2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Sort of out of nowhere, Klobuchar has been on the rise. Her polling average in Iowa has tripled in the last 3 months, at the expense of Mayor Peter and Fauxcahontas.
If she keeps it up, Biden voters are next.
I still think Amy K is the best Democratic candidate, Klobuchar is the adult in the room. She is also strong with Independents and wins the vote in Republican districts. She just lacks media power, good looks, and personal charisma. That being said, I find her much less annoying than Warren. Maybe people are catching on.
How could anyone think this is a good idea? Will it really be liked by many?
Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren told a crowd of supporters in Iowa that her potential secretary of education would be "someone who's taught in a public school" and that the nominee would also need to be vetted by a "young trans person."

"I'm going to have a Secretary of Education that this young trans person interviews on my behalf, and only if this person believes that our Secretary or Secretary of Education nominee is absolutely committed to creating a welcoming environment, a safe environment, and a full educational curriculum for everyone will that person actually be advanced to be Secretary of Education."

Warren appeared to be referring to Jacob, a 9-year-old transgender boy that she spoke with during a CNN presidential candidate forum on gay and transgender issues in October 2019."
Warren vows that ‘young trans person’ will choose her Secretary of Education
How could anyone think this is a good idea? Will it really be liked by many?
Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren told a crowd of supporters in Iowa that her potential secretary of education would be "someone who's taught in a public school" and that the nominee would also need to be vetted by a "young trans person."

"I'm going to have a Secretary of Education that this young trans person interviews on my behalf, and only if this person believes that our Secretary or Secretary of Education nominee is absolutely committed to creating a welcoming environment, a safe environment, and a full educational curriculum for everyone will that person actually be advanced to be Secretary of Education."

Warren appeared to be referring to Jacob, a 9-year-old transgender boy that she spoke with during a CNN presidential candidate forum on gay and transgender issues in October 2019."
Warren vows that ‘young trans person’ will choose her Secretary of Education

What a ******* idiot.
I still think Amy K is the best Democratic candidate, Klobuchar is the adult in the room. She is also strong with Independents and wins the vote in Republican districts. She just lacks media power, good looks, and personal charisma. That being said, I find her much less annoying than Warren. Maybe people are catching on.

Someone's side had folks out after her today, I guess they noticed her climb in the polls too. The complaint, as best I can tell, is that she put criminals in the pokey while serving as a prosecutor.
How could anyone think this is a good idea? Will it really be liked by many?
Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren told a crowd of supporters in Iowa that her potential secretary of education would be "someone who's taught in a public school" and that the nominee would also need to be vetted by a "young trans person."

"I'm going to have a Secretary of Education that this young trans person interviews on my behalf, and only if this person believes that our Secretary or Secretary of Education nominee is absolutely committed to creating a welcoming environment, a safe environment, and a full educational curriculum for everyone will that person actually be advanced to be Secretary of Education."

Warren appeared to be referring to Jacob, a 9-year-old transgender boy that she spoke with during a CNN presidential candidate forum on gay and transgender issues in October 2019."
Warren vows that ‘young trans person’ will choose her Secretary of Education

That'll play great with a bunch of unionized Catholic men in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. They love their kids getting indoctrinated with tranny horse crap at their expense.
It is almost like Warren is trying to lose .
And with Biden saying we do not need a standing army
Bernie wants to do away with second amendment
Are they this stupid?
Decent article by Philip Klein today after Trump's rally in Iowa -

"Why Trump's Des Moines rally should make Democrats nervous"
" ...... Nonetheless, the fact that Trump was able to draw such a devoted crowd — with some people even camping overnight to be guaranteed entry, and others willing to stand out in sub-freezing temperatures to watch a speech on a video screen just to get a taste of the experience, does say something. It speaks to a certain intensity level that makes Trump’s reelection more likely than most presidents entering an election year with approval ratings hovering around 45%.

Many of the characteristics of a Trump rally have remained the same since 2016 — the sea of red MAGA hats, shouting down of protesters with chants of “USA! USA! USA!” and lots of laughter at Trump’s mockery of his political enemies. The crowd often knows which lines Trump is about to rattle off, but revels in them anyway, almost as if attending a concert and waiting for a musician to play his greatest hits.

But one thing struck me. Whether they backed him in 2016 or were more recent converts, one factor that his supporters kept bringing up was their feeling that he had delivered on his promises in a way other elected officials have not.

“I wasn't [a Trump supporter] in 2016,” said Adam Hanson, a Des Moines-based attorney who spoke for Rand Paul in the caucuses four years ago. “I was one of those Never Trump Republicans back then ... During the caucuses and even into the general election, I just, I was not a big fan. I didn't think he'd deliver. But in the past few years, I'll admit I've been pleasantly surprised with Trump.”
* * *

Another Trump supporter, Deborah Coburn, similarly said, “He is the only president since I’ve been alive who actually does what he said he was going to do.” She specifically highlighted his pro-life actions and protection of religious liberty. “I am way more for him in 2020,” she said....."

More at the link Why Trump's Des Moines rally should make Democrats nervous
Trump is an open book to me. He says pretty much what he plans to do. The trouble is that Dems and Never trumpers can’t distinguish between the truth and the exaggerations.
The ol Clinton rule change at the last minute switcharooney

I don’t support Bernie Sanders, but his folks are right when they say the 2016 Democratic primary was rigged. And now they’re doing it again... A repeat of the chaos, and even the violence, of the Chicago 1968 convention looms as a possibility.
I don’t support Bernie Sanders, but his folks are right when they say the 2016 Democratic primary was rigged. And now they’re doing it again... A repeat of the chaos, and even the violence, of the Chicago 1968 convention looms as a possibility.

Maybe their problem with him is that he will expose their entire platform as being socialistic?
The ol Clinton rule change at the last minute switcharooney

The DNC has already overhauled debate rules to let Bloomberg participate. This is clearly in response to Bernie becoming the frontrunner. Full panic mode at the DNC. Will be interested to see if Bernie and his supporters accept the role of the dutiful cuck again.
The DNC has already overhauled debate rules to let Bloomberg participate. This is clearly in response to Bernie becoming the frontrunner. Full panic mode at the DNC. Will be interested to see if Bernie and his supporters accept the role of the dutiful cuck again.

Indeed. Bernie Bros sure talk a lot of scheiße. We will see if they back it up. I doubt it. But we will see. Part of me does want to see them in complete mayhem. They deserve it.

But what about the Bern himself? Last time, he sold his silence over the fraud and corruption of Hillary/Brazile/Wasserman-Schultz for a new lakehouse. What will his price be this time? Even though the people nominally atop the DNC are different, they still are not going to let him be the nominee. It doesnt matter how much support he has. Bernie must already know this right? I think he has known it his whole life. He has always been one of those guys who revels in low pressure environment of being the underdog, the minority. He can't actually lead. He is incapable. He has never really wanted to win. He just like being the crank at the end of the bar. That is his comfort zone and his destiny.

Which leads to my next question -- once Bernie gets whatever he is going to get this time for selling out, will he share it with his Bros? I mean, doesnt he have to 'spread the wealth'? Isnt that what it is all about in the first place?
...Even though the people nominally atop the DNC are different, they still are not going to let him be the nominee. It doesnt matter how much support he has. Bernie must already know this right? I think he has known it his whole life. ...

I am reminded that Bernie has a pack of females Bros too. Are the people who run the DNC really going to let this pack of hyenas position themselves one step away from descending upon the White House? Hard to see them ever allowing that.

Which raises the question of who really controls the DNC? Usually these type of questions are answered by following the money. If we did that here, who would we uncover? Would they even be American?

So here is something else interesting about this field
According to Bernie's FEC filings, he lapped the entire Dem field in fundraising over the last year+. And it's not close.
Nonetheless, Bernie is still behind the $38M raised by Beto in Q3 2018 against Cruz for Texas Senate.
So Bernie raised more money than the other 15 or so Dem candidates and it wss less than 38mil th8r amount BobFrank raised to run against Cruz?

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