My daughter got to participate in the summer 2016 renovation of Big Bertha (she was a brand-new freshman in Texas Drums). BB is renovated every decade or so, and there is graffiti and notes inside the drum from the percussion section leaders who took part in the previous renovations. The tuning screws on BB were removed and replaced, with the old ones handed out as keepsakes.
Big Bertha tuning screw
Mr. Moton Crockett Jr., who procured BB from U of Chicago in 1954 and refurbished it for the LHB in 1955, was present for the 2016 renovation. If you go to the University of Texas Longhorn Band Facebook page, they have a short video on the 2016 BB renovation. Mr. Crockett talks with the drummers and gets to take the initial swings at the newly renovated BB with its new drum heads.
Screen shot from video of Big Bertha renovation
Big Bertha in the band hall