2020 Senate & House

Democrats always say there is no real voter fraud when Republicans say they want voter ID laws. This is a Republican's, should be if your an American, worst fears come true.

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I dunno how you could make a determination either way since it’s early. Since the election is 2022, you implicitly accepted that Trump will win re-election.

I know exactly where LH is going to be in two years. Hanging out on Hornfans posting disinformation with a big cup of coolaid and an eye out for his welfare check.
Maybe I'm looking at this topic in a very simplified manner - but I think the objective should be the following:

"all citizens legally entitled to vote, and only those citizens legally entitled to vote, should have the opportunity to cast one legal ballot in the election."

Have I missed something?
Voter fraud happens as evidenced by registered GOP former police officer and murderer.

From the article:

Because Chauvin presumably lived, worked and paid taxes in Minnesota during the 2016 and 2018 elections, he wasn't eligible to vote in the state's [meaning Florida] last two elections

Why do kids who are still claimed by their parents for tax purposes are allowed to vote? Even if allowed, why are they allowed to vote at college instead of sending in a mail-in ballot to their precinct of their parent’s residence?
From the article:

Because Chauvin presumably lived, worked and paid taxes in Minnesota during the 2016 and 2018 elections, he wasn't eligible to vote in the state's [meaning Florida] last two elections

Why do kids who are still claimed by their parents for tax purposes are allowed to vote? Even if allowed, why are they allowed to vote at college instead of sending in a mail-in ballot to their precinct of their parent’s residence?
I’m sure Derek is worried about being prosecuted for Voter fraud.

I guess you haven’t received the news; voter fraud does not occur.
Cops don’t worry about breaking the law. I thought you knew?
That would mean they are the same as black males that make up 6% of the population, so what’s all the crying from the black folks about? They’re brothers of the same mindset.

The difference is the cops actually enforce the laws on the majority of occasions.
Did he vote in both places, Minn and Fla? Not sure I really see the foul here - well other than Fla law that is. Just not sure the harm cause I vote in Tx but spend a great deal of time in my Tenn 2nd residence and pay taxes for both locations.
One more bit of evidence that the corporate media is the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. They have been for more than 50 years, but it is obvious now.
Eliot Engel is a reliable partisan progressive Democrat and has been since I was 13 years old, but he doesn't hate America and doesn't hate Jews, so of course he's in political trouble and could lose in the primary today to an AOC-style wingnut. Link.

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