2020 Senate & House

Really? She got banned from all social media accounts because she said she wanted to start a ride-sharing service that didn't employ Muslims. She's the female Jacob Wohl. She said that the school shooting in Santa Fe was faked by crisis actors.

And there's more than this. She disrupts public events and trespassed on Nancy Pelosi's property. I'm not a fan of that sort of thing, even if I don't like the event and don't like Nancy Pelosi. And yes, I understand that some on the Left do this sort of thing. It's stupid and nutty no matter who's doing it and no matter the cause.
Also keep in mind that Loomer is running against a fairly popular incumbent in a D+9 district. She doesn't have a chance. Publicly endorsing her and attaching oneself to her carries basically no benefit at all.
Also keep in mind that Loomer is running against a fairly popular incumbent in a D+9 district. She doesn't have a chance. Publicly endorsing her and attaching oneself to her carries basically no benefit at all.

She out fundraised her opponent the last quarter.
But it's true that district is heavy with hypocritical lefties - it includes Palm Beach
It looks more like it was a set up question for her ridiculous response. If he were really
doing a journalist job why wouldn't he ask a follow up question
As in Do you think putting people at risk is a good way to combat bigotry?
It looks more like it was a set up question for her ridiculous response. If he were really
doing a journalist job why wouldn't he ask a follow up question
As in Do you think putting people at risk is a good way to combat bigotry?

Nonsense. He did follow up and slap her around. No rational person thinks she wanted that question asked or that she had much of an answer. She looked like an idiot, and everybody knew it.

Challenged her how?
I need to find that vid
I thought after she gave her stupid answer on bigotry Wallace went on to something else
Challenged her how?
I need to find that vid
I thought after she gave her stupid answer on bigotry Wallace went on to something else

Just scroll back up and watch it. He came back to it after the initial answer. Did he sit there and argue with her? No, that's not his job, and his time is limited. His job is to ask the tough question (which he did), and if her answer is BS, his job is to challenge her further (which he did). If you think he's too soft, has any other mainstream media figure done as much? If they have, I have seen it.
Just scroll back up and watch it. He came back to it after the initial answer. Did he sit there and argue with her? No, that's not his job, and his time is limited. His job is to ask the tough question (which he did), and if her answer is BS, his job is to challenge her further (which he did). If you think he's too soft, has any other mainstream media figure done as much? If they have, I have seen it.

It was a mxture of good and bad.
This is the ONLY news org in the entire world willing to ask her a real question. All the other treat her as some type of emperor (with no clothes). She knows that, of course, which is why she and the rest of them rarely agree to appear on and take questions with Fox.
That said, Wallace left a lot of the floor. I could have done better while using my bidet. And I would have done it all for free.
That said, Wallace left a lot of the floor. I could have done better while using my bidet. And I would have done it all for free.

I could have too, but we're cross-examiners with hours of time if we need it. We're not TV reporters with only a few minutes of time.
I could have too, but we're cross-examiners with hours of time if we need it. We're not TV reporters with only a few minutes of time.

While on the bidet eating waffles wearing a blindfold
But, I admit, after one of those "sessions" she would never agree to return
Dem activist David Brock may be in trouble over his dirty money Super PAC

The nonprofit at issue is the American Bridge 21st Century Foundation, and it’s part of a constellation of entities that Brock has seeded over the years and which he tasked in early 2017 to, in his words, “kick Donald Trump’s ***.” The foundation is the “dark money” affiliate of AB PAC, a super PAC that is pouring millions of dollars into an effort to defeat Trump in November.
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