Another shooter -- usual suspects scramling on blame game

Obama is just so lost on this issue. You can see it in his eyes that he has no clue what to do other than to rehash his old, discredited PC ideology of hugging our enemies. I suspect he is counting down the days until he leaves office.
That will be known as the "Seinfeld Address." An address about nothing. He is obviously in prevent mode and will leave a much worse mess than he inherited. Beyond climate change, gun control and being nice to Muslims, he offered nothing.
from link
ISIS can export jihadis to the United States–such as Tashfeen Malik, who killed 14 in San Bernardino–by going online and arranging 90-day fiancé visas for as little as $375.
Since 2009, President Barack Obama’s deputies have streamlined the process so that it can all be accomplished completely online–without any face-to-face check with a U.S. embassy official.

There were 24,486,536 tourist, business and other arrivals in the U.S. from residents of the 38 friendly nations on the U.S. Visa Waiver Program. Since Obama took office, the number of visas issued per year to non-friendly, non-waiver residents has jumped by over 50 percent to 9,932,480 last year.

The fastest-growing sector of the program is the “Fiancé Visa” program, known as “K-1,” which jumped from 30,290 in 2013 to 41,488 in 2014. San Bernardino terrorist Tashfeen Malik was one of them.
That will be known as the "Seinfeld Address." An address about nothing. He is obviously in prevent mode and will leave a much worse mess than he inherited. Beyond climate change, gun control and being nice to Muslims, he offered nothing.

Nothing about this will surprise me. In addition to all we know so far we also learn Syed Farook had phone and email contact with known jihadists , men that the FBI was following. If the FBI was following the known jihadists how did they not know Syed was in touch?
Could BO's people have screwed up anymore? The blood of those innocent people is on BO's hands.
Nothing about this will surprise me. In addition to all we know so far we also learn Syed Farook had phone and email contact with known jihadists , men that the FBI was following. If the FBI was following the known jihadists how did they not know Syed was in touch?
Could BO's people have screwed up anymore? The blood of those innocent people is on BO's hands.

I think that the NSA (or one of the CT groups) was aware and gave Farook's name to the FBI. The FBI must have determined he was low risk. They do have a lot of people to keep an eye on.

In addition, in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, they had Farook's name pretty quick. This either came from an eyewitnesses who recognized him (seems unlikely as they had their faces covered) or the vehicle info. Either way, his name was brought up on the scanner (see my post one page one which was in real time)(I think it was the local police but it may have been the sheriff's office, unclear). There was also some additional scanner chatter from law enforcement that they had his name for a week and looked into him or were supposed to look into him a week earlier. I dont know if this was info passed onto them from the FBI or if it was their own lead (i.e., we also know someone had alerted law enforcement to the suspicious rental of the black SUV).

I found all this pretty bothersome during those early news conferences. Neither the local police or the FBI would give the guy's name, even though they knew it and had it almost from the start. And it went on for several new conferences until they finally let it out. It seems pretty clear that the release of this info was being prevented by Washington, DC -- where they were furiously working on the narrative of how to spin it. One FBI source on the ground in San Bernadino said said that everyone on the ground there agreed what it was but DC wanted to call it "terrorism caused or created by workplace violence," before they finally gave in to the avalanche of contrary info. It appears that entire spin about workplace violence (the disagreement at the party) was fabricated. It seems that simply telling the American public the truth is never an option with these people.
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So Farook is in contact with a known jihadist both by phone and email. the same jihadist who coached the Garland shooters
and the FBI decided Farook was a low risk, the same Farook who travelled to Saudi Arabia last year.
Jeebers that doesn't say much for the FBI
The widow of Nicholas Thalasinos, who may have been targeted by the shooters because he was an outspoken, Jewish supporter of Israel and had debated with Farook, said that the FBI hadn't even contacted her as of yesterday. She said her husband was threatened by someone (who could have been Farook using another user id) the night before on Facebook. Sounds like the FBI is doing a cracker jack job of investigation.

Thalasinos is the one that Linda Stasi targeted in her hateful column.
before or after his son's murders?
I read the 911 dispatcher's comment during the shootings that she thought Farook's name had been brought up to the local police dept recently and she would check. No more has been said.
I think there were many pretty obvious signs that apparently both the police and the FBI ignored and now they are trying to deflect.
guessing neither org wanted to appear to profile and get excoriated by leftists just like the neighbor and the construction worker who thought the activity at farook's apt was suspicious but didn't want to be accused of profiling.
before or after his son's murders?
I read the 911 dispatcher's comment during the shootings that she thought Farook's name had been brought up to the local police dept recently and she would check. No more has been said....

I gave this my best shot 6 posts up ^
I meant when did they put the father on watch list?

Was after San Bernadino

"...... An official told ABC News that the suspect’s father has been flagged by government agencies. “The FBI has identified [the younger Farook] as a known terrorist,” the official said, adding that even though the suspect is deceased, he is still considered a terrorist to federal agents.

“His father is an immediate family member who spent extended periods of time in Pakistan. He’s watch listed,” the official added.

Syed Farook moved to the US in 1972, and became a naturalized citizen in 1999....."
This is arranged well -- interactive timeline.
Nice refresher course

"San Bernardino Is 75th Terror Plot in US Since 2001"

I don't think our law enforcement gets enough credit for how many plots they foil. In a situation like this its easy to beat up the various agencies but their track record when looked at in totality is actually quite good.
I don't think our law enforcement gets enough credit for how many plots they foil. In a situation like this its easy to beat up the various agencies but their track record when looked at in totality is actually quite good.

Agree, but I go further and ask why don't they get the credit they deserve?
I say it is because Obama does not want people focusing on jihadi plots against America. He wants their focus on Climate Change instead. So these type of successes are slow-played or ignored. And the media goes along.
Agree, but I go further and ask why don't they get the credit they deserve?
I say it is because Obama does not want people focusing on jihadi plots against America. He wants their focus on Climate Change instead. So these type of successes are slow-played or ignored. And the media goes along.

That may be where you and I differ. I don't ascribe American media consumption habits on the President or any political ideology. The American attention span ignores the facts. We are the dog in the movie UP that can't stop from noticing a "squirrel" every time it comes into view. Virtually every one of those incidents was reported on by the media. Sadly, unless there is a death or interesting story the American audience isn't interested. Should the POTUS come out and give a speech every time another plot is foiled? I think the POTUS is too busy. Does Obama think Climate Change is a worse longterm concern than Islamic fundamentalism terrorism? He's said as much. Does it mean that he doesn't care about the latter? Look how many plots have been stopped?

I'm not a conspiracy theorist in any way.
That may be where you and I differ. I don't ascribe American media consumption habits on the President or any political ideology. The American attention span ignores the facts. We are the dog in the movie UP that can't stop from noticing a "squirrel" every time it comes into view. Virtually every one of those incidents was reported on by the media. Sadly, unless there is a death or interesting story the American audience isn't interested. Should the POTUS come out and give a speech every time another plot is foiled? I think the POTUS is too busy. Does Obama think Climate Change is a worse longterm concern than Islamic fundamentalism terrorism? He's said as much. Does it mean that he doesn't care about the latter? Look how many plots have been stopped?

I'm not a conspiracy theorist in any way.

I never saw Up. heh

With the way the Pakistanis are blocking any investigation into this woman (see above^) and her possibly fake name, cannot help but begin to wonder if the ISI was involved in this .... and, if so, it's going to be very hard for Obama to kick this can down the road for another year.
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