2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

uh oh

It's pretty wild that two of the people who were supposed to be among the front-runners (Warren & Biden) appear to be on their last legs. And we are barely 2 primaries in. I have a friend from Brooklyn who has been touting Warren for a long time. He (econ major from UMich) thought she was going to fix everything, especially "economic inequality." But doesnt it seem like the more of these debates she has and the more face-to-face events with voters she has, the less people like her?

And the thing is, she has been working on this for a long time. She should be as prepared as anyone could be. I think where it started to really go bad for her is when she had no answer in a debate about how she was going to pay for her "Medicaid for All" plan. I just dont see how someone can get this far down the road in something like this and not have a ready answer for that question. Did they think the friendly media would not ask?
At this point the only half-way electable candidate they have is Klobuchar. The Dems are in serious trouble.
She does make some sense sometimes but then she will veer off into identity-politics which makes you wonder what else is under the hood

Klobuchar has also said she would increase refugee resettlement by 500%. She was strongly against Kavanaugh. And she would repeal the Hyde Amendment (making taxpayers to fund abortions).
Intervening would be if he directed the AG to do something, or not do something. Are you saying he did that?

Kinda looks like he did. And the freakout is silly. Does anyone honestly think politics didn't influence how Hillary Clinton was treated by the FBI and DoJ? Of course it did. However, it was still a stupid *** move. He could have just waited 9 months, and it would have a political non-factor. The media would still crap in their pants, but it wouldn't have political significance. And all he'd have to do is make an ok sign, and they'd freak out l about something else.

The more amusing part of this is that, for years, we have bee listening to the people on the left scream about the justice system -- biased jury pools, non-impartial judges, excessive sentencing and the targeting a certain group

Here we have several cases that appear to involve all of these things but now that same crowd has fallen silent. How does that happen?

Yes, they're politically-driven hypocrites. Trump was still stupid to intervene whether explicitly or impliedly.
Kinda looks like he did. And the freakout is silly. Does anyone honestly think politics didn't influence how Hillary Clinton was treated by the FBI and DoJ? Of course it did. However, it was still a stupid *** move. He could have just waited 9 months, and it would have a political non-factor. The media would still crap in their pants, but it wouldn't have political significance. And all he'd have to do is make an ok sign, and they'd freak out l about something else.
Yes, they're politically-driven hypocrites. Trump was still stupid to intervene whether explicitly or impliedly.

I was unaware he gave the AG any direction with regard to that. I did see that he tweeted about it. But, it doesnt matter, if it wasnt this is was going to be something else. They were always going to keep pushing it. Hopefully they get buried in November.
It used to be campaigns would spend thousands of hours digging up dirt on opponents. Recently they have found it much more resource efficient to just make up lies.
It's not a lie. Bernie also stole those eggs from a poor farmer living nearby, and stepped on all the baby chicks when he ran away.
I was just thinking that there has to be a joke that starts with, "a gay guy, and Indian, a 90 year old Jew, and a stutterer are running for President......"

A gay guy, a fake indian, a communist/Jewish/atheist, and a stuttering/senile/old white guy. I heard someone say that the Dems should have just run the Village People.
I was unaware he gave the AG any direction with regard to that. I did see that he tweeted about it. But, it doesnt matter, if it wasnt this is was going to be something else. They were always going to keep pushing it. Hopefully they get buried in November.

There's no way to know for sure, but it looks very bad. Again, it's not illegal. Just stupid.
There's no way to know for sure, but it looks very bad. Again, it's not illegal. Just stupid.

He denied it. And I dont think he does that. He might ask the AG a question, which I see no problem with (so I disagree with Rosenstein on this) And he obviously tweets about how he feels about various topics. But he doesnt direct DOJ prosecutions. I am somewhat surprised you would believe that he would.
He denied it. And I dont think he does that. He might ask the AG a question, which I see no problem with (so I disagree with Rosenstein on this) And he obviously tweets about how he feels about various topics. But he doesnt direct DOJ prosecutions. I am somewhat surprised you would believe that he would.

He may deny it, but it looks suspicious. And why would Barr get involved on this own? There no way to know for sure, but it smells.
He may deny it, but it looks suspicious. And why would Barr get involved on this own? There no way to know for sure, but it smells.

Barr did speak today -- said all the talk in the media and the tweets are not helpful. I support him on that. But I also think Trump was correct about the sentence. It was ridiculous and Stone might even get another trial due to bad jury behavior -- he probably would welcome a different trial judge too. I think that this is the same woman who put Manafort in solitary confinement for no reason. And in the best case for him, perhaps a completely new jurisdiction. I think Dems are so mad and full of hate right now that they are willing to go outside the rules. They think Trump justifies their own bad action.
Barr did speak today -- said all the talk in the media and the tweets are not helpful. I support him on that. But I also think Trump was correct about the sentence. It was ridiculous and Stone might even get another trial due to bad jury behavior -- he probably would welcome a different trial judge too. I think that this is the same woman who put Manafort in solitary confinement for no reason. And in the best case for him, perhaps a completely new jurisdiction. I think Dems are so mad and full of hate right now that they are willing to go outside the rules. They think Trump justifies their own bad action.

I don't disagree with any of this. I can even accept that Trump is right that the sentence is excessive. However, there's a smart way to deal with this and a dumb way. They chose the dumb way.

Like I said previously, at this point, it won't matter, because of the Democrats' lunacy. However, after the Democratic primary is over, the nominee isn't going to act like a freak show (unless Bernie is the nominee). That will change the dynamic, and they'll try to replicate 2018. It may work if Trump is still taking stupid pills.
I don't disagree with any of this. I can even accept that Trump is right that the sentence is excessive. However, there's a smart way to deal with this and a dumb way. They chose the dumb way.
Like I said previously, at this point, it won't matter, because of the Democrats' lunacy. However, after the Democratic primary is over, the nominee isn't going to act like a freak show (unless Bernie is the nominee). That will change the dynamic, and they'll try to replicate 2018. It may work if Trump is still taking stupid pills.

If I were Barr, I wouldnt like it either. But, if I were Barr, I would have cleared out the overtly political cliques at the top of Justice by now too.

I personally saw some of that (political cliques) but it was always on a personal level. Like discussing politics offer morning coffee. Thinking back, the hard liberals were the most cliquesh (like high school). It always made me somewhat uncomfortable, but not to the point that it affected actual cases -- just the idea that this has been happening there is a mind-blower. I will add everyone was fully aware of the Hatch Act (you can bet Andrew McCabe was too).

The only times I saw anything overly political that affected cases was when I dated a female in the Voting Rights Section. She was very bright (Harv Law) and seemed to enjoy busting the balls of small jurisdictions in the Western States a little too much. One funny thing about her - she had a back issue and once got a judge to let her lie on the floor, on her back, while questioning a witness. If you are hot + smart, then the world is your oyster. If I had ever asked to do that, the judge probably would have fallen out of the chair LOLng.
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Are you liberals really going to let this carnivorous capitalist buy his way to the nomination? I can only try to imagine the internal conflict - you hate Trump so much, you are willing to commit to a Republican Oligarch? Bloomberg, to date, has already spent $381M of his own money on this adventure. I told you this election would be the most entertaining ever.

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... I will add everyone was fully aware of the Hatch Act (you can bet Andrew McCabe was too).....

That made me try to remember about the Hatch Act and I think we got some type of personal reminder annually. I think they picked someone from each section and made them go around to say something to each person in the office (just like they did with the United Way drive). They would ask if there were any questions - because legitimate questions could be there - what could you do and say and so forth. I never had to do it bc they always had me doing other stuff. But they guy next door to me had a fiance run for mayor of Alexandria, so he had to have a meeting. That's about as serious as it got. So the Hatch Act examples I saw with my own eyes were nothing like what was going on at the top floors of Main Justice. the last political cycle. It's embarrassing.
The NYPOst says Trump may get fed up Yang voters

President Trump could be the unlikely benefactor of Andrew Yang ending his White House bid — a new poll finding he is the second-most popular alternative among the Yang Gang.

Of the 200 Yang supporters surveyed in the hours after the businessman threw in the towel at Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary, 11 percent of people said they would now support re-electing Trump, the Stanford University/Reality Check study obtained by The Post found.

Are you liberals really going to let this carnivorous capitalist buy his way to the nomination? I can only try to imagine the internal conflict - you hate Trump so much, you are willing to commit to a Republican Oligarch? Bloomberg, to date, has already spent $381M of his own money on this adventure. I told you this election would be the most entertaining ever.

I cant believe none of the local liberals are willing to speak out on Bloomberg. He is even starting to piss me off.
He is buying the DNC
He is buying his way onto the debate stage
He is buying his way into social media companies
He is buying all the TV ads that can be bought
Does no one care? (other than the Bernie Bros)

Some say he wont be able to hack it in the live debates. That they will come after him as a pack. I have not seem them do that yet. Or the media.

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