2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Reminder - this app was brought to you by Soros money, Union money, Mayor Peter money and was put together by a bunch of former Obama and Hillary techies.

Motherboard and Vice (of all people) say it trash

An ‘Off-the-Shelf, Skeleton Project’: Experts Analyze the App That Broke Iowa
Multiple experts analyzed Shadow Inc.’s Iowa caucus app.
They found all kinds of problems.

" .... "Honestly, the biggest thing is—I don’t want to throw it under the bus—but the app was clearly done by someone following a tutorial. It’s similar to projects I do with my mentees who are learning how to code," Rahjerdi said. "They started with a starter package and they just added things on top of it. I get deja vu from my classes because the code looks like someone Googled things like 'how to add authentication to React Native App' and followed the instructions," Rahjerdi said.

"The mobile app looks hastily thrown together," Dan Guido, CEO of cybersecurity consulting firm Trail of Bits, told Motherboard...."

An ‘Off-the-Shelf, Skeleton Project’: Experts Analyze the App That Broke Iowa
Reminder - this app was brought to you by Soros money, Union money, Mayor Peter money and was put together by a bunch of former Obama and Hillary techies.

Motherboard and Vice (of all people) say it trash

An ‘Off-the-Shelf, Skeleton Project’: Experts Analyze the App That Broke Iowa
Multiple experts analyzed Shadow Inc.’s Iowa caucus app.
They found all kinds of problems.

" .... "Honestly, the biggest thing is—I don’t want to throw it under the bus—but the app was clearly done by someone following a tutorial. It’s similar to projects I do with my mentees who are learning how to code," Rahjerdi said. "They started with a starter package and they just added things on top of it. I get deja vu from my classes because the code looks like someone Googled things like 'how to add authentication to React Native App' and followed the instructions," Rahjerdi said.

"The mobile app looks hastily thrown together," Dan Guido, CEO of cybersecurity consulting firm Trail of Bits, told Motherboard...."

An ‘Off-the-Shelf, Skeleton Project’: Experts Analyze the App That Broke Iowa
Soros groups don’t hire old white guys who know how to get things done.
Reminder - this app was brought to you by Soros money, Union money, Mayor Peter money and was put together by a bunch of former Obama and Hillary techies.

Motherboard and Vice (of all people) say it trash

An ‘Off-the-Shelf, Skeleton Project’: Experts Analyze the App That Broke Iowa
Multiple experts analyzed Shadow Inc.’s Iowa caucus app.
They found all kinds of problems.

" .... "Honestly, the biggest thing is—I don’t want to throw it under the bus—but the app was clearly done by someone following a tutorial. It’s similar to projects I do with my mentees who are learning how to code," Rahjerdi said. "They started with a starter package and they just added things on top of it. I get deja vu from my classes because the code looks like someone Googled things like 'how to add authentication to React Native App' and followed the instructions," Rahjerdi said.

"The mobile app looks hastily thrown together," Dan Guido, CEO of cybersecurity consulting firm Trail of Bits, told Motherboard...."

An ‘Off-the-Shelf, Skeleton Project’: Experts Analyze the App That Broke Iowa
Crazy thing about this is really that it is not that uncommon these days. I do SecOps for one of the biggest banks on the globe and I'm constantly seeing indications that our developers copy/past half of their code. I can't prove it yet, but I think many of code developers that are contract hires essentially outsource their part of the project to GitHub friends.

And here's the truth of why we should never take the step of pushing our elections onto the digital platforms. ALL software is hackable given enough time and access. As more entities use a software the payoff for the bad guy goes up and so do their opportunities. This is one process that should stay analog.
Crazy thing about this is really that it is not that uncommon these days. I do SecOps for one of the biggest banks on the globe and I'm constantly seeing indications that our developers copy/past half of their code. I can't prove it yet, but I think many of code developers that are contract hires essentially outsource their part of the project to GitHub friends.

And here's the truth of why we should never take the step of pushing our elections onto the digital platforms. ALL software is hackable given enough time and access. As more entities use a software the payoff for the bad guy goes up and so do their opportunities. This is one process that should stay analog.

Easily hacked
Although I cant think of anyone offhand who might want to hack a US election. Can you?

"Turns out a skilled hacker could intercept — and even change — vote tallies and other sensitive data if they wanted to."

I suspect that was the whole point.
The Sanders Campaign says it raised $25m in January
If so, this 1-month total is more than any quarter in 2019 by any of Biden, Buttigieg, or Warren
He had $1.3M in contributions from 648k donors -- 219k of which were new
Bernie is using it to make $5.5M in ad buys across 10 Super Tues. states

Can he be stopped?
Should he be?
One of the interesting things to watch will be the tech billionaires. Will they turn on the Democrats if they nominate Bernie? Zuckerberg has already implied as much.
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Such a great headline - one of the best
"Liz Warren Finishes In 5th Place In Pocahontas County, Iowa"

And speaking of Warren, check her out trying to hide behind her staff as she exits a private jet.
Her position on "climate change" is --
“This is a crisis! We need a Green New Deal and need it now!”
But in real life it is
"Commercial is for thee, not for me!
Isn't this always the case with these people?
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In terms of the almost complete voter participation numbers in Iowa (97% reporting) --
172,500 Democrats participated in the 2020 Iowa caucuses
240,000 turned out in 2008 for Obama
172,000 turned out in 2016 for Hillary v. Bernie
Is Perez really trying to step in just as the last unreleased results threatened to put Bernie over the top and calling for the whole count to stop and be scrapped and started all over again?

What a clusterfark

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Here is Liz Warren thanking illegal aliens for helping with her campaign. This is illegal foreign interference with an election.
Right Dems?
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Here's @MikeBloomberg in December 2016 at Oxford explaining how trans rights simply won't fly in the midwest because only the "intelligentsia" can understand why "some man wearing a dress should be in a locker room with their daughter."

What father who truly loves his daughter would want a male of any type in a locker room with her? Sounds like pagan religion to me. Nature worship mixed human worship mixed with the promotion of all forms of sexual immorality.
...And speaking of Warren, check her out trying to hide behind her staff as she exits a private jet.
Her position on "climate change" is --
“This is a crisis! We need a Green New Deal and need it now!”
But in real life it is
"Commercial is for thee, not for me!
Isn't this always the case wit these people?

Warren has upped her game when exiting private jets

In terms of the almost complete voter participation numbers in Iowa (97% reporting) --
172,500 Democrats participated in the 2020 Iowa caucuses
240,000 turned out in 2008 for Obama
172,000 turned out in 2016 for Hillary v. Bernie
Remember, those numbers are subject to revision. They might find another 60K votes in the back of Hunter Biden's Jaguar XJS.
What father who truly loves his daughter would want a male of any type in a locker room with her? Sounds like pagan religion to me. Nature worship mixed human worship mixed with the promotion of all forms of sexual immorality.

It is insane, and what it means is that the so-called "intelligentsia" is balanced by something other than intelligence. If you think "self-identification" of gender is something other than a delusion, you are not intelligent. You are a foolish person who is letting a mythical ideal rather than logic drive your opinions.

I don't think many fathers (even liberal fathers) actually buy into this. I think it's a combination of liberal women, single men who are indifferent, and candy-*** married, men who don't have the balls to be honest about their beliefs. However, long term I think it will change, especially in liberal areas.

Keep in mind that a major agenda of the Left is overcoming the fatherly instinct to protect. Why? Because it's empowering. It's a justification to use force and potentially be violent in a limited scope. Well, the Left wants the state to have the sole authority to use force, so they want that instinct squelched. If it's squelched, then the father isn't going to be interested in actively protecting his daughter. He'll rely on the state to do that, and if the state says his daughter will be ok if she's naked and vulnerable with a naked dude in the room, the father will accept that. At least, that's their hope.
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What father who truly loves his daughter would want a male of any type in a locker room with her? Sounds like pagan religion to me. Nature worship mixed human worship mixed with the promotion of all forms of sexual immorality.

You had better be careful or you are going to get yourself kicked out of the European Intelligentsia Club for Men.
This is so European
And they want to blanket the rest of the US with this crap
Dont let them do it

This should absolutely terrify everyone in this country. This is abject tyranny. And this is what they would like to start doing on a national level.

What's even worse is that this isn't some attempted power grab to fill some narcissistic need for control. They truly believe this is the right thing to do and the right way to do it.
This should absolutely terrify everyone in this country. This is abject tyranny. And this is what they would like to start doing on a national level.
What's even worse is that this isn't some attempted power grab to fill some narcissistic need for control. They truly believe this is the right thing to do and the right way to do it.

I dont get any American looking at Europe and thinking "we need to be more like them." We fought a bloody revolution to get away from them, their systems and ideas. Modeling ourselves after them now would be going backwards. It's regressive thinking, not progressive. They are the ones who should be trying to keep up with us.
What does this even mean?
"Good things are good"
OK, thanks bro
This is exactly the type of nonsensical blather Obama used to say

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