2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Actually what people get paid is more a function of negotiating leverage than productivity. If capitalist can find cheaper ways to get it done or people who will work for less, there will be dislocation.

It's both actually. You make a good point. There is the labor supply/demand relationship. But companies can only pay you a little less than the value you create for the company. If worker A produces $100 worth of product. He can be paid something just under that. If worker A produces $1000 worth of product. He can be paid something just under that. The amount just under that productivity level is due to the negotiating you mention. But the productivity levels determines the maximum amount the negotiating can get you. It is automation that allows a worker to be more productive.
Even CNN is now saying the Shadow App was changing vote totals.
The people in Mayor Pete's organization were not controlling the Shadow App and all the votes have an auditable paper trail. His campaign organization was well organized and gathered information that any other candidate with well trained supporters could have had for the gathering.
It's both actually. You make a good point. There is the labor supply/demand relationship. But companies can only pay you a little less than the value you create for the company. If worker A produces $100 worth of product. He can be paid something just under that. If worker A produces $1000 worth of product. He can be paid something just under that. The amount just under that productivity level is due to the negotiating you mention. But the productivity levels determines the maximum amount the negotiating can get you. It is automation that allows a worker to be more productive.
Yeah, you have described the upper limit. Since wages have risen much more slowly than productivity I'm guessing not many workers are paid near that upper limit.
It's both actually. You make a good point. There is the labor supply/demand relationship. But companies can only pay you a little less than the value you create for the company. If worker A produces $100 worth of product. He can be paid something just under that. If worker A produces $1000 worth of product. He can be paid something just under that. The amount just under that productivity level is due to the negotiating you mention. But the productivity levels determines the maximum amount the negotiating can get you. It is automation that allows a worker to be more productive.

Yeah, you have described the upper limit. Since wages have risen much more slowly than productivity I'm guessing not many workers are paid near that upper limit.

I think the leverage angle has to do with the fact that the worker needs the job to eat and not be sleeping on a park bench. If the job pays enough to avoid that, there's a very strong incentive for him to accept what the employer is offering rather than holding out for more money or trying to start a bidding war. Obviously, the more highly skilled the worker is and the more he has in savings, the greater his ability to hold out.
Reminder - this app was brought to you by Soros money, Union money, Mayor Peter money and was put together by a bunch of former Obama and Hillary techies.
Motherboard and Vice (of all people) say it trash
An ‘Off-the-Shelf, Skeleton Project’: Experts Analyze the App That Broke Iowa
Multiple experts analyzed Shadow Inc.’s Iowa caucus app.
They found all kinds of problems.

" .... "Honestly, the biggest thing is—I don’t want to throw it under the bus—but the app was clearly done by someone following a tutorial. It’s similar to projects I do with my mentees who are learning how to code," Rahjerdi said. "They started with a starter package and they just added things on top of it. I get deja vu from my classes because the code looks like someone Googled things like 'how to add authentication to React Native App' and followed the instructions," Rahjerdi said.
"The mobile app looks hastily thrown together," Dan Guido, CEO of cybersecurity consulting firm Trail of Bits, told Motherboard...."
An ‘Off-the-Shelf, Skeleton Project’: Experts Analyze the App That Broke Iowa
The people in Mayor Pete's organization were not controlling the Shadow App and all the votes have an auditable paper trail. His campaign organization was well organized and gathered information that any other candidate with well trained supporters could have had for the gathering.

What is the point of going to the time and expense of having a primary if the DNC is just going to pick who they want anyway? Why not just skip it and save the money? They are setting up Mayor Cheat to win Nevada now. Fixing outcomes is the behavior of the Soviets and the CCP. Dont let them win.

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It is truly amazing how bad of a POTUS candidate Biden is. You would have thought he learned something from all of those failed campaigns. He is one weird guy.
What is the point of going to the time and expense of having a primary if the DNC is just going to pick who they want anyway? Why not just skip it and save the money? They are setting up Mayor Cheat to win Nevada now. Fixing outcomes is the behavior of the Soviets and the CCP. Dont let them win.

The DNC rigs the primary in 2016 and 2020 then claims Republicans suppress voter turnout. How anyone votes democrat is amazing.
Trump can still pack them in. Today, front running the Dems in New Hampshire -- probably making the already-existing logistical nightmare there much worse - heh

What is the point of going to the time and expense of having a primary if the DNC is just going to pick who they want anyway? Why not just skip it and save the money? They are setting up Mayor Cheat to win Nevada now. Fixing outcomes is the behavior of the Soviets and the CCP. Dont let them win.

Because Joe, they have to have the people believe they are involved in the process. They have to fool them (us) into thinking we have political power. If they just picked the candidate people wouldn't be as invested in the candidate.

At the same time, political parties should pick the candidate they want. It is their party and their candidate. What they should really do, is police the process of letting candidates into the primary. For example, Bernie shouldn't be in a Democratic Primary. He is an Independent who doesn't abide by the party platform. Including him in the Primary by itself shifts the DNC Left.
Because Joe, they have to have the people believe they are involved in the process. They have to fool them (us) into thinking we have political power. If they just picked the candidate people wouldn't be as invested in the candidate.

At the same time, political parties should pick the candidate they want. It is their party and their candidate. What they should really do, is police the process of letting candidates into the primary. For example, Bernie shouldn't be in a Democratic Primary. He is an Independent who doesn't abide by the party platform. Including him in the Primary by itself shifts the DNC Left.

Why do Democrats always say Trump is subverting our Democracy? We don't have a Democracy at the general election level (read Electoral College). A pure majority doesn't win. But what about the primaries? Should they be a democracy for those running in that primary? It's obvious they couldn't care less about democracy at the primary level that's for sure. If the Republicans didn't care Trump would never have won the primary. They would have rigged it. Instead they sat back and watched him win it in horror.
I dont really care if this is offensive or intended to offend, but I do care about the double standard. But it is absolutely amazing how people are allowed to talk about white people in this country. And nobody ever objects. And it’s always the same exact people who would have a cow if the positions were reversed if a white person said the same thing about their race.

If our little country is ever going to move ahead, this double standard has to be eliminated.

Because Joe, they have to have the people believe they are involved in the process. They have to fool them (us) into thinking we have political power. If they just picked the candidate people wouldn't be as invested in the candidate.....

It's sounds so European
Why do Democrats always say Trump is subverting our Democracy? We don't have a Democracy at the general election level (read Electoral College). A pure majority doesn't win. But what about the primaries? Should they be a democracy for those running in that primary? It's obvious they couldn't care less about democracy at the primary level that's for sure. If the Republicans didn't care Trump would never have won the primary. They would have rigged it. Instead they sat back and watched him win it in horror.

They say it because they don't understand America. We live in a Federal Republic. The States are intended to be the primary locus of power. Parties are supposed to be another secondary area of power where coalitions across States organize around common ideals.

The Republicans have the same problem. They have become more democratic but at a cost to their power. Trump winning is evidence of that.
It's sounds so European

I am convinced that most of American politics is a farce.

At this point I think it is a fact that the Ameican populace doesn't care about ideals and action. We care about what a politician says (even when we know they are lying) and what color jersey they wear.
By all means lets make iphones and computers and cars out of animal bones and burlap sacks. That will work right? And all we have to do is kill all the animals and cut down all the plants. We will strip the earth of all life, so we don't have to use plastic! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Buttigieg just called dark money the money that is given to politicians through "Super PACs". PACs are simply citizens organizing themselves around a political policy and donating money to pool their resources together to gain a larger voice.

Nah dog! That sounds evil. I rather get all my money from lobbyists, celebrities, and foreign governments! Amiright Pete?! Can't dilute Soros' influence on American politics with actual Americans!

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