2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

OK, Mr. Deez, you can quit banging the "GOP has abandoned suburban voters" drum now:

Trump Surges with Suburban Women, Beats All 2020 Democrats in Large Donations

I'll quit banging it when Republicans regain control of the House by retaking all the suburban congressional seats we pissed away last year.

Also, if you look at the numbers, he increased his number of donors (which isn't remotely the same thing as voters), but it's pretty obvious that he has the most donors because there are 11 Democratic candidates. What do you think will happen in the general election? If Biden is the nominee, do you think all those Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren supporters will flock to Trump? I sorta doubt it.
I'll quit banging it when Republicans regain control of the House by retaking all the suburban congressional seats we pissed away last year.

With all this f#ckery happening by the Dems they are practically giving us everything we want in the next elections.
With all this f#ckery happening by the Dems they are practically giving us everything we want in the next elections.

Then there should be no problem. We'll regain the 40ish seats we decided we didn't want anymore, and everything will be fine.
Suburban women are for trannies showing their balls to their toddlers at library story time. That is what we are all learning.

But how true is that? I've seen photo and video from these idiotic story hours, and I don't see a lot of people. I see a handful of a very screwed up moms along with the kids they're trying to screw up, and that's about it. If it really is a big thing, then Western democracy and civilization are basically over, and you may as well give up and move to Poland.
If this is true Mayor Pete is stupid.

Apparently his people are very worried older black Dem voters will not vote for a gay dude and so are trying to work there way through that

But it appears Iowa dont care
Re Buttgigger: What gauge shotgun does he use with waterfowl? With Huns or Chukars?

I will not vote for anyone using something bigger than a 20 gauge for quail or doves. Ain’t sporting
Anybody else concerned with Deval Patrick entering the field or did he arrive too late? He's not a complete idiot like the rest of the dem field.
Anybody else concerned with Deval Patrick entering the field or did he arrive too late? He's not a complete idiot like the rest of the dem field.

I'd a little concerned. He'd help keep the black vote loyal to the Democrats and boost their turnout without being a wingnut. However, he isn't as strong of a candidate as Obama was.

I wouldn't be overly concerned though, because he's at best a long shot to win the primary. Like Bloomberg, he's entering the primary very late. Furthermore, though he's intersectional (which obviously helps him with racist minority groups and self-flagellating whites looking for forgiveness), he's very corporate. He worked for an oil company, so he helped bring about the climate apocalypse. He also worked for Bain Capital, and we remember from 2012 how much Democrats hate that.
So I watched the Kabuki theater show (the debate) last night.

Booker was pretty good and even funny taking on Warren's ideas. He has that permanent smirk that is off-putting though.

Biden looks like he might have had a face-tightening plastic surgery recently. He looks weird.

Amy K had a lot of sensible things to say, but she was noticeably shaking real bad. Whoever did her hair had a big bang like thing overhanging her left eye. Every word she spoke, that bang thing would shake up and down. She came across as extremely nervous. Not a good look.

Warren kept saying her wealth tax would only be on those with over 50 BILLION. Look lady, there's only a handful of people in the world with over 50 Billion dollars. Biden picked up on that and started laughing at her.

Wang gave kudos to some new billionaire candidate who joined the fray last night for giving lots of $ to environmental causes. Biden had called out the new billionaire candidate for making his fortune in the coal business to begin with. Apparently, this guy made a fortune in coal, then became a rabid California environmentalist later in life after he was already super rich.
They are sort of flailing in all directions, looking for someone who they think might have a chance to beat ol Trump
But this latest joker has been accused of sexual assault by 3 massage therapists.

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