2024/25 Portal Transfers

Tex-So what you are saying is that it is our fault(fans) because of our appetite to win at all costs? We have created this monster.
Tex-So what you are saying is that it is our fault(fans) because of our appetite to win at all costs? We have created this monster.
I guess it ultimately comes back to what the free market is hungry for and willing to pay that drives the ultimate motive of money/greed ( roll Wall Street clip of Gordon Gecko).

When there is a “money is no object” market, it is an arms race unless there is some sort of checks/balances imposed - but that gets blown up, too (Sherrill, Switzerland, Osborne, SMU, Jimbo). There’s zero doubt that lil bro aggy will spend its last nickel and saw off both arms and legs if it meant putting a trophy in their empty cabinet. The Fans, Collectives, BMDs, agents, …. All are complicit in this as we keep buying, going, salivating over these players, teams, etc. Been so since Marcus Aurelius days. Nothing new - just a different game.
The stupidity of the NCAA is stunning. Did no one anticipate that backup QBs, punters, you name it, would enter the portal during the playoffs? What choice do they have based on the calendar? So the playoffs will almost certainly be diminished to some extent. What a joke of an organization.

Talk about destroying the integrity of the game.

Your first mistake is thinking anyone in Indianapolis is capable of rational or independent thought. Not dumb, but overwhelmingly STUPID! If you ever had one of them in your office you would never stop laughing or wondering how a grown (over 25) human being could get so ignorant; then, you begin having fun playing with what little mind they have.

I cannot think of a single decision to come out of that organization that is sane.
It won't happen but WE HFs would like to hear a conversation between you and the dudes in Indianopolis.
WE could charge admission and of course serve drinks and Taco bell. :lmao:
It won't happen but WE HFs would like to hear a conversation between you and the dudes in Indianopolis.
WE could charge admission and of course serve drinks and Taco bell. :lmao:
What on Earth would we do with the proceeds? Huh.... Ok, maybe not. I'm too old.

A few sentences were repeated frequently:

1) You can't be that ******* stupid; Oh, wait you work for the NCAA, strike the previous sentence

2) Where's your subpoena? Oh, that's right you don't have one and can't get one

3) Why is it every one of us in the top 20 schools know what everyone else is doing, but y'all couldn't find out or understand it if we gave you a tour guide, roadmap, and flashlite

4) Are you really that ******* dumb? Oh, that's right, you work for the NCAA, so of course you are.

The NCAA did not have investigators, so these guys were always working for a private investigator

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