Is this fixing it?
1) Open borders, benefits for illegal aliens, abolishment of the enforcement arm, amnesty for DACA kids (the only thing I actually support in this grocery list of vote buying) and general pandering to the Hispanic tribe (racial politics).
2) Reparations (do we end all set asides, affirmative action and provide a credit against the reparations for the trillions already spent on racial equalization?)
3) Defunding and demonizing the police.
4) The absolute destruction of patriotism and attacks on those who merely wish to wave a flag on the 4th of July?
5) The white privilege campaign which is the modern day equivalent of Hitler's attacks and blame on the Jews for the ills of the nation?
6) Appointment of SCOTUS Jurists who will CLEARLY rule from the bench and rubber-stamp the political desires of the Democrat party? Can anyone imagine a John Roberts type scenario from the Left where their made as instructed appointee achieves an interesting balance, irrespective of who nominated them?
7) Formally labeling Christians (right-wing white Christians) as a hate group?
8) The continued use of immigration as a tool against Republicans by allowing fundamentalists from the ME and uneducated Catholics (pro-life, anti-gay, macho culture) to enter our nation even though the demographic of both groups is an anathema to feminists?
9) Absolute quota's to equalize outcome?
10) The virtue signaling and political correctness campaigns that will create a nation of block captains who will cancel and destroy ANYONE not openly parroting the company line.
11) The cultural influence of leading sports figures such as Popovich, James and Kerr, who attack Trump with venom while giving a pass to China.
I don't see much from the Left that is not completely tied to buying votes and winning elections and they're doing it in a vile and vicious manner.