2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

So Bernie was throwing eggs at black people who were protesting for civil rights? That is not a very socialist thing to do.

Not good optics - a jobless, godless commie throwing? Yikes

It is a somewhat interesting scenario at this stage of the game. Biden was supposed to have the southern black vote locked up. But that was probably never true and, even if it ever was, that support has completely collapsed. He is done. Back to sniffing hair for him.

Mayor Peter is not going to reel in southern blacks either. And I would argue he has no chance without them. They just wont vote -- which might be a big help in terms of regaining a majority in the House. Go Peter!

Warren is out too, IMO. She has no idea who she is or what she stands for. She wants to be all things to all people -- people pick up on this -- it never works. No candidate can decide who they are during the campaign. I can almost visualize her crying-asking "What do you want me to be? Just tell me. I will become her."

Some people say Bloomberg's entry will make the New Hampshire primary completely irrelevant. Is this true? Will the rest of Dems around the US respond to a short, fast-talking, jewish billionaire New Yorker? They say he has already bought all the ad spots possible, leaving none for anyone else*. And even if they do find any remaining ad buys, Bloomberg has driven the price through the roof. Will this even work? Do TV ads decide elections? Liberals think they do (see Citizens United) but I have always been dubious about this claim. I think Trump would have beat Hillary last time without a single TV ad. Further, if he did win the nom, I dont see Bernie Bros coming out to vote for him. They are going to be mad. Mad at the DNC, mad at everyone.

A more interesting question (to me at least) is whether Klobuchar now has a path? She seems the most balanced of all their choices. She may be the only Democrat in the country who is not motivated solely by hate. This will probably be a total turn-off the the screaming-meanie Hillary-AOC wing, but might win her back voters in the middle. Does she have a chance?

*On the Bloomberg ad buys, Ive seen that he is over $300M in buys -- which means that if you take all the ad buys of all the remaining candidates (including Trump) and then triple it, you would still not touch what Bloomberg has done. This is literally a guy trying to buy his way into the White House.

I have a friend in London who tells me this is how the oligarchs have been behaving there for the last 10 years or more. They have so much money, they just blow everyone else away. As an example, he says oligarchs now own more London real estate than the royal family.
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I don't believe that story for one second. We have no idea if that person is Sanders and have no idea why he's getting arrested.

You may be correct. Someone else says that it is actually a foto of Bernie being arrested for protesting against segregated schools, which does make more sense. Maybe I will take it down.


MSNBC out in the sticks --

"Can you tell us who you voted for?"
"Donald John Trump."
"Bernie is not appealing?"
"The whole ideology would be destructive to the country. "It's anti-growth. It's anti-family. It's anti-American. And, as a Roman Catholic, it's anti-life."

I don't believe that story for one second. We have no idea if that person is Sanders and have no idea why he's getting arrested.
If people said it was Trump, the media and left would not question it. (I'm not disagreeing with your premise, just putting out that obvious tidbit)

As to this not being a very socialist thing to do, isn't it precisely what socialism is? Keeping everyone oppressed?
The pandering gets more obvious as the dem nomination process unfolds.
Wonder if any Dem voting in the primaries will do any research on the candidates?
What I find kinda interesting is that Joe Biden is completely going down the crapper. He didn't just lose, he got his *** kicked in both Iowa and New Hampshire. Apparently, even Nevada and South Carolina (which were supposed to be his safest early states) are now getting close. If he loses either of those, he's done.

It's weird. Nancy Pelosi impeached Trump, but in a way, I think she did more to sink Biden than she did to sink Trump. Obviously, the media did everything it could to protect Biden during the impeachment, they just couldn't keep his name from coming up in a negative way. He would certainly be better off had they not impeached.
What I find kinda interesting is that Joe Biden is completely going down the crapper. He didn't just lose, he got his *** kicked in both Iowa and New Hampshire. Apparently, even Nevada and South Carolina (which were supposed to be his safest early states) are now getting close. If he loses either of those, he's done.

It's weird. Nancy Pelosi impeached Trump, but in a way, I think she did more to sink Biden than she did to sink Trump. Obviously, the media did everything it could to protect Biden during the impeachment, they just couldn't keep his name from coming up in a negative way. He would certainly be better off had they not impeached.
It is ironic that if they wouldn't have made a big stink about Ukraine, then Biden wouldn't have even been as damaged as he is. Regardless though, he still would have done this horrible.
If Bernie doesn't get robbed this time, these guys will push for a third-party candidate like Bloomberg.

The media this am is very excited bc Bloomberg was able to fill up a coffee shop with potential voters in North Carolina. But some are saying he offered them free coffee and donuts (unconfirmed so far but it does sound like him).
By the way, this Roger Stone sentencing fiasco is classic idiocy and basically sums up the last three years in politics. Like a fool, Trump intervenes in the matter, which looks corrupt and sleazy. (Why the hell didn't he just wait until after the election and then pardon him or commute his sentence?) But since the other side is insane, nobody's going to care.
So Bernie was throwing eggs at black people who were protesting for civil rights?
That is not a very socialist thing to do.
It used to be campaigns would spend thousands of hours digging up dirt on opponents. Recently they have found it much more resource efficient to just make up lies.
...*On the Bloomberg ad buys, Ive seen that he is over $300M in buys -- which means that if you take all the ad buys of all the remaining candidates (including Trump) and then triple it, you would still not touch what Bloomberg has done. This is literally a guy trying to buy his way into the White House. ...

All of these Bloomberg ad buys raise another interesting question -- what happens to all those TV spots if Bloomberg doesnt win the nomination? Who gets them? Doesnt this question mean that the other candidates are auditioning for Bloomberg's affections as much as voters?

Does Bloomberg even have a real shot? He is more or less a moderate Republican or liberal-Republican if there is such a thing. There are not many more capricious capitalists than him. These are the people Warren, Bernie and AOC hate. Will Dem voters buy what this guy is selling? They spent the last 4 years screaming about Russian oligarchs and so now they are suddenly going to flip and support an American oligarch? Can you see Bernie Bros ever supporting Bloomberg? I dont know about that.

What I do know is he is spending a lot of money. He is breaking the model. No one has ever spent like Bloomberg. This is a guy who has bought his way out of every issue he has ever faced. Now he wants to buy a win in a national election. Keep in mind this is not donor money. It's his. From his perspective, this is applied capital. It's different. He has already spent over $400M. He is spending $40M in Calif alone right now on TV ads. And $25M in Texas on ads. $6M in North Carolina. He has spent $60M already on digital ads alone. The scale of Bloomberg's spending is staggering. How is someone like Klobuchar supposed to compete? Think of the labor shift forced on her -- from campaigning to fundraising. And even if she is successful raising money, Bloomberg had already bought up all the spots. He has raised the price on what might be remaining. Bloomberg has changed the game.

He is aiming for Super Tuesday - which is Mar 3. This will be the tell of how Dem voters view him. Which gets back to the question above -- who gets all the Bloomberg ad buy spots if he doesnt make it? Would he let Bernie have them? My guess is Bernie would take them, since I dont think he opposes taking things.
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At this point the only half-way electable candidate they have is Klobuchar. The Dems are in serious trouble.

Blacks won't vote for Bloomberg or Mayor Butthead. Bernie would result in a party rift with many moderate Dems voting for Trump.
... What I do know is he is spending a lot of money. He is breaking the model. No one has ever spent like Bloomberg. This is a guy who has bought his way out of every issue he has ever faced. Now he wants to buy a win in a national election. Keep in mind this is not donor money. It's his. From his perspective, this is applied capital. It's different. He has already spent over $400M. He is spending $40M in Calif alone right now on TV ads. And $25M in Texas on ads. $6M in North Carolina. He has spent $60M already on digital ads alone. The scale of Bloomberg's spending is staggering. How is someone like Klobuchar supposed to compete? Think of the labor shift forced on her -- from campaigning to fundraising. And even if she is successful raising money, Bloomberg had already bought up all the spots. He has raised the price on what might be remaining. Bloomberg has changed the game.

He is aiming for Super Tuesday - which is Mar 3. This will be the tell of how Dem voters view him. Which gets back to the question above -- who gets all the Bloomberg ad buy spots if he doesnt make it? Would he let Bernie Have them?

I may have found another HF lurker - this one from the NYT

By the way, this Roger Stone sentencing fiasco is classic idiocy and basically sums up the last three years in politics. Like a fool, Trump intervenes in the matter, which looks corrupt and sleazy. (Why the hell didn't he just wait until after the election and then pardon him or commute his sentence?) But since the other side is insane, nobody's going to care.

If the juror lied, which is the claim, then it would give grounds for an appeal. I've had all sorts of weird issues pop up with juries, anything is possible. Often something you might never have anticipated. It's a box of chocolates

If the juror lied, which is the claim, then it would give grounds for an appeal. I've had all sorts of weird issues pop up with juries, anything is possible. Often something you might never have anticipated. It's a box of chocolates


If there's a basis for appeal, then they should appeal. It's not a reason for Trump to intervene, and if he wants to intervene, then he should grant a pardon or commute his sentence - after the election.
.. It's not a reason for Trump to intervene, and if he wants to intervene, then he should grant a pardon or commute his sentence - after the election.

Intervening would be if he directed the AG to do something, or not do something. Are you saying he did that?
The more amusing part of this is that, for years, we have bee listening to the people on the left scream about the justice system -- biased jury pools, non-impartial judges, excessive sentencing and the targeting a certain group

Here we have several cases that appear to involve all of these things but now that same crowd has fallen silent. How does that happen?

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