I was more than a little concerned. Holding open scholarships so as not to recruit over the 2024's is a luxury you don't have with your MASH unit. When you're down to 7 scholarships players in the last weeks of the season, I would think that would be enough to make you realize you shouldn't be holding on to unused scholarships. As to those recruits that feel they are being recruited over...."steel sharpens steel". If you don't know what I'm talking about then go back and review the National Championship our volleyball program just won. That wasn't won by holding on to scholarships. Every single position had competition including the NPOY's position. She lost her starting 6 rotation spot for a few weeks because of how competitive things were in the practice gym. If your recruits don't realize a competitive gym is part of a National Championship caliber program, then they are not the recruits for your program.