Band and Cheer Stuff

I'm pretty sure you've got this backward. The yellow ones look bigger in this photo because they're closer. But they're the "Silks".

"Big Flag", well, they carry big flags. So big they use a carrying belt, basically a harness/holster the flag goes into. As such, they can't spin them. They just...kinda stand there, and sometimes slowly walk around or sway the flags back and forth. They're more similar to a military colorguard.

"Silks" are smaller, lighter flags that can be spun and tossed, and you can run/dance while holding one. You can see the yellow flags in the middle of what looks like a drop spin in the photo. And yes, they're usually made of silk (some of the Big Flags are nylon, like a typical outdoor flag).

As for the pregame show, I think all flag people are doing something more similar to "Big Flag", whether they're in the Silks or Big Flag section for halftime. I've never seen anyone spinning a Big 12 flag.
On second examination, I think you're right--the yellow flags are actually the smaller "silks" in this picture. They're certainly twirling them about. The orange and white flags near the opposite sideline are the "Big Flags". Correct basic concept; misinterpretation by me of the relative sizes of the flags in the photograph. My bad.
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Pom squad/chaps girls in their masks = strange cowgirl/nurse fetish (for people who are in to that sort of thing...).

They did a nice routine in the stands where they sort of bent over with their hind sides towards the camera and shook. The cameramen are loving it and focusing on them a lot.

The Pom squad is doing their part to ensure Longhorn football is back indeed!
Pom squad/chaps girls in their masks = strange cowgirl/nurse fetish (for people who are in to that sort of thing...).

They did a nice routine in the stands where they sort of bent over with their hind sides towards the camera and shook. The cameramen are loving it and focusing on them a lot.

The Pom squad is doing their part to ensure Longhorn football is back indeed!
I have known a couple that wanted to shake their derriere in front of large crowds....

I mean if we are going to get real "woke" then we should ban the Showband of the Southwest. One of their members wrote this racist song and band members played in the "minstrel" shows. Also ban the track team, they received money from the first show that the song was played at as a fundraiser... it is what it is - the UT band is a hate group and the track team was funded by racists....
I mean if we are going to get real "woke" then we should ban the Showband of the Southwest. One of their members wrote this racist song and band members played in the "minstrel" shows. Also ban the track team, they received money from the first show that the song was played at as a fundraiser... it is what it is - the UT band is a hate group and the track team was funded by racists....
Yep. And isn't there another song played at the start of sporting events that mocks slaves from the early 1800s in the second verse or something... I think the Longhorn Band plays that one as well.
Those who have read these boards know that the Longhorn Band has no bigger backer on than I. I created this long, multi-year thread to publicize their exploits, and try to keep it relatively current, and always upbeat. That being said, the current state of things cannot go on.

The admin must get with it and squash this vile, noxious, bullsh!t or it will take down the Longhorn Band--a great institution that was not built by its current members. Anyone who does not want to play the songs must be shown the door immediately. Get a new drum major tomorrow if the current one doesn't grow a brain and fix herself. If that cuts our band by 1/2 or more, so be it. At least we will have a band that gives a flip about UT and a band the fans, donors, and alums can get behind and cheer on. These current losers* who don't want to play the school song are definitely not that. The admin needs to grow some balls and take action now, not later. They must cut out the cancer before it destroys the whole body.

*this does not apply to the loyal band members who will gladly play the song, or who, after further reflection, decide they'll play it.
Chop I’m still a Longhorn and will complete my commitment for the season. Two reasons 1) I anticipated eagerly getting Texas Football back all off season and 2) no doubt should be number 1, I paid in advance like everyone did and I intend on enjoyed the terrace club and watching football for which (as stated) I have paid.
Now it can be argued I’m not getting what I expected but that’s been true for several years now and it’s true that I’m disgusted about the wokeness lunacy spewing forth.
Next year? Well that’s another thing entirely.
I’m still a Texas Longhorn and a fan of all our sports and the band. Sometimes I think I’m the only one left who doesn’t immediately want to send Tom packing. I’m not a fan of the sorry band leadership and woke stooges who won’t even play the school song.
I’m still a Texas Longhorn and a fan of all our sports and the band. Sometimes I think I’m the only one left who doesn’t immediately want to send Tom packing. I’m not a fan of the sorry band leadership and woke stooges who won’t even play the school song.
When is the last time you heard the third stanza sung? I've never heard it sung and I'm older than dirt.
WHEN you only look for the worst in people, what do you think you are going to find?
Below are certain copied and pasted responses from the Longhorn Band's Facebook page. It's overwhelmingly anti-Band and pro-Eyes of Texas. This is a colossal failure by the Band leadership and administration. The current Band members are playing in an institution built by generations of people who are better than the current lot. The leadership must act promptly to defend and save the Band. Pretend it's the Alamo. Draw a line in the sand and let all who will play the school song step forward and cross the line. Send Moses Rose and the remainder packing.
  • Greetings from the Razorback Nation! We’ve never liked each other much, but we stand in support of The Eyes of Texas. Each and every member of the Longhorn Band that refuses to play it should lose whatever funding they receive from the music department and also receive a failing grade. You are on a job and the director is your boss.
  • I am extremely disappointed in an organization that I hold near and dear to my heart and shaped my experience at UT. LHB is meant to be the greatest supporters and cheerleaders for the UT football team and school. You as members of this organization have let your team down and the school you represent. Being the fact that you all are in school to learn, do the research and understand the things you think you know and what actions you take. I am floored at the flippant nature of LHB's responsibility and role toward our University. You make your experience at UT what you want it to be. You make the Eyes of Texas what you want it to be. I choose spirit, heart and loyalty to the excellence of our great University. The eyes of Texas are upon you. Hook 'em.
  • You have made the University of Texas a laughing stock among sports fans. How embarrassing that the band from a division I school chooses not to show up for a game. Presumably, you joined the band to support the various UT events--sports and otherwise, You knew that before you auditioned for the band, You were chosen to do a job. DO IT or get out of the band! (Of course, as it happens, we CAN live without you. Recordings from previous bands which DID care are available for use. They will work under the circumstances.) You are a disgrace.
  • Easy fix. Recruit local high schools to play on the big stage. Auditions to which band will play begin Sunday after the Baylor game. It's probably too late to go to Baylor...maybe not though.
  • Bringing in high school bands would be a great improvement to the football game. If the members do not like how things are ran in Austin then hit the road.
  • You’re getting a free ride through college and you won’t play the fight song? I’d pull your scholarships away. You’re all a disgrace!
  • There are many people that want to play in this band without the drama. This is not a political organization and you should exercise your free speech on your own time. This saga should be dealt with swiftly and decisively. Please field a smaller …
  • Hey LHB! Hope you spent today reading school songs AND their histories. Maybe you found one the you approve of. In which case, please TRANSFER OUT!! Remember that those who cancel can be cancelled as well. See ya!
  • You’re a disgrace to the University. If you don’t want to play The Eyes of Texas, give up your scholarships and take your entitled selves to some other school.
  • Defund this program
  • Hey Band Members! What an embarrassment you are to our University. You bunch of hypocrites. ‘88.
  • You guys can easily be replaced! That is the solution! See Ya!
  • Yall are a disgrace to Texas . Cant wait to see your liberal tears flow when y'alls scholarships get revoked.
  • Shame on the band!!!

  • After you graduate your wont care about the song any longer but us fans will still be dealing with your poor decisions long after you are gone.
  • Time to hold these employees accountable... No work.. No pay #revoketheride
  • You don’t deserve to wear that uniform or the logo. You are a disgrace. Have you guys even investigated the claim? Do you realize there is zero evidence and an allegation being made by one professor??? And he is not even fully certain here is a clip fr…
  • Bunch of cry babies. Your scholarships should be revoked and given to those who want an education rather than make a statement based on lies.
If the band will not perform the school song at athletic events,

No more free tickets
No more athletic donations to their scholarship fund

They are not a necessity, but rather a semi-fun addition easily replaced by the jumbotron (as much as I hate the damn thing, it will do what it is supposed to do)

For the halftime, bring in the Rice MOB, more people stay in their seats for them than the LHB.

I would say that people in the band hall have humped the puppy, but a more accurate analogy would get me banned.

Again, for former band members, I again remind you that I met one band member in my four plus years on The Forty Acres. I appreciate all the hard work y'all put in to make gameday more enjoyable, but just as I won't put up with the puppets in Neuhaus Royal, neither shall I put up with anyone in fine arts lessening my enjoyment for the benefit of their over estimated importance to the athletic department.
Yeah. They must think they're holding the rest of us hostage or something.

If no LHB, then I'd prefer a halftime show with rotating high school bands rather than the JumboTron. If the Rice MOB wants to make a guest appearance, I think that would be hilarious.
Invite PV or TSU with a gentlemens' agreement that they'll play the Eyes of Texas at the start and end of the game. They can do their own halftime routine (which will probably be pretty good). That will cause "woke" heads to explode.
I agree. Sad but the entire band should go for showing all the commitment of an agreement to disagree. Hit the road and invite bands that want to play or just just serve cold beer and tacos w vendors in the isles so we can visit with each other at half time
Yep. And isn't there another song played at the start of sporting events that mocks slaves from the early 1800s in the second verse or something... I think the Longhorn Band plays that one as well.
I don't recall a second verse being part of that anthem/song. It only has ONE.
If the band will not perform the school song at athletic events,

No more free tickets
No more athletic donations to their scholarship fund

They are not a necessity, but rather a semi-fun addition easily replaced by the jumbotron (as much as I hate the damn thing, it will do what it is supposed to do)

For the halftime, bring in the Rice MOB, more people stay in their seats for them than the LHB.

I would say that people in the band hall have humped the puppy, but a more accurate analogy would get me banned.

Again, for former band members, I again remind you that I met one band member in my four plus years on The Forty Acres. I appreciate all the hard work y'all put in to make gameday more enjoyable, but just as I won't put up with the puppets in Neuhaus Royal, neither shall I put up with anyone in fine arts lessening my enjoyment for the benefit of their over estimated importance to the athletic department.
Yes SabreHorn,
Dion's Eyes could be upon you.:hookem:
I agree. Sad but the entire band should go for showing all the commitment of an agreement to disagree. Hit the road and invite bands that want to play or just just serve cold beer and tacos w vendors in the isles so we can visit with each other at half time
I heard somewhere that we sip tea. Cookies would go well with it.:facepalm: