2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

First hand tales from inside Anonymous/Shadow if interested. I am not sure if this is spin or truth. Seems like it could be either. The spin, if that's what it is, would be cover for something intentional that was exposed --

"I spoke with a staffer at Acronym, who told me about what it’s like inside the company behind Shadow.

What this person described: chaos"

Inside Acronym’s disastrous foray into the Iowa caucuses: “Far and away the most disorganized place I’ve ever been a part of.”
Did you catch the fake coin toss?
Delegates were on the line with this nonsense
It's like a scene from Animal House

My sarcasm detector's battery is out. This is a joke right? They didn't actually award delegates on a (rigged) coin toss did they?
My sarcasm detector's battery is out. This is a joke right? They didn't actually award delegates on a (rigged) coin toss did they?

They did

On top of that, the story of "Shadow" is not being told by the media. The founder of that company, which made the app that was used last night, is a Mayor Peter supporter. So far, the company has not been honest about their involvement.

I dont see how media is just letting this slide, but they are
I'm going to have to draft some new rules for the Story County, Iowa Democratic primary. Each candidate gets a corner and his or her supporters go to that corner. Then they all shout at each other from across the room for an hour. Next, each group elects a champion for their candidate and the champions have an MMA-style tournament in a ring in the center of the room to determine who gets the delegates. Winner takes all the delegates, unless the groudhog saw his shadow earlier in the week, in which case the winner takes 3/4 of the delegates and the runner up gets 1/4.

The County Democratic Party chair is the referee--unless the chair is a Bernie Sanders supporter, in which case the referee is the most attractive female in the room as selected by the Biden supporters. The seeding for the tournament is done based on the number of persons in each corner. The champion must be a person from that candidate's corner.

Oh yeah, the results will be recorded on an etch-o-sketch device which shall be driven in a tractor to the State Party HQ in Des Moines.

C'mon now, this isn't much more Byzantine and outlandish than the current system...
Based on my non-PC observations, orgs that are women heavy are likely to have fewer older men, who have much experience to share. It’s not the women in the org chart that is the issue, it’s the lack of older men. Unfortunately HR and senior management haven’t figured this out yet.
Of course, the other truism in the STEM fields right now is that many still HAVE that older male influence...it just is wearing a dress and calling itself by a woman's name (usually something that didn't exist 50 years ago) and with a hair color not commonly found in nature...
And to think, people use to mock Floridians for their voting incompetence...

It was just a couple days ago that Mayor Peter was polling so poorly that he was left off the final Des Moine Register weekend poll.
Yet come Monday, he won the caucus or came very close?
Something here does not add up
This may be kind of a bad thing to say, but in one sense the real communists (as vile as they are) are worthy of more respect than some of these jackwagons, in that they're tough, disciplined, etc.
In Bernie's world, you get free food, housing, etc., and don't have to work for it or earn it in any way.
In Chairman Mao's world, you get free food, housing, etc., and if you don't work very hard for it, they'll kill you on the spot. Not that I'd want to live in that world.

That is the one thing that has to be conceded with regard to the Bernie Bros. While face-to-face in the world they pose no issue (other than perhaps some errant spittle), what happens if they did ever gain control of the federal govt? There is the potential analogy to Bolsheviks and Mao's guys. I say let's not find out what that might actually look like.
Tucker Carlson and Brit Hume pointing out how Pete made his speech last night all about him. Predictably played the victim card who had it so rough growing up even though his dad is a professor, etc. Can't be successful as a D these days if you aren't a victim.
How does anyone vote Democrat? They rig their primaries and can only show up color coordinated at the state of the union.

Ok libs. Who do you support?
Dems going to lose 40 states. What a shîtshow they put on. I guess they really don’t like losing.
There is a report out on FB I saw that stated the president gave the dems a copy of speech , then read a completely different speech. That’s why Nancy was going through the pages. Don’t know if this is true, it was on FB so take it for what it’s worth.
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“Pelosi's act dishonored the institution and destroyed even the pretense of civility and decorum in the House. If this is the Speaker's "drop the mike" moment, it is a disgrace that should never be celebrated or repeated. In a single act, she obliterated decades of tradition”

(The well respected) Jonathan Turley
There is a report out on FB I saw that stated the president gave the dems a copy of speech , then read a completely different speech. That’s why Nancy was going through the pages. Don’t know if this is true, it was on FB so take it for what it’s worth.

the Dems has their getting the benefit of doubt card revoked way before the impeachment trials. They’re constant hyperbole is just getting eye rolls now.
I suspect that is a jab at Trump but also acknowledgment that Pelosi acted like a child.
Trump has reminded me of a middle school trash talker. How much of that is an act? It has worked well for him politically, so maybe he's not a bullying jerk but plays one on TV to excite the base?
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