Vic talked about the problems with the portal in his Nov 10, 2021 presser ("Unfortunately ya'll, and any coach could be sitting up here, the day of kids paying their dues, putting in the work, developing, unfortunately those days are fewer and farther between. Today is about instant gratification, and NOW. And it just doesn't work that way ya'll"). But we have no way of knowing if this is playing-time induced or something else. So what we have is the person that would stand to get the most minutes at the post (Ebo) decides to portal out, and the person who would most benefit from that move also decides to portal out. That doesn't make a lot of sense, but it is what it is at this point. When you make transferring this easy, its to be expected that people will leave when it may not make a lot of sense to do so. In this presser, Vic talks about the commitment to retaining and developing players - something that he has a great track record for doing (just look at this record over the last 10 years). But he also points out that the commitment between the players and the coach needs to be a two-way street. Personally, I think if you don't aggressively use the portal nowadays as a program, you are likely to get left in real bind and have potentially serious depth problems at certain positions from season-to-season. We've got some real needs to fill now. Let's hope there are asst. coaches in place pretty soon to look for players to fill those needs.