2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I wonder if Bloomberg Business will send this out?

Anti-Bloomberg Ts now available
Unless they're going for a coronation, I don't see Bloomberg winning a primary. To most of us, he's a socially liberal nanny-stater, but for a big city mayor in the current Democratic Party, he had a pretty conservative record. It'll be very easy to out-woke him.
Unless they're going for a coronation, I don't see Bloomberg winning a primary. To most of us, he's a socially liberal nanny-stater, but for a big city mayor in the current Democratic Party, he had a pretty conservative record. It'll be very easy to out-woke him.

He might have a shot in NY -- de Blasio is so bad that city residents now pine for the Bloomster.
This is not good, in just about any aspect

That's the funny thing about Warren. She tried to be the Rachel Dolezal of Native American ancestry. And not only was she not a Native American, she might be the whitest woman in the country. She is astoundingly white.
That's the funny thing about Warren. She tried to be the Rachel Dolezal of Native American ancestry. And not only was she not a Native American, she might be the whitest woman in the country. She is astoundingly white.

It is amusing that the top of their ticket is all Whitey McWhiteface, in an age when being white is itself a crime. No doubt they would love to be able to throw some Obama clone at us, but they dont have one. They are in a weird place. They know they cant run on their own ideas or policy. All they have is personality/celebrity (Obama) or emotion/hate (orangemanbad).
Julian Castro says Iowa and New Hampshire are too white (i.e. not diverse enough in SJW speak) and should not have such important roles in choosing a party's candidate.

I guess he just shot himself in the foot in those two states didn't he?
Julian Castro says Iowa and New Hampshire are too white (i.e. not diverse enough in SJW speak) and should not have such important roles in choosing a party's candidate.
I guess he just shot himself in the foot in those two states didn't he?

He conveniently has a built-in excuse for not being well-liked.
Him being a pendejo has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Julian Castro says Iowa and New Hampshire are too white (i.e. not diverse enough in SJW speak) and should not have such important roles in choosing a party's candidate.

I agree with him but not because they're "too white." I've always wondered why two small states should have such massive influence in determining the nominees.
Gaffe-meister makes another blunder while attacking Second Amendment in New Hampshire


Joe Biden got confused during a campaign stop… again.

Gaffe-prone Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden declared during a New Hampshire campaign stop that guns that “have a magazine with 100 clips in it” should be banned.
The funny thing is that was a West Wing episode plot. Life imitating art.

do you mean Castro's excuse for his poor polling -- that the reason no one likes him is that they are all racists? Which translated is that Castro is saying Dem primary voters are racists. Which we have to concede is "a bold strategy .... lets see if it works"

It might even work in certain "progressive" enclaves. "Vote for me to soothe your white guilt" It did work for the last guy

ps - I also wonder if he would poll better if he grew a beard, started carrying cigars around and changed his name to Fidel? Maybe this would even allow him to steal the affections of AOC away from the Bern? Why flirt with a fake socialist when you can have the real thing? And I would pay money to see him with a natty black beard, dressed in green fatigues, handing a Cuban cigar to Bill Clinton. That would be a 'full circle' moment.
Again, will there ever come a time when they are no longer gaffes and people just call it like it is: Biden is stupid? Or has he had a stroke or is constantly drunk?

I have never heard or seen the word "gaffe" about any other person except W when he would do things like mangle the word "nuclear".
If Biden or Warren or Bernie is leading, then a move will be made to elect Mayor Buddha-Judge or a late comer.
I have never heard or seen the word "gaffe" about any other person except W when he would do things like mangle the word "nuclear".

Reminder - GWB only started saying "nucular" after an SNL skit where the person portraying him said it that way. After that, he said himself a few times to show he got and appreciated the joke. They still hated him.
Reminder - GWB only started saying "nucular" after an SNL skit where the person portraying him said it that way. After that, he said himself a few times to show he got and appreciated the joke. They still hated him.
Oh okay, I didn't realize that. But you get my point that the media and others continue to make the gaffe excuse for Biden instead of just saying he's a moron, drunk, or ill.
Reminder - GWB only started saying "nucular" after an SNL skit where the person portraying him said it that way. After that, he said himself a few times to show he got and appreciated the joke. They still hated him.

And of course, it wasn't a fair criticism. Obviously it wasn't the right way to say the word "nuclear," but he wasn't the only politician to pronounce it that way.
Ok I know this is me being ugly but what would a State dinner be like for the Saudi King, or Prince, with lil Pete as President. Would they shake hands? Who would sit next to the first man? Sorry, just can’t help myself.
It's like when Trump says, "a lot of people are saying X." I don't believe that anybody is putting "enormous pressure" on Hillary Clinton to run. Michelle Obama or Deval Patrick? Maybe. Hillary Clinton? No chance in hell.
I respectfully disagree. He has no chance of becoming President.

I think it's hard to say. I think he'd do well with suburban whites. However, I think he'd have a hard time motivating minorities. Are black dudes and Catholic Hispanics going to go all out for an elite, extremely white, gay guy with an extremely white name? Maybe, but I'm skeptical.

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