2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

This is sort of interterestg, from the NYT (of all people)
Trump's approval among youth who voted in 2018: ~30%
Trump's approval among youth who didn’t vote in 2018: ~50%
Extrapolating, high turnout will be good for Trump
Huge Turnout Is Expected in 2020. So Which Party Would Benefit?
I think that shows Dems will never let Bernie be the candidate.

A few things to remember. First, though the Democratic Party claims to be tough on the rich, the real power brokers are very wealthy corporate types like the GOP generally has been. Furthermore, their base is getting more and more wealthy.

Second, corporate wokeness is insincere. It's about money and marketing, not real principles. That means it'll yield to financial interests.

Third, Sanders' agenda is for radical economic restructuring. Corporate types aren't going to go along. That means they'll resist him getting the nomination, and it means that they would prefer Trump to Sanders.

So what will happen? Democratic power brokers will do what they can to deny Sanders the Democratic nomination even if it means screwing with the rules a bit to do it. Since the media is generally aligned with them, they will downplay it.

If the crackpot, Stalinist base overwhelms them and hands the nomination to Sanders anyway, they will push for a third party candidate. Tacitly, that means they would prefer Trump to Sanders. Maybe it'll be Bloomberg, but my guess is that it would be somebody with stronger Democratic credentials. Obviously they won't admit their preference for Trump, because it would politically destroy them, but they're not going to tolerate a President Sanders. Goldman Sachs types would rather have a President who offends their fake woke sensibilities than one who wants them economically destroyed.
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Would have bet big against Bloomer but not so much now. As usual it’s all about the $$$. Well that and they’re not going to allow Bernie to get it.
Would have bet big against Bloomer but not so much now. As usual it’s all about the $$$. Well that and they’re not going to allow Bernie to get it.

Some of the the minority candidates (Yang, Castro) are not too happy with the way the DNC allowed Bloomy to so blatantly purchase a spot on televised debate stage.

In addition, they are reportedly negotiating with Team Bloomberg over whether he will get a crate to stand on behind the podium
Second, corporate wokeness is insincere. It's about money and marketing, not real principles. That means it'll yield to financial interests.

Deez. I hope you are right. I am not so confident in that though. Gillette wrote about this 100 years ago.
Deez. I hope you are right. I am not so confident in that though. Gillette wrote about this 100 years ago.

I think Gillette is an outlier. He was a very weird guy with weird ideas. I think most of these wealthy liberals can do the math. If you're a banker, you're not going to back the guy who wants to break up your bank even if you have to pretend that you're horrified with the incumbent.
Nate Silver still has not learned anything
His Super Bowl modeling prediction had the same effectiveness as his 2016 election predicitons

The Democrat establishment campaign against Ralph Nadar resulted in my voting for him back in 2004. I was disillusioned at the time about the failure to find the WMD in Iraq and was looking around for a candidate. When I realized the pure democracy that is a primary was being subverted so I cast a protest vote.

I think that is what is happening again to Sanders. Again, I feel a primary is a democratic process as opposed to the general election which is a Constitutional process given the electoral college vote impact.

Any Democrat insisting that Trump subverts democracy is a hypocrite.

That's my view anyway.
Yea for sure that is a silly mistake, to put the name of the state where the Chiefs are from as Kansas instead of Missouri. They play in Arrowhead which is in Mo but there is a Kansas City Ks
Kansas City spans the Missouri river. Mo on one side Ks on the other. I bet it would be a pretty even split on season ticket holders between Mo residents and Ks residents. There are at least as many fans on Ks side
Economically the money is on the Ks side. for sure the schools are better on Ks side.
I also bet if you looked at where the Chiefs players and staff live a good many live in Ks.

So yea silly of Trump to post wrong state and I hope he corrects it. But it is slightly understandable.
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Yea for sure that is a silly mistake, to put the name of the state where the Chiefs are from as Kansas instead of Missouri. They play in Arrowhead which is in Mo but there is a Kansas City Ks
Kansas City spans the Missouri river. Mo on one side Ks on the other. I bet it would be a pretty even split on season ticket holders between Mo residents and Ks residents. There are at least as many fans on Ks side
Economically the money is on the Ks side. for sure the schools are better on Ks side.
I also bet if you looked at where the Chiefs players and staff live a good many live in Ks.

So yea silly of Trump to post wrong state and I hope he corrects it. But it is slightly understandable.

I’m not sure Sleepy Joe has got one location right where is at. It’s pretty comical....and predictable.
You're a doo-doo head! No, YOU'RE a doo-doo head!
I'm rubber, you're glue! What bounces off of me sticks to you!!

God, what 3rd grade drivel from the both of them.
Looks like Biden is "not viable" in Iowa. The US media spent a lot of time and money trying to convince everyone he was the "front runner." They lied. Again.

As of the moment, seems like Iowa is feeling the Bern, but its not over. Bernie would be a great opponent for Trump. Establishment Dems are scared and plotting to steal it from him (again). If they succeed (again), I think there is a good chance the Dem Party will break in two.
Good for my side either way
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