2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

The freed slaves should have been given land. The Lockeian idea of ownership comes out of mixing your labor with land or some other resource. There was logical reason to give ex-slaves some of the land they were working.

It still violated property rights on some level but that was the time to do it and there was a good rational for doing it.

But now 150 years later. It makes no sense.

I agree that it isn't as dumb as waiting 150 years and then doing a broad reparations program.

Biden is embarking on a "No Malarkey" campaign bus tour through Iowa. :rolleyes1:

You can bet there will plenty of "Blarney" though...*

I think Joe must be having flashbacks from nights of heavy drinking at Irish Pubs in Scranton many decades ago.

* using the 1st definition of blarney below.

blarney (uncountable)
  1. Mindless chatter.
    He is full of blarney.
  2. Ability to talk constantly and fluently.
  3. Persuasive flattery or kind speech; smooth, wheedling talk.
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Joe may have to make it a "No Baloney" campaign bus tour through the packinghouse towns there in Iowa.

On deck is Joe's "No Horsesh!t" campaign bus tour through Kentucky.
Do Dems still care he thinks?

"Obama said privately that if Bernie were running away with the nomination, Obama would speak up to stop him."

Interesting that he considered a conservative compared to much of their field

Waiting for Obama
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Every thread I clicked on last night on YouTube had a Bloomberg ad before you could watch the video. I heard he was going to spend $37 million the first month. I believe it.
Both Emerson and Rasmussen are reporting Black American support for President Trump is at 34% (for some context, Mitt Romney managed just 6% of Black Americans in 2012)

Combine that with cratering support for impeachment - especially in swing states -- and it is full on light your hair on fire panic time

Even Nate the Skate says whoa Independents souring on impeachment underscores risk for Democrats

it’s estimated that the Dems have to have 80% or more of the black vote to have a chance to win. So right now the Dems only have 66%? They are in huge trouble then. Where are they going to make up that difference? It sure won’t be from the Trump supporters or middle class. I’m guessing that number is even bigger. You know how those polls are.
Polls don’t matter until the Dems nominate someone. I am thinking we may have a hung convention.
Bloomberg was such a good mayor though until he went Commie. What happened? I could have easily seen him running for a Republican nomination before he started outlawing large soft drinks. Now he is the worst form of Commie.

Oh. Also. I would like to hear Seattle Horn, OUBubba, Longest Horn, and other Dems on this board speak against Bloomberg's cynical use of money for political reasons. We need to get big money donors out of politics. Right guys? He is corroding our democratic system by getting an out of proportion voice by buying all these ads. Send Antifa after him. Right guys?
The biggest money donor is Soros. You won't get any criticism of him.
Bloomie is only trying to get himself elected.Soros is trying to change our country even down to the local DA level
See video below where Bernie Sanders gushes on and on about the greatness of the Soviet Union. Bernie and Jane were really impressed with their clean subway system, the great artwork there, the puppet shows for kids, and the fact that artists could express themselves for a living.

I suppose it was Democratic Socialism. They did have elections in the Soviet Union. Your choice of candidates was rather limited ... but there were elections of sorts.

See video below where Bernie Sanders gushes on and on about the greatness of the Soviet Union. Bernie and Jane were really impressed with their clean subway system, the great artwork there, the puppet shows for kids, and the fact that artists could express themselves for a living.

I suppose it was Democratic Socialism. They did have elections in the Soviet Union. Your choice of candidates was rather limited ... but there were elections of sorts.

The reality is that "democratic socialism" isn't really different from "authoritarian socialism." To impose socialism, you need to be able to rig people's choices and crap on the rights of resistors because you have to seize the means of production. Most people who call themselves socialists actually are capitalists who like welfare programs. They're too ignorant to know what socialism is. Bernie isn't ignorant. He's the real thing, but nobody calls on him to explain himself. So of course, he doesn't.
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Bystander, you are going to like this article (not). Check out last paragraph

Millions of Latinos are Trump supporters. Here's what they think.

"I get it. But I also recognize a familiar song when I hear one. Other ethnic groups know this one by heart. The Irish, Italians and Jews all have people in their community who don’t identify with their heritage or who think they’re better than others in their tribe, when they’re really just better off. These are the folks who were born on third base but tell themselves they hit a triple."

I have mixed feelings about the writer (Ruben Navarrette Jr.). He is one of the only high profile members of the left-wing media that openly attacked Obama's record of deporting millions of people. He mocked Obama's election year trends of throwing bones at the illegals including his DACA initiatives.

At the same time, it's clear that Navarrette is a racist. He is consumed by his Mexican heritage and hides behind privilege to attack AMERICAN Latino's with a free mind. To steal the born on third base line from Ann Richards who used it to attack George Bush is to lower the bar for free thought to levels that make a mockery of those who wish to live in a melting pot and not a tribal patronage state.

People like Navarrette expect tribal members to vote in their own self-interest beyond what a real national economic policy might look like that is not racist or a vote buying scheme (reparations, benefits for illegals, forgiving student loan debt, green justice etc). The only consideration is direct benefit from the government. If you do not wish to vote for that kind of socialism then you are seen as a white person; a coconut.
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Two thirds of them won't be enough to win. He'll need no less than 85%. Some of those battleground states were very close in 2016
Trump is picking up Never Trumpers who regretted their vote last time. There a few on this site who fit this category. Trump is picking black votes too. Only takes an additional 5-10% to make a difference. Finally, it’s theoretical now until Dems nominate a candidate.
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I am sure this will make them love him


In the inverse, it is not a given that all black people sympathize with gays. I have a friend (that sounds so bad) who is a 29 year old black man from Toronto but his Father is from Jamaica and he said homophobia in Jamaica is a huge elephant in the room. I believe the black church (to generalize as a monolithic entity) is as tied to the Bible as the only people in America who seem to catch the brunt of homophobic accusations: White right-wing Christians.

And as I am half-Cuban ("WE KNOW BY!") I can safely say it is my right to tell you this: Cubans are homophobic. My Dad was. But the Left has somehow exempted many groups from condemnation because they are the beneficiaries of the Liberal Industrial Patronage Complex and the quid pro quo is their vote. So there is a large silence about Christians Democrats by the Left.
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