I'm sorry, but the "I hate Vic and his staff, and they are to blame for my issues" stuff is getting really old and tired. She's transferring to a school with a coach that really does dislike Vic. So this whole thing smells if you ask me. I went to Texas in the late 80's, and the student services the University provided were second to none - even that long ago. In addition to free tutoring, the school offered free health clinic visits - and yes, free mental health counseling for those that needed it. And now it looks like they run it 24/7 and even offer virtual appointments (check out
UT Counseling and Mental Health Center). If you listened to Vic's pressers, he always had positive things to say about AC, and spoke very highly of her parents. And if this year showed us anything, it was that Vic really cares about and takes up for his players. I'm sorry AC's experience at Texas didn't comport with her expectations, but unfortunately, life is like that for a lot of things. Nothing really good in this world comes without fighting through obstacles and making sacrifices. The daily grind really sucks - sometimes a lot. But there is always comfort in knowing that the sun always rises the next day. AC needs to be happy she got into a situation that she feels more comfortable with and just move on. It was already clear that she didn't like the coaching staff when she snubbed them in her mid-season farewell post. But continuing to post about her own mental health on social media is a really, really, bad idea. Any lawyer that represents clients in employment law or personal injury cases will tell you - defense attorneys and future employers regularly mine social media as part of their due diligence. It is something they absolutely have to do nowadays. And if they see any self-confessed issues with "mental health", it will absolutely be used against the person who made the post.