2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Warren kept saying her wealth tax would only be on those with over 50 BILLION. Look lady, there's only a handful of people in the world with over 50 Billion dollars. Biden picked up on that and started laughing at her.
It's scary to think that she was a professor at Harvard. Just another reminder that education and intelligence are not the same thing.
I can’t believe Dems are being led by higher educated whites who are making policy on things that won’t affect them if it goes sideways. No skin.
Big Note re: a possible shift of the thinking in Atlanta. I noticed something important from Booker. Most of the left wing candidates were yammering on about sticking it to the rich, raising taxes on the well to do etc. Booker jumped in, well tuned in to his audience there in Atlanta, and said the following: While we should raise revenues through higher marginal tax rates at the upper levels, we should stop focusing on sticking it to the wealthy and instead focus a lot more on expanding small business and entrepreneurial opportunities for the poor and working class. He shifted the focus to helping small businesses and teaching the less-well-off communities how to launch their own businesses, become successful entrepreneurs, etc.

I don't remember the numbers he cited, but Booker said that most of the black folks he surveyed (I think just in Atlanta) wanted to own their own businesses. Booker said the Democratic Party should be the party of small business. This is something that runs counter to most of the Democratic Party in recent years. But it played very well to last night's Atlanta crowd. Keep an eye on this guy. He may be going places.
Precisely, Joe. And the more they push the far-left message, the more they will push the moderates and centrists away - clearing the path for Trump to be reelected.

I dont know how many of them are left, but of those still hanging in there, all these crazy Marxists may eventually push them all into the Republican Party. We are the Big Tent now.
Booker also said to tax inheritance and investment income as ordinary income, as a dependent on my retirement savings for existence that is not in my favored zone. You know the old, if it affects me adage.
I can’t believe Dems are being led by higher educated whites who are making policy on things that won’t affect them if it goes sideways. No skin.

It doesn't affect them, but they know what's best for everybody.
Big Note re: a possible shift of the thinking in Atlanta. I noticed something important from Booker. Most of the left wing candidates were yammering on about sticking it to the rich, raising taxes on the well to do etc. Booker jumped in, well tuned in to his audience there in Atlanta, and said the following: While we should raise revenues through higher marginal tax rates at the upper levels, we should stop focusing on sticking it to the wealthy and instead focus a lot more on expanding small business and entrepreneurial opportunities for the poor and working class. He shifted the focus to helping small businesses and teaching the less-well-off communities how to launch their own businesses, become successful entrepreneurs, etc.

I don't remember the numbers he cited, but Booker said that most of the black folks he surveyed (I think just in Atlanta) wanted to own their own businesses. Booker said the Democratic Party should be the party of small business. This is something that runs counter to most of the Democratic Party in recent years. But it played very well to last night's Atlanta crowd. Keep an eye on this guy. He may be going places.

Booker was less of a hack when he was Mayor of Newark. He was less partisan and more solutions-oriented. When he went to Washington, he mostly joined the clown show. He got self-righteous and became an attention-seeker, and frankly he wasn't very good at it, which suggests he was taking it. The "Spartacus moment" epitomized this. He was trying to look very principled and courageous, and he ended up looking like a colossal dumbass. If he's moving back to sanity, good for him. I'd certainly take him over Warren or any of the other freaks.
I can’t believe Dems are being led by higher educated whites who are making policy on things that won’t affect them if it goes sideways. No skin.

The ties between Union leadership and Dems might never be broken -- it is too lucrative financially for both sides. And sadly yet another topic our media has a blind spot for. And the teachers union is the largest.

However, we have already won over the majority of their rank-and-file members. And it's hard to see how that trend reversed, unless some nitwit like Romney is let back in charge
While we should raise revenues through higher marginal tax rates at the upper levels, we should stop focusing on sticking it to the wealthy and instead focus a lot more on expanding small business and entrepreneurial opportunities for the poor and working class. He shifted the focus to helping small businesses and teaching the less-well-off communities how to launch their own businesses, become successful entrepreneurs, etc.

Booker is just saying what Trump has been saying the last several months.

I think Trump is going to do very well with the African American community. Republicans have a huge opportunity speaking about small business.

No one killed small business like Obama too.
Warren also wants Back tax refunds paid to gay couples who had to file taxes separately.
I don't think she has missed a demographic to pander to except employed straight white people.
Warren is such a liar. Notice she says time for a discussion about reparations. She would never support an actual bill to give reparations. No way.
California Supreme Court struck down Newsome's law requiring presidential candidates to release 5 years of tax returns as a condition to get on ballot .
Kinda surprised but it was the right decision.
Warren is such a liar. Notice she says time for a discussion about reparations. She would never support an actual bill to give reparations. No way.

She now trails Bernie in natl polling composite - she seems done

Warren also wants Back tax refunds paid to gay couples who had to file taxes separately.
I don't think she has missed a demographic to pander to except employed straight white people.
They should still file separately. A piece of paper doesn’t magically allow them to procreate.
So apparently the same people who have been crawling up the butts of Ivanka and Jared for over 3 years (including posters here) also think it is inappropriate to ask Joe Biden about all the various "misbehaviors" of his son. Funny how that works

And now for what you would not be aware of if you only watch CNN/MSNBC, the Bidens have already asked for Secret Service protection of their new grandbaby

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...Warren kept saying her wealth tax would only be on those with over 50 BILLION. Look lady, there's only a handful of people in the world with over 50 Billion dollars. Biden picked up on that and started laughing at her....

Would have been such a great moment if she had shot a look back at him, and said with a smirk, "OK, Boomer"
When libs say "discussion" or "conversation", what they mean is lectures.

What they also mean is cheap political promises of which they have no intention of keeping. They're not going to pass reparations - never. Like I've said before, it's the "40 acres and a mule" of today.
The 40 acres and a Mule program, part of General Sherman's plan did give some blacks land a Sherman gave them Army mules. Johnson stopped it and land was taken back for many, but not all.
So this was not a promise made by a politician that was not kept But a politician reversing an existing policy.
A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage promise made by the GOP is 1928 comes closer to a political promise never fulfilled
The 40 acres and a Mule program, part of General Sherman's plan did give some blacks land a Sherman gave them Army mules. Johnson stopped it and land was taken back for many, but not all.
So this was not a promise made by a politician that was not kept But a politician reversing an existing policy.
A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage promise made by the GOP is 1928 comes closer to a political promise never fulfilled

They were both promises that were ultimately not kept, and they weren't kept because they were stupid promises to make - much like reparations.
Stupid promise maybe But General Sherman ,not a politician, made the promise so the 40 mules etc was not a cheap political promise. It was actually being fulfilled until a politician stopped it. If it had been kept things could have been so different.
Reparations, back tax refunds for gays, medicare for all and college loans paid. Those are cheap political promises.
Stupid promise maybe But General Sherman ,not a politician, made the promise so the 40 mules etc was not a cheap political promise. It was actually being fulfilled until a politician stopped it. If it had been kept things could have been so different.

General Sherman ordered it, but surely you don't think he did that all on his own. Land redistribution was something that politicians favored and promised. Yes, President Johnson overturned it, but it could have been reinstated at anytime during Reconstruction. Nobody did, and yes, it was a stupid idea.
The freed slaves should have been given land. The Lockeian idea of ownership comes out of mixing your labor with land or some other resource. There was logical reason to give ex-slaves some of the land they were working.

It still violated property rights on some level but that was the time to do it and there was a good rational for doing it.

But now 150 years later. It makes no sense.

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