2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

It’s not their fault. Trump hacked their voting program. :idk:

This whole story is so Hillary-like

This husband of the CEO of "Shadow" works for Mayor Cheat
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Starting to see the trend in Dem talking points:

1) Same thing happened to Republicans in 2012.
2) Iowans are stupid and don't understand technology
3) Iowa is incompetent. The bathrooms were a mess at the airport.
Is the Democratic Party falling a part? Sure looks like it.

Now is when we see if that Bernie Bro was serious about revolution or not. If not, they should kick him out of the campaign for lying. If he is, then he will be thrown in jail for assault. Either way a win win for America.
Is the Democratic Party falling a part? Sure looks like it.

Now is when we see if that Bernie Bro was serious about revolution or not. If not, they should kick him out of the campaign for lying. If he is, then he will be thrown in jail for assault. Either way a win win for America.
I doubt the guy would actually be arrested.
What exactly is going on? I woke up expecting to see results, and there's nothing. All I see is vague descriptions of "problems." Might one of those problems be Bernie Sanders winning?

I'm not a believer in conspiracy theories, but if you're a Bernie Bro and think this game is getting rigged against you, I can't blame you for being suspicious.
Deez you’ve been out of country too long. Dems are no longer a serious party.
Is the Democratic Party falling a part? Sure looks like it.

Now is when we see if that Bernie Bro was serious about revolution or not. If not, they should kick him out of the campaign for lying. If he is, then he will be thrown in jail for assault. Either way a win win for America.

I think that there is a good chance that if the DNC fixes it again so Bernie cant win, the commie/socialist/terrorist wing will break off and form their own party.

And, no, the Bernie Bros wont live up to all their big talk, they are *******
Shadow has female coders. I'm just saying.
Legal fictions do not make them female...just sayin' yo!

I'm still wondering why they thought it wise to use an app that required users to disable security settings in Android in order to side-load it...

To say nothing of why they believed it wise to hire a tech firm with ties to Shillary and her 2016 campaign...
Legal fictions do not make them female...just sayin' yo!

I'm still wondering why they thought it wise to use an app that required users to disable security settings in Android in order to side-load it...

To say nothing of why they believed it wise to hire a tech firm with ties to Shillary and her 2016 campaign...
Based on my non-PC observations, orgs that are women heavy are likely to have fewer older men, who have much experience to share. It’s not the women in the org chart that is the issue, it’s the lack of older men. Unfortunately HR and senior management haven’t figured this out yet.
I think that there is a good chance that if the DNC fixes it again so Bernie cant win, the commie/socialist/terrorist wing will break off and form their own party.

And, no, the Bernie Bros wont live up to all their big talk, they are *******
And I'm glad that's the case. Real leftists, as in actual communists, are very violent, dangerous, devious, disciplined, and organized, and they won't stop until they takeover or die.

Oh yeah, and if they ever take over, they'll soon turn on each other and purge their party for ideological purity, based on the opinions of the strongest man in control. Happens every time they gain power.
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And I'm glad that's the case. Real leftists, as in actual communists, are very violent, dangerous, devious, disciplined, and organized, and they won't stop until they takeover or die.

This is true, but most of the Bernie Bros aren't Bolshevik wannabes. They are man-bunned candy-asses who espouse socialism to seem more erudite than they actually are.
This may be kind of a bad thing to say, but in one sense the real communists (as vile as they are) are worthy of more respect than some of these jackwagons, in that they're tough, disciplined, etc.

In Bernie's world, you get free food, housing, etc., and don't have to work for it or earn it in any way.

In Chairman Mao's world, you get free food, housing, etc., and if you don't work very hard for it, they'll kill you on the spot. Not that I'd want to live in that world.
It's getting to be time to start considering that DJT as POTUS was sent by God to save this country. I mean, *no* weapon formed against him can prosper. Everything the Dems try blows up in their faces. You would think by now they would get at least one win by sheer chance, but no dice.

Even if you cannot stand the thought that God would choose someone like DJT to save America (study your Bible, this is pretty much how He operates), at least be comforted to know that He still has America's back.
This whole thing may be the funniest political story of my lifetime. Has there ever been a luckier politician in our history than Donald Trump.

Did you catch the fake coin toss?
Delegates were on the line with this nonsense
It's like a scene from Animal House
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Can't make it up. They rely in the same dolts who "ran" that disaster.

The whole story does not make much sense

The Iowa Democrats paid the small tech company 'Shadow Inc' (which was essentially the Hillary 2016 IT team) $63,000 to create the Caucus voting app

Mayor Peter also gave Shadow $42,000 last year

Then the Shadow App purportedly "crashed," delaying results

Then Mayor Peter claimed victory without even knowing the results

Does any of this pass the smell test?

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