2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Looks like Biden is "not viable" in Iowa. The US media spent a lot of time and money trying to convince everyone he was the "front runner." They lied. Again. ...

And you really don't want to be declared "non-viable" in a room full of Democrats.


Iowa State Democratic Party releases statement saying it is doing "quality control on the results out of an abundance of caution," and "there is no ETA" on releasing them.

By all means, let's turn all our healthcare over to these people -

"We are on paper in many cases," not the app, as was planned, said one Iowa Democrat. "The whole system largely broke."
What exactly is going on? I woke up expecting to see results, and there's nothing. All I see is vague descriptions of "problems." Might one of those problems be Bernie Sanders winning?

I'm not a believer in conspiracy theories, but if you're a Bernie Bro and think this game is getting rigged against you, I can't blame you for being suspicious.
Normally as the results come in they are released through out the night. What they are doing is so obvious. Specially with what happened in 2016 to Bernie.

The Dems find themselves in a pickle. They’ve created this monster with these voters and now it’s time to pay the piper. This could break up the democrat party in to two. Life is good. :thumbup:
ACRONYM is a Dem Super PAC (note they dont tell you that in their press release below)
They launched "Shadow" the voting app now in question (could not be a more perfect name choice)
So a non-profit invested in a for-profit
"Mayor Peter 2020" is also an investor
And now Peter may win Iowa
Got it?

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One more thing, David Plouffe is also involved. Yes, that David Plouffe
I say no way, no how can any of these people be allowed to get near the 2020 General, right?

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The Russians, it's gotta be Russian interference at Trump's bidding causing havoc in Iowa!

What a disaster! Still, with no results, everybody can claim they won and head off for New Hampshire.

Hugh Hewitt claiming Biden will be 4th or 5th in Iowa. Biden's going off on Savannah Guthrie yesterday wasn't a good idea. Hewitt thinks Sanders won big.
....Hugh Hewitt claiming Biden will be 4th or 5th in Iowa. Biden's going off on Savannah Guthrie yesterday wasn't a good idea. Hewitt thinks Sanders won big.

Polling in South Carolina, supposedly where Joe would show everyone where its at, has him trailing there too
Buttigieg was user No. 287 of Facebook
He is close friends with Zuckerberg
He even joined him on that idiotic 'listening tour' as Zuck was considering running for President, remember that? All those photos with people in small towns looking bewildered Follow Mark Zuckerberg’s year-long journey around the United States

Buttigieg likes to talk down a lot but his top donors and bundlers are big tech and Silicon Valley. Mayor Peter is fools gold for Liberal suckers Meet the lobbyists and special interests who helped launch Pete Buttigieg’s political career – Center for Public Integrity

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