2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

More results bubbling forth from the recent Gallup Poll

37% of Americans identified as conservative
35% as moderate
24% as liberal
Well, I voted for a guy that didn't. What does that say about me?
Me too. But that Aleppo thing basically disqualified the pot head. I would forgive someone for not knowing where Aleppo was more than not knowing who was the President of Mexico.
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Here is the full video. The question is whether Bloomberg is woke.

One thing about those Bloomberg takes is that only people on the internet see them and probably only the subset of the ones of Twitter. How many people is that? Whatever the number, its not that many in total.
I doubt the news media will run with them either since he is running as a Democrat.

So imagine you are an opponent and want to get some of that out? How do you do it? The normal way might be to get splices into a national TV ad now. But they cant do that now. Why? Because Bloomberg has already bought up all the national TV spots. If this is correct, then the majority of voters probably wont ever see them.

We find ourselves in a new age of Presidential elections. The age of the oligarch.
One thing about those Bloomberg takes is that only people on the internet see them and probably only the subset of the ones of Twitter. How many people is that? Whatever the number, its not that many in total.
I doubt the news media will run with them either since he is running as a Democrat.

So imagine you are an opponent and want to get some of that out? How do you do it? The normal way might be to get splices into a national TV ad now. But they cant do that now. Why? Because Bloomberg has already bought up all the national TV spots. If this is correct, then the majority of voters probably wont ever see them.

We find ourselves in a new age of Presidential elections. The age of the oligarch.

I have to believe that somehow Trump will get all this stuff out when he needs it...
I have to believe that somehow Trump will get all this stuff out when he needs it...

LOL, if Twitter doesnt censor him. We did see youtube censor Rand Paul giving a speech on the floor of the Senate within the last week. Anything is possible from these people.

But, in any event, what about Bloomberg's opponents right now? What can they do? Here is one way>- I would have a person with my twitter open, with all these clips of Bloomberg, and as I brought it up on live TV during the debate, I would say "I am sending this out now via Twitter, subscribe to me so you can see it for yourself." And then say "You got the right clip Kathy? OK, send it out." Do it in real time.
Me too. But that Aleppo thing basically disqualified the pot head. I would forgive someone for not knowing where Aleppo was more than not knowing who was the President of Mexico.

I "felt the Johnson" too, but the Aleppo incident isn't what really disqualified him. Not being a Republican or a Democrat is what disqualified him.
I’m reading Profiles in Corruption by Peter Schweizer right now. The chapter on Bernie should be read by every idiot who supports him. He should be in jail.
As of this moment in time, it looks like the DNC has concluded that Bernie can beat the rest of the field head-to-head. And so their plan is to have 3-4 candidates hitting 15% thresholds in various states all over the place. This is how they will deny him a delegate majority. And it looks like it working, so far....

And here you go
I am not sure if Warren is even still relevant?
But our lovely media has been telling us it was between her and Biden for 2 years now! They are still covering her like she is. How can they be this bad at following presidential politics? It wasnt until the personal Matty Drudge posting from this past weekend (re: Hillary and Bloomberg) that they finally started to wake up to what is actually happening.

So I guess this is her last gasp to reel in you liberal fishies. Does this work on you?
Anybody watching the staged CNN “town halls?” These are embarrassing to our democracy. How about have the candidates answer questions from all of the public versus purely partisan voters? Oh, and not have partisan people moderate.
Anybody watching the staged CNN “town halls?” These are embarrassing to our democracy. How about have the candidates answer questions from all of the public versus purely partisan voters? Oh, and not have partisan people moderate.

Have you watched CNN in the last few years? That's way too much to ask. It's like asking Pravda to offer a free market perspective.
Anyone put any thought into what would happen if Sanders actually won the Presidency?
Could the Constitution contain him?
Would the Congress?
Federal judges?

I used to have this argument while at UT when communists were still very alive and well in the world, and still quite the menace to us. The issue was whether we should even allow Communists to run for president. I argued we should not. (Most) everyone else said First Amendment and so forth. But what if the Commie's platform was to suspend the Constitution? What good is the First Amendment to you if its been shredded? This argument was never resolved. Which I guess means I never gave it up.
I’m reading Profiles in Corruption by Peter Schweizer right now. The chapter on Bernie should be read by every idiot who supports him. He should be in jail.

The time has never been more ripe to ditch capitalism


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