2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Not finishing the 5th grade comes at a cost

Dumb? Sure, but is it any dumber than Schiff saying Trump could give Alaska back to the Russians? I thought the Dems were globalists. To a globalist, shouldn't Alaska belong to the whole world, not just the US.
I dont get any American looking at Europe and thinking "we need to be more like them." We fought a bloody revolution to get away from them, their systems and ideas. Modeling ourselves after them now would be going backwards. It's regressive thinking, not progressive. They are the ones who should be trying to keep up with us.

The birth place of white privilege, if we are to indulge the concept, was Europe. The imperialism was from Europe. Europeans plundered lands far and wide, killing the indigenous tribes. They gave us two world wars. They gave us Hitler. What is it about them that is so fascinating to "intellectuals" here in the US? It's ridiculous.
I dont get any American looking at Europe and thinking "we need to be more like them." We fought a bloody revolution to get away from them, their systems and ideas. Modeling ourselves after them now would be going backwards. It's regressive thinking, not progressive. They are the ones who should be trying to keep up with us.

I thought importing soccer was bad enough. Turns out it was just a gateway drug to something even more sinister.
It's probably not a good sign if someone dug up James Carville for his input --

“We can't count votes, put on a convention or deliver a message”
If you google "the shape of our democracy is" you get some interesting suggestions

I dont get any American looking at Europe and thinking "we need to be more like them." We fought a bloody revolution to get away from them, their systems and ideas. Modeling ourselves after them now would be going backwards. It's regressive thinking, not progressive. They are the ones who should be trying to keep up with us.
White guilt is the driver.
Keep in mind that a major agenda of the Left is overcoming the fatherly instinct to protect. Why? Because it's empowering. It's a justification to use force and potentially be violent in a limited scope. Well, the Left wants the state to have the sole authority to use force, so they want that instinct squelched. If it's squelched, then the father isn't going to be interested in actively protecting his daughter. He'll rely on the state to do that, and if the state says his daughter will be ok if she's naked and vulnerable with a naked dude in the room, the father will accept that. At least, that's their hope.

Yes. Which is why the Left must be defeated. Because if they succeed there will be no freedom. We will be voting slaves essentially.

The only implement that can be used to emasculate men like this is the State. Which is why part of defeating the Left is defeating the State. It needs to shrink in all areas of life. From military to education to currency control to health care to taking care of the poor. The State must be replaced by other civic and private organizations to do the work to keep society functioning.
The birth place of white privilege, if we are to indulge the concept, was Europe. The imperialism was from Europe. Europeans plundered lands far and wide, killing the indigenous tribes. They gave us two world wars. They gave us Hitler. What is it about them that is so fascinating to "intellectuals" here in the US? It's ridiculous.

Well, it is the birth place of our culture and was at the cutting edge of technology, art, music, philosophy, and academic endeavor. There is some cultural inertia where even us Americans see them as the trail blazers on progress. But that progress led to destruction in 1914 and it hasn't really become better.
That message is so profound I could swear it had to come from Beto.

Bernie hammered Buttigieg today
I think all of them are going to turn on him too now that he has a target on his back.
I wonder if he will attempt to use his gayness as a shield? Might be something to watch for.

Audio is not that great but this was the best one I could find

Bernie hammered Buttigieg today
I think all of them are going to turn on him too now that he has a target on his back.
I wonder if he will attempt to use his gayness as a shield? Might be something to watch for.

Audio is not that great but this was the best one I could find

Bernie wants billionaire money as well. He would just rather use the government gun to get it rather than have them back him voluntarily.
Let's have a campaign based upon the values of Liberalism, Conservatism and everyone in between. Let's put forth the most articulate people we can find to discuss the issues. Let's bar the words hate, Communist, slavery and Nazi. Let's see them discuss the our financial condition by analyzing our Balance Sheet including debt and Income Statement including cash flow to high-light the deficit. Let's hear them discuss why or why not our financial statement matters or doesn't matter. Let's talk about how much money is going to foreign nations, illegal aliens and our own citizens. Let's talk about Israel and England, our two best friends. Let's talk about Russia and China and what the world would look like in the absence of the American hegemony. Let's talk about climate change and the reality of our efforts, what it would cost and when the world's climate can be measured to have been "cured." Let's talk about social issues such as gay rights and abortion. Let's talk about the Constitution and whether or not strict constructionism is or is not the way to deter political bias. Let's talk about whether or not we are a democracy or a representative republic and what that actually means to governance and the selection process. Let's talk about why the pledge, the flag, patriotism and America first are controversial. Let's talk about whether or not it is good or bad to have one party control all three branches of the government. Let's discuss what socialism really means and how to define it properly And finally, let's bring back the words hate, slavery, Communist and Nazi and ask this question: Can any country come together when one side is accusing the other of these things?
Let's see them discuss the our financial condition by analyzing our Balance Sheet including debt and Income Statement including cash flow to high-light the deficit.

Yeah, that's gonna be a non-starter for the left. They don't understand money at all.
Yeah, that's gonna be a non-starter for the left. They don't understand money at all.

It's a well that is bottom-less. That is the stipulation.

AOC came out in support of Modern Monetary Theory that proposes governments that control their own currency can spend freely, as they can always create more money to pay off debts in their own currency.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a fan of a geeky economic theory called MMT: Here's a plain-English guide to what it is and why it's interesting
It is true that governments which have a monopoly power over currency can print as much money as they want to finance their activities.

The problem is that it eventually causes stagflation like we see all over Latin America. It is basically legal counterfeiting.
It is true that governments which have a monopoly power over currency can print as much money as they want to finance their activities.

The problem is that it eventually causes stagflation like we see all over Latin America. It is basically legal counterfeiting.

Yes, I think that's exactly the flaw. They can print all day long but it appears AOC stops there and doesn't care about the aftermath.
Here's the interview from Carville. He says a bunch of good stuff. Link. What's difficult is that Democrats are culturally arrogant. They really do think they're better than people who don't live in the big cities, and they've created a culture in which it's ok and even celebrated to ridicule those people. Just look at the Don Lemon/Rick Wilson exchange. That just says it all.

Well, once you've built that culture, it's pretty hard for a Democrat to go into other states and fake not being part of that culture. A few can do it, but most of them can't.
It's amazing how relatively sane many Democrats were just 4 years ago.

I take no hard position one way or the other on gender identification matters because I know someone who is struggling with their grown child's confusion. It is real and my friend does not know what to do or think but love their child. It is very difficult.

To say a man in a dress is probably not necessary in the PC world. I'm somewhat ambivalent but am very concerned about a grown man who identifies as a woman going into the girls bathroom in an elementary school. I'm sure there are other scenarios but that one in particular is a sticking point with me. Single-occupant unisex bathrooms is the answer in restaurants and other public places. It would be good for schools but I understand retrofitting the schools would cost millions and would be disruptive when you have a squad of kids racing to the bathroom between classes.

You can't always get what you want and I'm willing to go pretty far to accommodate people but perfection is never going to be the case and unfortunately someone is going to have to live with going to the bathroom where their genitalia would indicate on occasion.

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