2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I suspect the DNC will decide who it wants and make that happen. Much like the CCP or Kremlin does.
Maybe - just maybe - the party will settle on a moderate candidate, hoping he can beat Trump, and the left-wingers will run a candidate (Sanders?) as a third party. That would split the anti-Trump vote, guaranteeing the reelection of Trump. Think back to 1992, when the Perot vote siphoned off enough GHWB voters to put Slick Willie in the White House.
"Texans: The energy at a @JoeBiden event is like the electricity at a David Dewhurst rally." Scott Braddock, editor of The Quorum Report.

I've never been to a Dewhurst rally. Is this a compliment?
"Texans: The energy at a @JoeBiden event is like the electricity at a David Dewhurst rally." Scott Braddock, editor of The Quorum Report.

I've never been to a Dewhurst rally. Is this a compliment?

Lol! He has it exactly right, and it's definitely not a compliment. I've been to a few Dewhurst events - not because I was ever a Dewhurst fan but because of my political involvement at the time. They were nothing I'd call a "rally." His political strategist knew better than to hold true rallies, though he spoke at a few that others were holding. Most rally-goers went and took a piss when Dewhurst spoke.

Remember how Dewhurst became politically relevant. In 1998 he decided to run for Land Commissioner and made it clear that he'd self-fund. He was a very rich man, so few were willing to challenge him. Most viable potential challengers were simply intimidated by the money Dewhurst was willing to spend, so he rarely had strong opposition. He had virtually no grassroots support and didn't need it. By 2010, the activist base of the party was much bigger, and after years of mediocrity in office and the Wendy David fiasco, Dan Patrick smelled blood in the water. Sure enough, the emperor had no clothes. Ted Cruz proved it again in 2012.

@mchammer has it exactly right. Actual Dewhurst events were usually held at hotel ballrooms or at the Austin Club with a bunch of rich dudes having wine and cheese (which I enjoy, but I understand the cultural implications of it) and Dewhurst walking around shaking hands while the rich dudes wrote out checks and socialized. He shook my hand a few times. Trump talks about hand size. Dewhurst had ridiculously big hands. He could pleasure an elephant if he wanted to.
Validates the left is chock full of loonies:

Bernie finally took a swipe at Bloomberg but it was somewhat mild - he is going to do better than this, but its a start --

"And in the midst of his $60 billion he says, 'you know, I used to be mayor, kind of retired now, I know what I'd like to do. I'd like to become POTUS...Well I got news for Mr Bloomberg,and that is the American people are sick and tired of billionaires buying elections"
Lol! He has it exactly right, and it's definitely not a compliment. I've been to a few Dewhurst events - not because I was ever a Dewhurst fan but because of my political involvement at the time. ...

I found some video archives of your appearance at that event --

I seems like the media brings this idea up every 4 years. Maybe it will finally happen, but I suspect the DNC will decide who it wants and make that happen. Much like the CCP or Kremlin does.

As of this moment in time, it looks like the DNC has concluded that Bernie can beat the rest of the field head-to-head. And so their plan is to have 3-4 candidates hitting 15% thresholds in various states all over the place. This is how they will deny him a delegate majority. And it looks like it working, so far.

Here is YouGovUS/Yahoo Head-2-Head Polling for hispanics only --

Sanders 69% (+56)
Klobuchar 13%

Sanders 64% (+35)
Buttigieg 29%

Sanders 61% (+31)
Bloomberg 30%

Sanders 59% (+25)
Warren 34%

Sanders 60% (+22)
Biden 38%
Politco saying there are already serious issues with the Nevada primary vote counting, if not outright rigging. The fact that Tom Perez somehow manages to keep that job makes it looks even worse.

"Anxiety is rising over the possibility of another tech-induced meltdown at the Nevada Democratic caucuses on Saturday. In interviews, three caucus volunteers described serious concerns about rushed preparations for the Feb. 22 election, including insufficient training for a newly-adopted electronic vote-tally system and confusing instructions on how to administer the caucuses...."
‘A complete disaster’: Fears grow over potential Nevada caucus malfunction

We need a national mandate to go back to paper ballots. These people cannot be trusted.
Who came up with the idea of superdelegates anyway? Doesnt it go back to disaster known as Jimmah Cartah?

KING: Superdelegates will decide who wins the Democratic nomination — but not until the convention

Un-Democratic Party: DNC chair says superdelegates ensure elites don't have to run "against grassroots activists"

Remember, these people attack Trump all the time about subverting our democracy. It's despicably hypocritical. This is exactly why I attack them. Not because I like Trump but because I can't stand people who are totally corrupt trying to impeach the President.
KING: Superdelegates will decide who wins the Democratic nomination — but not until the convention
Un-Democratic Party: DNC chair says superdelegates ensure elites don't have to run "against grassroots activists"
Remember, these people attack Trump all the time about subverting our democracy. It's despicably hypocritical. This is exactly why I attack them. Not because I like Trump but because I can't stand people who are totally corrupt trying to impeach the President.

But it is still the DNC pulling the levers, yes?
But it is still the DNC pulling the levers, yes?

I think they will absolutely try to influence the delegate choices. They don't care about the democratic process. The only thing they are concerned about is directing the delegates to a sure loser in November.
I think they will absolutely try to influence the delegate choices. They don't care about the democratic process. The only thing they are concerned about is directing the delegates to a sure loser in November.

I would also guess there is some type of payoff for the superdelegates in the end
Basically, he's an arrogant *******. That's better than Trump? No.
It's the same as Trump.

Except that Trump has an innate awareness that those farmers Bloomberg dismisses really are a hell of a lot smarter and more important than Bloomberg and others credit them for. Trump pretty much universally directs his arrogance and ***-holio-ness towards the self-appointed elites. He shows how utterly incompetent they would be if they had to live the life of an average working class American, and they hate him for it.

Let's put it this way. I doubt either Trump or Bloomberg could change the oil in a car, or a water pump, etc. Neither has the knowledge, skill, or ability. Nor does either one have the time, but both have the money to pay someone to do it for them. Trump just respects the guy he paid to do it, while Bloomberg clearly thinks that guy isn't worthy of respect, and looks at him like something he'd have to scrape off the bottom of his shoe after walking through Pelosi's district on a campaign stop.
I cant believe none of the local liberals are willing to speak out on Bloomberg. He is even starting to piss me off.
He is buying the DNC
He is buying his way onto the debate stage
He is buying his way into social media companies
He is buying all the TV ads that can be bought
Does no one care? (other than the Bernie Bros)

Some say he wont be able to hack it in the live debates. That they will come after him as a pack. I have not seem them do that yet. Or the media.
Liberals hate white billionaires unless they buy their way in and act like they can beat Trump.
Liberals hate white billionaires unless they buy their way in and act like they can beat Trump.

It's pathetic.
But let's see what happens once he actually appears at a debate. Have you seen him speak? I think Trump would grind him up. But the Dem field is afraid of its own shadow, so they may welcome him, even throw him a party.
Basically, he's an arrogant *******. That's better than Trump? No. It's that he will cow-tow to extremist Liberals just to assuage his ego and put POTUS on his resume.

Trump loves farmers
He just secured more purchases of their stuff from the Chinese
Would the thought of this even cross Bloomberg's mind?
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