2020 Senate & House

Considering the $ she spent and the complete Trump support she professed Walls loss is not a good Sign.
I live in the district and voted for Nehls. Walls is a carpetbagger who lives near the Galleria, bought a house in Spring 2 years ago and ran in that district, bought a house in Sugarland this year and ran here. She claimed Trump support but deleted statements from Website. She ran without any apparent interest in Fort Bend or Brazoria county issues. The overwhelming majority of her $8 million in ads were untrue attacks on Nehls. She had some ads on illegal immigration but was cloudy on what she would do to limit it. And, most importantly, she is aggy. Good riddance!
Considering the $ she spent and the complete Trump support she professed Walls loss is not a good Sign.

She didn't lose because of that. She lost because she's a carpetbagger trying to buy an election. People don't like when candidates "district shop" - move around the area running in multiple districts. They especially don't like it when it's rich people buying a bunch of ads rather than doing the hard work of learning the district.
This isnt the House or Senate but its very bad news nonetheless.

José Garza won the Dem primary for Travis County DA. He is a Marxist who was supported by Soros money as well as people like Liz Warren. He has already promised to stop arresting people of color for crimes. Basically, if you are a registered Dem voter, you can now just do whatever the hell you want.

In a different thread, we were talking about how Austin had avoided becoming full of the same antifa meatheads that have taken over Portland. Well this guy is going to take Austin there. If you thought it was bad in Austin the last time you were there, with homeless people everywhere you looked, wait til this guy gets through with it. He is going to make Austin a complete dump.

Austin, Texas, Just Voted to End the Drug War
I live in the district and voted for Nehls. Walls is a carpetbagger who lives near the Galleria, bought a house in Spring 2 years ago and ran in that district, bought a house in Sugarland this year and ran here. She claimed Trump support but deleted statements from Website. She ran without any apparent interest in Fort Bend or Brazoria county issues. The overwhelming majority of her $8 million in ads were untrue attacks on Nehls. She had some ads on illegal immigration but was cloudy on what she would do to limit it. And, most importantly, she is aggy. Good riddance!

I see her as another victim of the professional political consulting sharks

And her weird voice didnt help -- sort of Betty Boop meets Olive Oyl -- what the hell is that all about?
" “We know that 60-percent of all people arrested and charged with drug possession through traffic stops are people of color,” he told reporters. “So, it is time to end the war on drugs in this community to begin to unwind the racial disparities in our criminal justice system.”

So dudes get stopped with drugs on them and that is racial disparity? Were all the cops white?
“We know that 60-percent of all people arrested and charged with drug possession through traffic stops are people of color,” he told reporters. “So, it is time to end the war on drugs in this community to begin to unwind the racial disparities in our criminal justice system.”
So that must mean that 40% of all people arrested and charged with drug possession through traffic stops are not "people of color." Do they get a free pass, also?
I see her as another victim of the professional political consulting sharks

And her weird voice didnt help -- sort of Betty Boop meets Olive Oyl -- what the hell is that all about?
In this era of victimhood, that is a charitable explanation for a horrible failed campaign. I know she spent over $8 million on this campaign plus the cost of buying, holding, and soon selling a moderately expensive house. I'm not sure how much she spent on the previous campaign, but she ran a lot of ads there also. I guess she must be loaded and won't miss the millions she pissed away.

Her voice is ridiculous. I describe it as a whiney brat voice. "You never buy me candy! Waaaaaaaa!"
In this era of victimhood, that is a charitable explanation for a horrible failed campaign. I know she spent over $8 million on this campaign plus the cost of buying, holding, and soon selling a moderately expensive house. I'm not sure how much she spent on the previous campaign, but she ran a lot of ads there also. I guess she must be loaded and won't miss the millions she pissed away.

Her voice is ridiculous. I describe it as a whiney brat voice. "You never buy me candy! Waaaaaaaa!"

They basically stole from her, convincing her she could win. Twice. But she let it happen. Meanwhile the sharks are on to the next sucker.
I knew some of these guys while I was in Austin -- they are really something to see in action
Sounds like the Travis County fellow represents the thoughts of a huge majority of the residents for a long time. Hanging drug convictions on people for small amounts of drugs is cruel and stupid.
I think we should stop the War on Drugs and try something else. It focuses too much on supply. The problem is the demand. We need a healthier culture with more meaningful relationships, stronger families, better sense of morality, and obvious economic opportunity.
We haven't picked on @OUBubba enough lately, so . . . If coaching at Tech is comparable or worse than banging 14 year old girls, then what would coaching at Oklahoma be comparable to?
I missed you guys. I was on vacation for a week or so. The mountains are nice this time of year. After having back to back Heisman winners and nabbing the top QB and one of the top WR's in the country, I'm thinking it will rank up there with "hanging out with" Kate Upton.
I missed you guys. I was on vacation for a week or so. The mountains are nice this time of year. After having back to back Heisman winners and nabbing the top QB and one of the top WR's in the country, I'm thinking it will rank up there with "hanging out with" Kate Upton.

Yeah, I don't think so, Barry.

"Texas is the single biggest target for the left in 2020"

That's a crock. If that's the case then the thing is done. That means that Florida, Michigan, Iowa, Penn, Ohio, and Georgia have fallen. Texas may have more electoral votes but they are less in play than all of those other "swingy" states.
That's a crock. If that's the case then the thing is done. That means that Florida, Michigan, Iowa, Penn, Ohio, and Georgia have fallen. Texas may have more electoral votes but they are less in play than all of those other "swingy" states.

He is referring to the big picture. Texas falls so does the entire US. You and your people are going to destroy it all.
Who wouldn't want to motorboat those bad boys?

She is a marvel if nature, and Justin Verlander is a lucky man. On the flip side, she also banged P. Diddy. Do you wanna go where Diddy's diddy has been? That's pretty nasty.

Of course, she's as clean as a nun compared to Carmen Electra who got with Prince, Dennis Rodman, Tommy Lee, and Dave Navarro. She might be the filthiest woman alive. Each one of them is like getting with about 5,000 regular guys.

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