Another shooter -- usual suspects scramling on blame game

What is really mind boggling is before these two went on their killing rampage they would have been considerate the moderate muslims, you know the ones others point to as a "good" to prove islam is a religion of peace.
AND they acted like moderate muslims for nearly 2 years.
Looks like the neighbor (Enrique Marquez) who supplied Farook with some of the weapons may have been involved. As far as the name goes, he's a convert.

"Enrique Martinez was wed on Nov. 29, 2014, to Russian bride Mariya Chernykh — whose sister Tatiana was married three years earlier to Syed’s brother Raheel Farook.
Tatiana and Raheel stood as witnesses when Martinez and his bride took their vows inside the Islamic Society of Corona. Both couples had their marriage licenses shipped to a P.O. box in Riverside, Calif.
Marquez and killer Syed Farook were the witnesses for Raheel’s wedding.


Marquez, a longtime friend of Syed Farook, warned some of his other pals there were “Muslims in our backyard just ready to go haywire” before the Dec. 2 shootings.
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Enrique Marquez checked himself into a mental hospital of some sort right after the attack. I guess we know what his defense will be. I've also heard that his "wife" was living with someone else, so it may have been a sham wedding just to get her into the U.S.
I think the wife living with another man is actually the wife of Farook's best friend and supplier of the rifles, Enrique marques. Enrique married the sister of the wife of Farook's older brother. Enrique's wife came to US on visa and then stayed. Shocker! The sisters are Russian
Did Enrique marry her so she could stay in USA? He is one strange dude.she is living with another man now.
Damn we need to tighten up controls on who lives here.
Anyone remember this post day of?
About the 2 airplanes flying flying over head (in otherwise grounded space)
Interesting flight map of 2 US Govt planes (Cessna's) flying over the area
One is FBI the other is unmarked

Wanna guess what the unmarked plane was?
It was DHS
And they were scooping up all fone calls

Federal investigators looking into the San Bernardino massacre deployed a spy plane overhead after the attacks in an apparent attempt to find additional suspects, Daily Mail Online can reveal.

The Department of Homeland Security is said to have put up the single engine craft over the California city and ordered it to make repeated circles overhead.

The craft would likely have been equipped with 'Dirtbox' technology which can scan tens of thousands of phones in one go to identify suspects.

The report adds to the intrigue about whether or not there were accomplices in the San Bernardino attacks, which took place last Wednesday and were the worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11.

Sofrep, which first reported the plane's use, said the use of the spy plane showed that law enforcement was 'actively searching for other members of a terrorist cell.'

* * * *

The device works by pretending to be a cell phone tower - mobiles automatically connect to the nearest one so latch onto the box - and can sweep up data on tens of thousands of phones in one go.

The operator is able to locate a person's location quickly although they are not able to listen to calls.
So, turns out DHS had a "secret" policy that prohibited US immigration folks from reviewing social media posts of foreigners applying for visas.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson decided to keep the prohibition in place in early 2014 because he feared a civil liberties backlash and “bad public relations.” (per ABC)

This policy revelation came out after it was learned Tashfeed Malik made FB posts declaring allegiance to ISIS. Even Chuckles Schumer admitted, "Had they checked out Tashfeen Malik ... maybe those people in San Bernardino would be alive."

Some US Govt folks did press for a policy change in 2014 but Obama's people inside the DHS Office of Civil Liberties said, "No."
Compare that ^
to this \/

Far right is well to the right of posters here. We're talking Timothy McVeigh far right. Those folks can be dangerous.
A former DHS employee claims the department shut down his investigation into the San Bernadino shooters' jihadi network

" .....While working for the Department of Homeland Security for 13 years, I identified individuals affiliated with large, but less well-known groups such as Tablighi Jamaat and the larger Deobandi movement freely transiting the United States. At the National Targeting Center, one of the premier organizations formed to “connect the dots,” I played a major role in an investigation into this trans-national Islamist network. We created records of individuals, mosques, Islamic Centers and schools across the United States that were involved in this radicalization effort. The Dar Al Uloom Al Islamiyah Mosque in San Bernardino was affiliated with this network and we had identified a member of it in our investigation. Farook frequented that mosque and was well-known to the congregation and mosque leadership.

Another focus of my investigation was the Pakistani women’s Islamist group al-Huda, which counted Farook’s wife, Tashfeen Malik, as a student. While the al-Huda International Welfare Foundation distanced themselves from the actions of their former pupil, Malik’s classmates told the Daily Mail she changed significantly while studying at al-Huda, gradually becoming “more serious and strict.” More ominously, the group’s presence in the U.S. and Canada is not without its other ties to ISIS and terrorism. In 2014, three recent former students at al-Huda’s affiliate school in Canada, aged 15 to 18, left their homes to join the Islamic State in Syria.

We had these two groups in our sights; if the investigation had continued and additional links been identified and dots connected, we might have given advance warning of the terrorist attack in San Bernardino. The combination of Farook’s involvement with the Dar Al Uloom Al Islamiyah Mosque and Malik’s attendance at al-Huda would have indicated, at minimum, an urgent need for comprehensive screening. It could also have led to denial of Malik’s K-1 visa or possibly gotten Farook placed on the No Fly list.

But after more than six months of research and tracking; over 1,200 law enforcement actions and more than 300 terrorists identified; and a commendation for our efforts; DHS shut down the investigation at the request of the Department of State and DHS’ own Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Division. They claimed that since the Islamist groups in question were not Specially Designated Terrorist Organizations (SDTOs) tracking individuals related to these groups was a violation of the travelers’ civil liberties. These were almost exclusively foreign nationals: When were they granted the civil rights and liberties of American citizens?

Worse still, the administration then went back and erased the dots we were diligently connecting. Even as DHS closed my investigation, I knew that data I was looking at could prove significant to future counterterror efforts and tried to prevent the information from being lost to law enforcement. In 2013, I met with the DHS Inspector General in coordination with several members of Congress to attempt to warn the American people’s elected representatives about the threat....."
Far right is well to the right of posters here. We're talking Timothy McVeigh far right. Those folks can be dangerous.

And yet when the DOJ came out with the right-wing extremism threat report (oddly enough, it doesn't seem like the right wing held up its end of the bargain on this one - if you're dubbed this next big threat to the homeland, you really need to pick up the activity level a little) the warning signs are attending pro-life or pro-gun events, being former military, etc... I'd be very curious if the DOJ would do a report on terrorist threats and point out that one of the possible red flags would be attending a CAIR-sponsored event or protesting Israel or something. Seems like that might be considered "profiling".
I'm not sure what the DOJ is doing. Certainly they could piggyback on what Google, Yahoo, Facebook. Amazon ..... are doing. If I do a search for drill bits that don't snap on first use or querying whether it's worth it to Refi my house, I get ads targeting that need from every corner of cyberspace. Maybe there is something that could be used to spot potential homeland terror subjects when they use social media
Maybe there is something that could be used to spot potential homeland terror subjects when they use social media

There's absolutely ways to do that. Problem is, privacy constraints tend to put dampers on that, and as I understand it, that's part of the whole metadata discussion (or is that strictly for phone?) Since cell phones are included, that means digital is included, which should mean that any browser habits are included.

One issue is that those notifications online happen because a company is participating in a deal with Google where if someone uses their site, they can be retargeted on search engines and on other participating sites. But Google can't just go in and data-mine individual websites without their permission/participation. (Well.... it's Google, so they probably COULD do it.) If the person searches using red-flag terms, then those could be noted by the provider. If there are known suspect IP addresses, hits to those locations can be targeted.
Tashfeen Malik was using a Psuedonym when leveraging social media so the chances that the FBI or other agency would have put 2+2 together were slim unless they had a reason to go deep in their investigation or Facebook was complicit in exposing her like they were after the killings. I'm not taking the word of some former DHS employee that blabs to a right-wing blog as gospel either.

She's the exception though. ISIS proper is smarter than some self-motivated and organized terrorist. The Paris attacks leveraged Telegram and WeChat which both leverage end-to-end encryption. Telegram in fact leverages some type of "double" encryption which at least publically national security agencies are saying they can't tap into.
DOJ says that Enrique Marquez had a plan to throw pipe bombs on Route 91 during rush hour where there are no exits.

It sounds like that dude is singing like a canary right now. So much so now they are not sure what to believe. According to CNN he told the FBI that he and Farook were plotting an attack in 2012 but were spooked by some arrests in the area of other terrorism suspects, one of which they knew. Marquez is also pretty confident in his own pipe bomb making skills.

That dude is going to jail for a LONG time even if he didn't know anything about Farook's plot.
A German ISIS recruit returned to Germany and says they are recruiting volunteers to bring it back to Germany. He also indicated they seek a massive coordinated event (an Islamic Blitzkrieg).

Harry S. says that, during his time in the Syrian warzone, he frequently heard people talking about attacks in the West and says that pretty much every European jihadist was approached with the same questions he had been asked. "They want something that happens everywhere at the same time."

Also, here is a WSJ piece about how this season's Homeland script found itself too close to reality
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Given the paucity of moderate views on this board its understandable that anything to the "left" of the prevailing conservative sentiment would be perceived as liberal/Democrat. Make no mistake, I'm part of the 40% that will decide this next presidential election as I'm not beholden to any specific party line.
Given the paucity of moderate views on this board its understandable that anything to the "left" of the prevailing conservative sentiment would be perceived as liberal/Democrat. Make no mistake, I'm part of the 40% that will decide this next presidential election as I'm not beholden to any specific party line.
Yet I would wager that in Federal elections you vote Democrat 90% of the time. That is not independent.

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