2020 Senate & House

Oh look, another unethical Democrat

Her "filing deadline" excuse here is BS as it has been over a year since the filing deadline, she never made the required disclosures until caught

Oh look, another unethical Democrat

Her "filing deadline" excuse here is BS as it has been over a year since the filing deadline, she never made the required disclosures until caught

What a load of BS. If you blow your deadline by a few days or even a week, I'd presume that she forgot. But a year? GTFO.
I cannot remember a time Pelosi spoke when she did not either lie or omit material details. I think she has been doing this for so long that she is now wholly incapable of simply being straight with people

Democrats and the left look down on you. They mock hard working people.
Stop voting for them

"I'm not sure how barbers and beauty salon techs and nail techs contribute greatly to the economy, so to speak."
- Savannah, GA Mayor Van Johnson

Democrats and the left look down on you. They mock hard working people.
Stop voting for them

"I'm not sure how barbers and beauty salon techs and nail techs contribute greatly to the economy, so to speak."
- Savannah, GA Mayor Van Johnson

Says the bald guy with cuticle problems and bags under his eyes.
Yeah, right. Dems do not face consequences. Ever. You know this.

I know. That is why I am calling for citizens to literally tar and feather corrupt politicians. It is the only way they will suffer consequences from their actions.
Democrats and the left look down on you. They mock hard working people.
Stop voting for them

"I'm not sure how barbers and beauty salon techs and nail techs contribute greatly to the economy, so to speak."
- Savannah, GA Mayor Van Johnson

They contribute way more than mayors. Beauty salon and nail techs convince people to willingly pay for a service they value. Mayors take money at gun point.
Acting DNI Richard Grenell Informs Schiff He Can Release Transcripts
Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell sent a letter to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) on Tuesday informing him that transcripts of all 53 interviews the committee conducted as part of its Russia investigation have been cleared for public release.
The letter, first reported by the Washington Examiner‘s Byron York, revealed that 43 transcripts had been cleared for release since June 2019, but that Schiff had been sitting on them since then.

Collins' opponent Sara Gideon said that Susan Collins’ refusal to “believe all women” in the Kavanaugh fight was her primary reason for challenging her.

2 years later, Gideon has endorsed Joe Biden, and refuses to acknowledge Tara Reade’s allegation
I missed my calling in life. I should have been a Democratic politician. I could steal from everyone by screaming how evil those damn conservatives are. I could have become a multi multi millionaire while acting like I'm for the poor. Then I could have the best health care while pimping to the American people the garbage healthcare they got. I could nail all the young coeds and say how evil Trump is for talking about grabbing them in the taco.

As a young man I shunned the idea of having a career as a federal servant because I wanted to make real money in the private sector. How wrong I was.
I missed my calling in life. I should have been a Democratic politician. I could steal from everyone by screaming how evil those damn conservatives are. I could have become a multi multi millionaire while acting like I'm for the poor. Then I could have the best health care while pimping to the American people the garbage healthcare they got. I could nail all the young coeds and say how evil Trump is for talking about grabbing them in the taco.

As a young man I shunned the idea of having a career as a federal servant because I wanted to make real money in the private sector. How wrong I was.
You had morals and principles to consider. You made the right choice.
You had morals and principles to consider. You made the right choice.

Except now I'm a slave in a system that is destroying the very Constitution my forefathers literally created. The enemy to all I care about in this country is not a foreign power, but rather the people we call our neighbors. I think the 20's is going to be a very dark decade for our country.
GOP picks up 2 House seats in today’s special elections.

Technically, they picked up 1 House seat, if by "picked up" you mean flipped the balance. Katie Hill burned any chance that Dems would keep the California one. The GOP already had the WI-7 but that MTV guy left to take care of his newborn baby with the heart condition.
GOP picks up 2 House seats in today’s special elections.

The Wisconsin seat wasn't a pickup. It was a hold. Still good news. The California seat was a pickup. Turnout was low, but considering how that district usually does, they have a decent shot at holding it in November. Hope so.
The Wisconsin seat wasn't a pickup. It was a hold. Still good news. The California seat was a pickup. Turnout was low, but considering how that district usually does, they have a decent shot at holding it in November. Hope so.

That was Katie Hill's seat (CA25) - so you might want to bring some Clorox Wipes
It was a seat that Hillary carried in 2016
No, it was the Bernie bros and Cenk Uygur, in case you don't follow the mess that is the CA-25. I guess in a way, Obama's endorsement of any democrat in any special election would force the hand of socialists to make a stand by not voting, which is kind of like protesting a lack of vegan options at a restaurant by watching the guy who orders the porterhouse enjoy it.
The Wisconsin seat wasn't a pickup. It was a hold. Still good news. The California seat was a pickup. Turnout was low, but considering how that district usually does, they have a decent shot at holding it in November. Hope so.
That was Katie Hill's seat (CA25) - so you might want to bring some Clorox Wipes It was a seat that Hillary carried in 2016

The more I think about this, when combined with our recent knowledge of the type of 'friends' you keep, leads me to now suggest that you personally carry some Clorox Wipes on your person at all times. Virus or not.

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