to sound like a conspiracists and they weren’t very loud with the fight song either. I could barely hear them in the North End Zone

Where the band sits makes it hard for everyone in the stadium to hear the band. They are faxing the home side so the north endzone is going to have a hard time hearing, unfortunately. Anyone sitting on the east side will have it worse.
03 so true. NEZ can only hear the band when their performing on the field.
I thought the Godzillatron speakers were down a few decibels this game. Now I must say I was so frustrated about extreme radio delay I may not have been as sensitive to it as normally.
@TEXnSEATTLE, so a cheerleader question from long ago that you may know the answer to.

The 1977 squad had Daryl Stowe that I knew. It also had a extremely cute blonde woman named Pam, that my brother, who was a student at the time, still remember and talk about from time to time. She had a short Dorothy Hamel kind of hairstyle...

What was her last name?