2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I take no hard position one way or the other on gender identification matters because I know someone who is struggling with their grown child's confusion. It is real and my friend does not know what to do or think but love their child. It is very difficult.

To say a man in a dress is probably not necessary in the PC world. I'm somewhat ambivalent but am very concerned about a grown man who identifies as a woman going into the girls bathroom in an elementary school. I'm sure there are other scenarios but that one in particular is a sticking point with me. Single-occupant unisex bathrooms is the answer in restaurants and other public places. It would be good for schools but I understand retrofitting the schools would cost millions and would be disruptive when you have a squad of kids racing to the bathroom between classes.

You can't always get what you want and I'm willing to go pretty far to accommodate people but perfection is never going to be the case and unfortunately someone is going to have to live with going to the bathroom where their genitalia would indicate on occasion.

I don't take a hard position on it either in most situations, and neither did most people. Keep in mind that traditionally we didn't have laws on this sort of thing. People used common sense. If you generally looked like a woman and just went into the stall, did your business, and left, you could go in the women's bathroom and vice versa because nobody knew one way or the other. What I take a hard stance on is forcing hard and fast rules that put people and businesses at risk of litigation and put women and girls at risk of being exposed to penises when they're in a vulnerable position. If you're going to take out your cock and balls, women and girls shouldn't have to be naked around you just because you're delusional enough to think you're a girl. We don't force society to accommodate other delusions and shouldn't do so here, especially when it creates such a major imposition.
What is telling to me is that even when schools and businesses accommodate alleged transconfused people that isn't enough.
Schools allow transgendered students to use facility restrooms but that isn't enough. They demand to use the facility of whichever gender they say they are.Their rights on more important than the rights of all the rest.
I don't take a hard position on it either in most situations, and neither did most people. Keep in mind that traditionally we didn't have laws on this sort of thing. People used common sense. If you generally looked like a woman and just went into the stall, did your business, and left, you could go in the women's bathroom and vice versa because nobody knew one way or the other. What I take a hard stance on is forcing hard and fast rules that put people and businesses at risk of litigation and put women and girls at risk of being exposed to penises when they're in a vulnerable position. If you're going to take out your **** and balls, women and girls shouldn't have to be naked around you just because you're delusional enough to think you're a girl. We don't force society to accommodate other delusions and shouldn't do so here, especially when it creates such a major imposition.

Agreed. The interesting thing is that feminists are now being forced to accept male genitalia in their private domain. A woman's safety is very important (as if a man's is not) to her and their apparent hysteria over toxic masculinity would indicate to me they'd be extremely leery of false gender identification. But politics is very tricky when power is what you seek.

I'm a father to a beautiful young daughter. My instinct as a father does not consider feelings or politics when it comes to her safety. Should I defer to the law if I see a grown man go into the girls bathroom? I figure if my daughter were in there I'd do something to get her out. If she and I saw a man walk into the girls restroom I'd tell her to wait and probably alert someone. I mean, how are we supposed to know it's ok or not? Common sense tells me we should err towards the side of assuming a possible child molester or rapist.

They are also being forced to accept trans women beginning to slowly dominate sporting events. We already know Martina Navratilova has objected along with other female athletes, some of whom, like Martina, are gay.

In that arena it's popcorn eating time folks.
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... What's difficult is that Democrats are culturally arrogant. They really do think they're better than people who don't live in the big cities, and they've created a culture in which it's ok and even celebrated to ridicule those people. Just look at the Don Lemon/Rick Wilson exchange. That just says it all. ..

That Bloomberg exchange with his fellow european intelligentsia may have been even better. Iowans are just too dumb to understand why a man wearing a dress should be able to watch your daughter pee.
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That Bloomberg exchange with his fellow european intelligentsia may have been even better. Iowans are just too dumb to understand why a man wearing a dress should be able to watch you daughter pee.

The desire to progress beyond gender is a fantasy of the evolutionary mind, a mind desiring to be unencumbered by it's perception of ignorance and willing to embrace the soul of all living things. While it is laudable to be open-minded and free, it becomes destructive when the choice to be enlightened is forced upon another human being.
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,,,, While it is laudable to be open-minded and free, it becomes destructive when the choice to be enlightened is forced upon another human being.

I think Bloomberg got this part wrong too in his intelligentsia speech. First, it was pretty presumptuous of him. Do you think the european intelligentsia thinks of him as a fellow intelligentsia, or as just some wealthy American capitalist? I believe that audience was English and they cut Americans no favors in this regard.

More importantly, he talks about this issue in terms of "individual rights." But I dont think that is the issue in the man in a dress in the little girls restroom. It's the opposite actually. It's the power of the state saying everyone else must suffer to accommodate the ideals of the intelligentsia. In this sense, it's like what the American intelligentsia did to the rest of us with the TSA. This is how all of the intelligentsia analyses issues. Individuals rights are an American ideal.
lol - he's playing to stereotype here, sort of calling him a sissy -- wonder if the permanently offended class will see it that way too?
Also Joe wants Obama voters but Obama doesnt want anything to do with Joe
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Seems to me like it's Bernie Sanders' nomination to lose. He is the only candidate who returns with organization intact from 4 years ago, his people are passionate, he has name ID, and now, with the, as you say, "crackpots" even further left than he is, he starts to look like a compromise candidate for them.
My prediction March 17, 2019.
Joe: It's 2020. Mayor Pete had people from his organization in every caucus and pretty much knew the outcome. His supporters include many people who can use cell phones, laptops and this newfangled thing called the internet.

Even CNN is now saying the Shadow App was changing vote totals.
VYFan, I certainly hope the Dems do nominate Bernie Sanders - it would cinch the reelection of Trump. Once the American people start understanding the socialist policies of Sanders, they will run to the Trump banner.
I don't take a hard position on it either in most situations, and neither did most people. Keep in mind that traditionally we didn't have laws on this sort of thing. People used common sense. If you generally looked like a woman and just went into the stall, did your business, and left, you could go in the women's bathroom and vice versa because nobody knew one way or the other. What I take a hard stance on is forcing hard and fast rules that put people and businesses at risk of litigation and put women and girls at risk of being exposed to penises when they're in a vulnerable position. If you're going to take out your **** and balls, women and girls shouldn't have to be naked around you just because you're delusional enough to think you're a girl. We don't force society to accommodate other delusions and shouldn't do so here, especially when it creates such a major imposition.
The left is forcing the issue. It wasn’t an issue until the left made it one. No one argues against common decency. If there was an issue, then that is the argument. But the left wants to make it an identity politics issues. Frick them.
This, "While it is laudable to be open-minded and free, it becomes destructive when the choice to be enlightened is forced upon another human being. "is it exactly.
I could not have expressed it. I knew and know it is wrong, just could not have articulated it.
This, "While it is laudable to be open-minded and free, it becomes destructive when the choice to be enlightened is forced upon another human being. "is it exactly.
I could not have expressed it. I knew and know it is wrong, just could not have articulated it.

Thanks. I just thought about it a bit and there it was... being forced... their enlightment...
Yang is correct some things but then he calls Trump a symptom of a disease. To Trump voters, Trump is the medicine to the disease. He isn't going to win Iowa and Ohio calling their medicine the symptom. He also doesn't understand economics at all. He acts like he is the smart one but he blames automation and lack of money on the middle class economic problems. He is wrong on both counts.

First, automation is a means for mass production which increase unit productivity of laborers. One man or woman is more productive when they use machines. That means they make higher wages. The more investment in automation, the higher labor rates increase. That is a proven fact of the last 200 years of history.

Second, his UBI idea just means the government prints more money to had out to people. Printing money just means that each dollar buys less. That means that no one enjoys an increase in buying power. You may have more Ss, but those $s don't buy anymore than you already were able to. Complete ignorance.

The sad thing is that his policies are light years better than Warren or Sanders.
Yang is correct some things but then he calls Trump a symptom of a disease. To Trump voters, Trump is the medicine to the disease. He isn't going to win Iowa and Ohio calling their medicine the symptom. He also doesn't understand economics at all. He acts like he is the smart one but he blames automation and lack of money on the middle class economic problems. He is wrong on both counts.

First, automation is a means for mass production which increase unit productivity of laborers. One man or woman is more productive when they use machines. That means they make higher wages. The more investment in automation, the higher labor rates increase. That is a proven fact of the last 200 years of history.

Second, his UBI idea just means the government prints more money to had out to people. Printing money just means that each dollar buys less. That means that no one enjoys an increase in buying power. You may have more Ss, but those $s don't buy anymore than you already were able to. Complete ignorance.

The sad thing is that his policies are light years better than Warren or Sanders.

But he's Asian, so he knows a lot of doctors.
More importantly, he talks about this issue in terms of "individual rights." But I dont think that is the issue in the man in a dress in the little girls restroom. It's the opposite actually. It's the power of the state saying everyone else must suffer to accommodate the ideals of the intelligentsia.

If you have to impose on other individuals, your agenda is not one of individual rights. The trans movement is about exerting the power of the state to impose upon the girl in the bathroom or the person speaking who uses the "wrong" pronoun. It is the opposite of individual rights. It is the raw exertion of collective power upon the individual.
Biden has been busy campaigning in New Hampshire, but he still found time to get to Nevada for some early stumping in that state too. Here is a picture of Uncle Joe at a campaign stop in area 51.

If you have to impose on other individuals, your agenda is not one of individual rights. The trans movement is about exerting the power of the state to impose upon the girl in the bathroom or the person speaking who uses the "wrong" pronoun. It is the opposite of individual rights. It is the raw exertion of collective power upon the individual.

And the face of that raw exertion is Warren (among the candidates). Witness her arrogant, shrill, "Of course not" response to the man who asked about being refunded the money he paid for his child's college tuition. That response should be played over and over by Trump if she happens to win the nomination (which I highly doubt). The American people need to see her arrogance front and center. That is the kind of personality that fuels Totalitarian Socialism (I obviously have a man crush on you because you coined that phrase. I use it all the time). She clearly thinks she knows better, has the authority to exert her assumption and there is not only NO QUESTION ABOUT IT, you are to be ridiculed for even asking the question to begin with; and further, you will be considered the enemy for even THINKING of it.
If you have to impose on other individuals, your agenda is not one of individual rights. The trans movement is about exerting the power of the state to impose upon the girl in the bathroom or the person speaking who uses the "wrong" pronoun. It is the opposite of individual rights. It is the raw exertion of collective power upon the individual.

They do this sort of mislabeling with so many issues. Is it that they do not understand what they are saying? Or is it intentional, designed to confuse? It's very Orwellian.
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That is a very funny pic. Joe's weirdness is know throughout the galaxy.

I wonder if, as his lack of viability as a 2020 candidate sinks in, Dem voters will finally feel free enough to finally admit that his behavior is just too damn creepy? He has been doing this stuff most of his adult life.
Iowa Dems -- "It's Trump's fault!" - heh

Is there any doubt that this type of confusion is a sign of a weak mind? It's incredible. They are so easily triggered. So in need to affirm their goodness. So obsessed to attack others for not displaying their politically correct virtues. So unable to think straight. So easily led by political charlatans. How does this happen?
Is there any doubt that this type of confusion is a sign of a weak mind? It's incredible. They are so easily triggered. So in need to affirm their goodness. So obsessed to attack others for not displaying their politically correct virtues. So unable to think straight. So easily led by political charlatans. How does this happen?

They basically wake up each morning waiting to be told what to think and say that day
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Yang is correct some things but then he calls Trump a symptom of a disease. To Trump voters, Trump is the medicine to the disease. He isn't going to win Iowa and Ohio calling their medicine the symptom. He also doesn't understand economics at all. He acts like he is the smart one but he blames automation and lack of money on the middle class economic problems. He is wrong on both counts.

First, automation is a means for mass production which increase unit productivity of laborers. One man or woman is more productive when they use machines. That means they make higher wages. The more investment in automation, the higher labor rates increase. That is a proven fact of the last 200 years of history.

Second, his UBI idea just means the government prints more money to had out to people. Printing money just means that each dollar buys less. That means that no one enjoys an increase in buying power. You may have more Ss, but those $s don't buy anymore than you already were able to. Complete ignorance.

The sad thing is that his policies are light years better than Warren or Sanders.
Actually what people get paid is more a function of negotiating leverage than productivity. If capitalist can find cheaper ways to get it done or people who will work for less, there will be dislocation.

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